Chapter 172
He wanted to contact Jintang, but now he could only go through Chen Ya.

Chen Ya squinted her eyes, paused for a moment, her eyes gradually became clear with disgust, and squinted at Chen Yi beside her.

With such a good attitude, it’s probably due to her request. Since this is the case, it’s not impossible to talk about it. Although Jin Xu can shock most people, he is too kind after all, and many things cannot be done in front of him, but behind his back With her hands tied, if someone is behind her back to help do these shameful things, maybe her revenge plan will be greatly advanced.

"Tell me! Is there anything you want me to help with?" Chen Ya turned around and sat on the chair calmly.

"Don't worry, it's not difficult." With a cold smile, Chen Yi leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

Ye Shi was sitting alone in the corridor of the hospital, lying on the window and staring blankly at Huo Chen in the ward.

The dangerous period has not yet passed, and no one can stay in the ICU for a long time. I don't feel at ease if I don't guard her personally, so I can only look at the people inside helplessly through the window.

The more she looked at Ye Shi's eyes, the redder she was. Ever since she could remember, Huo Chen's body was the best among their friends. He had never had a serious cold since he was a child. This time he had such a serious car accident. The man's face was pale, his body was covered with tubes, his eyes were closed tightly, and his breathing was weak, as if he was about to die at any moment, which really scared her.

"Miss, please take a rest first, I will guard here, don't worry, I will notify you immediately if there is any situation!" Having received a call from the fifth president, Zhu Li wiped the sweat from his forehead, although Knowing that he can't be persuaded, but he still did not give up and stepped forward two steps, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he stood aside respectfully and asked.

"I'll go to rest when he wakes up. You tell brother that I'm fine and let him take good care of Youyou at home. I'll be back in two days!"

Wiping away the tears on her face, Ye Shi got down from the chair, smiled at Zhu Li, changed her posture and sat down again.

"I see." Zhu Li sighed, thinking about it, she could not let her go away even if she put a knife on her neck, let alone such an understatement, "How about Miss, call the president herself and explain it to the president, and you know that although the president doesn't say anything, he is very worried about you in his heart!"

"Okay" She was so patronizing and guarding people that she forgot to make a phone call to go back.

After tidying up his emotions and wiping away the tears from his eyes, after Zhu Li left, he sat up straight and called Ye Chuan. After a while, the phone was answered after a "beep beep".

"Mom, how are you doing now? Do you want me to accompany you? Uncle told me that Uncle Huo is injured, right?" Just as he was about to speak, Youyou's voice suddenly came out, tears that he had been holding back In an instant, the embankment burst down.

"Mom is fine, but I feel a little sad. Youyou, help your mother to take good care of your uncle at home. His leg is seriously injured. You have to watch him rest and eat well. When your Uncle Huo recovers, I will take him home!"

The voice was filled with fear, and the cry came out all at once, Ye Shi covered her mouth with tears streaming down her face.

"Don't worry, mom, I will take good care of uncle. I'll wait for you to bring dad back at home!" At this point, there's no need to hide things that I already knew, Ye Youan just said it, that's okay Let Ye Shi feel at ease.

"Youyou." Knowing that he was really comforting herself, Ye Shi looked around, stood up and walked to the window at the end of the corridor.

"Okay, after Huo Chen wakes up, discuss these things slowly. I investigated and found nothing at the scene of the accident. The driver who caused the accident died on the spot, and there were no clues left at the scene. It was as if it was really an accident. Xiaoshi You have to be careful yourself, the people behind the scenes obviously have a lot of plans, and the precise arrangement is obviously not a temporary idea!"

The more he checked his mind, the more chaotic it became, Ye Chuan frowned, took the phone from Ye Youan's hand, and said.

Although the biggest suspect in this incident is Chen Wei, but it happened by such a coincidence that he did not believe that this incident was really done by Chen Wei. But it was not Chen Wei who did it. Who could have done it!
"Brother, let Ah Chen investigate these matters by himself. I think he would want to take revenge on himself." The childhood sweethearts grew up together, even if they had been missing for several years, but if they said they knew each other, even Huo Chen might not understand. She doesn't know herself as well as Ye Shi.

"Okay, I'll check it out for you first. You should have a good rest and don't take care of Huo Chen. I'll see you tomorrow."

There were too many doubts, and there were even more things that needed investigation and evidence. After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he hung up the phone and urged Ye Youan to go back to the room before pinching his brows and continuing to deal with the matter at hand.

He has to speed up. The president of the Huo Group is in a car accident, and everyone in Lin City will know the news tomorrow morning. The Huo Group is temporarily represented by Mr. Huo, but Ye Chuan estimates that he may not be able to bear it, so he has to do it as soon as possible Good second-hand plan.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Shi stared blankly at the phone screen for a while before turning around and walking back.

The time did not stop for a moment throughout the night. When the sky was slightly bright, after another rescue, the person was finally rescued completely.I followed the nurse to the general ward and didn't sleep all night. Although I was physically exhausted, I was quite excited.

After walking around the corridor several times, Ye Chuan came.

"I'll go in and have a look first. I know you can't sleep now. Rest well when you're tired. Don't worry, I'll protect Huo Chen!" Rubbing Ye Shi's head, Ye Chuan went in with a smile.

Ye Shi didn't go in with them, Ye Shi sat on the bench, staring at the light on the top of the corridor with bright eyes, grinning silly.

"Little Poem!"

After not going in for a while, Ye Chuan came out of the ward in a hurry. It was so far away that he couldn't see it clearly. After he walked in, he realized that Huo Chen's injury was indeed visible, but now he was dirty all over his body, mixed with blood. Dust and mud, although the clothes on his body have been changed into hospital gowns, but the whole person looks dusty, and it seems that he can smell a smell when he gets close.

I can't stand it, anyway, he is no longer in danger, and there is nothing to see before he wakes up, so he just came out!
"Why did brother come out?"

It only took a few minutes to go in, so it was enough to take a look, Ye Shi looked back at the ward in surprise, and asked.

"Huo Chen needs to wipe his body well, Xiaoshi, if you can't sleep now, find someone to clean it up for him!"

With disgust in his voice, he said in a daze.

The whole person froze for a moment, Ye Shi subconsciously glanced at Zhu Li who was standing not far away.

"Miss, if Mr. Huo knows that I did it, he won't let me go!" Taking two steps back hastily, Zhu Li turned pale in shock, shook his head and waved his hands, expressing his rejection of the matter wholeheartedly.

"But." Ye Shi stood at a loss in the corridor, in a dilemma.

(End of this chapter)

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