Chapter 173

Even when the two of them were inseparable, she never did such a thing!
Helpless, everyone left, so I had to go in and get a basin of warm water.

Confused, her slender fingers moved over the opening on his chest, revealing his solid and powerful chest instantly, even traces of blood remained on it, and Ye Shi's heart also tugged when she blushed.

His eyes fell on the large and small wounds on his body, and strands of pain crossed his heart.

I am afraid that I have never received such a serious injury since I was a child, and I am afraid that I will have to stay in the hospital for a long time this time.

The soft fingertips whirled forward on the wound, the wound was hideous and terrifying, like insects with their mouths open, lying on Huo Chen's body one by one, but Ye Shi didn't care about her fear at all at this time, only the full body was left. full of distress.

She didn't know how long she had been sluggish, until the warm towel became cold, her waist suddenly felt heavy, and she fell onto the bed before she could react.


Ye Shi looked at the man in shock, and wanted to ask him when he woke up, and if he was feeling better now, but seeing the man's starry eyes, she suddenly couldn't ask anything.

"what are you doing?"

The man came with a teasing tone, pointed to the towel in her hand, picked up the half-taken clothes, and looked at her with interest, Ye Shi couldn't hear what he said at this time, All he could think about was how he just lifted his clothes.


Ye Shi was speechless, and lay stiffly beside him, her face was flushed, and her eyes were fixed on his chest.

If she said now that she was helping him wipe his body, it would be too ambiguous and she couldn't say it, and she definitely couldn't say that, but if she said that no one was willing to help him, and she had no choice but to accept it, would he faint on the spot? ?

Ye Shi turned back and forth in her heart, denying 1 arguments, her face was burning red, like a hot iron, her eyes dodged, but she didn't dare to look at the face of the man next to her.

"Shishi, what are you doing here?"

Huo Chen saw that she didn't say a word like a gourd, he was amused in his heart, fearing that he would not be treated like this next time, so he finally held back.

After waiting for a while and seeing that she still didn't move, I felt pain all over my body, I frowned, remembering the car accident before, and didn't care about other things, I just grabbed Ye Shi's hand and was about to get up.

"You can't get up now, the doctor took a lot of effort to save you!"

Ye Shi subconsciously stopped, clasped Huo Chen's shoulder with his backhand, and pressed him on the bed all of a sudden, unable to move.

Then, there was another strange silence. Ye Shi straightened up in disbelief, stood there in a daze, touching her lips with both hands. She never thought that Huo Chen would be so easy to push. However, he used a little more strength, and the whole person threw himself directly on his body, and even kissed him.

Her face was blushing for a long time, and she wished she could chop off her hands. She didn't know what happened to her. She should be happy that Huo Chen woke up, but now she is more hopeful that he is still asleep. better
A sense of frustration hit my heart.

"So Shishi, shall we continue?"

It's rare for her to be so active. If she didn't seize the opportunity, she would be sorry for his injuries. Huo Chen looked at her expressionlessly, and his voice was neither sullen nor angry, so he couldn't tell what his current mood was.

After speaking, he lay on the bed with open arms, and generously signaled Ye Shi to continue.

This is simply.
Ye Shi struggled, looked at his bare chest, his bronzed skin was glowing with heat, and subconsciously recognized him.

Everyone has already woken up, how can she still do it!

No way, with a bitter face and eyes closed, he took off the cold towel from him, quickly washed it in the basin, and wiped it randomly with his heart pounding, regardless of whether it was wiped clean or not. In a panic, he closed his hospital gown.

"You have a good rest, I, I will watch outside, if you have something to do, remember to call the nurse"

Realizing that what he just said was wrong, Ye Shi hurriedly changed his words at the most critical point. He thought that he would be lucky enough to escape from someone's hands, but he was immediately stopped when he picked up the water basin.

"Wait a minute!"

Huo Chen shouted loudly, his originally dark eyes softened a bit, radiating waves, the corners of his mouth curled up, his expression flying, as if deliberately teasing her, it was already him who saw her the first time he woke up The greatest luck in this life.

It's just that his mood changed too quickly, before Ye Shi turned around, all his emotions were taken back in an instant.

"Also. Is there anything else?"

Ye Shi has never been so embarrassed. If she can, she wants to find a place to hide immediately. This is not something she voluntarily did. In the end, she can only talk more and more chaotically. Now she can't wash herself even if she jumps into the Yellow River. It was clear, even why she came here was thrown out of the blue sky, and she just wanted to get out of this place that suffocated her.

"Shishi, is this how you treat me, a critically ill patient?"

Huo Chen glanced at his clothes, his clothes were not buttoned at all, as long as he made a slight movement, it was inevitable that they would be loosened and fall off, so he raised his hand and touched his face, sure enough, it was still dusty!

"I, Achen, um, I, I'll let the nurse take a rest first, I'll come and see you later!"

Ye Shi faltered and stood in the middle of the ward with hands and feet incoherently speaking. Speaking of which, it was the first time for her to do such a thing. Before Ye Chuan was in a coma, she always asked Mr. Hu for help. She had never done it herself. Besides, just now She was able to untie it because he was still in a coma and had no consciousness at all, so she dared to muster up the courage to do it.
"Shishi, do you just have the heart to see me lying on the bed so dirty? I had an accident on the way to your house. It is God's blessing that I survived. At that time, if there were any other accidents, We can be separated from each other”

Ye Shi couldn't help shaking her body when she uttered these words almost coquettishly and threateningly. She never thought that Huo Chen would talk to her in such a tone one day.

It was only after Huo Chen finished speaking that he realized that there was something wrong with his tone of voice, as if swallowing a fly, which made him feel uncomfortable, and his heart became more and more depressed. He didn't know how he could say such words, his expression froze, very It was back to normal soon.

"Well, it's impossible for these things to happen. What is the difference between heaven and man, bah bah bah, why don't I help you!"

Ye Shi contemplated for a long time before she found her own voice, coughed twice and turned around stiffly.

Putting down the basin in his hand angrily, he simply broke the jar and smashed it to help him wipe off the dust and blood stains on his face little by little.

"How do you feel about your body? The doctor checked it before and said that there is nothing serious, but you still need to observe closely. If you feel uncomfortable, remember to tell me as soon as possible. After you wipe it clean, I will ask the doctor to check it for you. How about a moment!"

(End of this chapter)

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