Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 174 A Similar Car Accident

Chapter 174 A Similar Car Accident

It was already like this, so there was nothing to cover up, just worried that he was worried, Ye Shi sighed and helped him pull up his clothes, avoiding the wounds on his body and cleaning up his body little by little.

"It's much better now, help me call Ye Chuan over later, there are some things that need to be discussed."

Huo Chen put away his smiling face and looked out the window with deep eyes.

"I see. Take a good rest these few days. Brother has been investigating the car accident, but so far nothing useful has been found. Remember to do things according to your ability. You still have to do it now."

"Okay, why are you nagging me once something happened to me, bring Youyou to see me in a few days!"

Rubbing Ye Shi's head, Huo Chen was lying on the bed, frowning slightly, his chest and abdomen were really hurting a little bit, it was already the limit to last for so long, Ren's body was trembling slightly, and he quickly put him on the bed. kicked out.

Without doubting him at all, Ye Shi went to the bathroom with the basin in her hand, and when she came out after tidying up all her things, Zhu Li was pushing Ye Chuan in, surrounded by a circle of doctors in front of Huo Chen's bed.

Ye Shi walked over to take the wheelchair from Zhu Li's hand, and pushed Ye Chuan inside, "Brother, did you find any useful information? Ah Chen's current body may not be able to support him to investigate by himself, let alone Lin Li now Still in a coma, I didn't have time to tell him about this, and I don't know if he will jump up angrily and want to go out when he finds out."

"Do you think he is as reckless as you? Do you think Huo Chen will do things that are not sure?"

Couldn't help but want to hit her, Ye Chuan sighed, for so many years, as long as there was someone protecting her, her mind would never turn.

I don't know how she has kept this habit until now.
"Let's not talk about that for now, brother, can you hide the fact that Ah Chen was in a car accident?" The Huo family's president was in a car accident and his life and death in the hospital were reported. Before Huo Chen could find out who was behind the car accident, Huo's family would will mess up by itself
"The Huo family is supported by Mr. Huo for the time being. Nothing will happen in a short period of time. Take care of him at ease during this time!" Up to now, he has no clue about the person behind the scenes. He can directly attack Huo Chen. Not many people do such a thing.

But it is as difficult as going to the blue sky to find evidence.
"Boss Ye, the examination has been completed. When you wake up, the danger to your life has been eliminated. After that, you can rest and rest for a while!" After the examination, the doctor walked up to Ye Chuan with a serious face and briefly reported his condition, then nodded and left the ward.

"Since it's all right, tell me, what happened at that time?"

After the doctor left, only Ye Chuan, Huo Chen, and Ye Shi were left in the ward. Ye Chuan pushed the wheelchair forward, stopped in front of Huo Chen's bed, put his hands on his stomach, and looked calm.

"I don't know exactly what's going on." After adjusting a more comfortable posture, Huo Chen frowned, and then said: "I didn't realize that something was wrong when the car was hit. There is something wrong with the driver. Is he still alive?" ?”

A car from the opposite side hit him, he didn't dodge, he didn't even make a sound, it's all right, that's really God's death, he sneered and pulled the wound, Huo Chen hissed, and lay down quietly I dare not move on the bed.

"Except for you and Lin Li, the driver who caused the accident and your driver died on the spot. The explosion completely destroyed the few evidences. There is no evidence, and the parties are already dead. Now it is equivalent to death without evidence."

The difficulty of the matter has risen to another level. Huo Chen's driver can be bribed, and two people will risk their lives to help him with things. The people behind the scenes have no control over people and things, which they can't compare to now.

"Brother, do you feel that this car accident is a bit familiar?" A flash of inspiration flashed in Ye Shi's mind, Ye Shi frowned slightly, pulled out the chair beside Ye Chuan and sat beside Ye Chuan, tilted his head, and said thoughtfully.

"It's really familiar. It's exactly the same as the car accident ten years ago." As one of the parties involved, Ye Chuan held the handle of the wheelchair tightly with both hands. Heh, no wonder he felt a little familiar when he first took over. Huo Chen said After he finished, he realized that this was exactly the same as the car accident that destroyed his family ten years ago.

"If this is the case, then we need to re-investigate what happened back then." After searching for so long, more than three murderers were found. Unexpectedly, there was a surprise this time. Huo Chen looked at Ye with a fixed expression. Sichuan.

"Brother, are you sure?" What happened ten years ago was her deepest pain. She thought she had killed the murderer, but now a man who is male or female suddenly pops up. For a real murderer, Ye Shi couldn't accept it for a while.

A tear slipped across the corner of her eye. Fortunately, she lowered her head and no one noticed, so she quickly wiped it away.

Quickly took a deep breath and looked up: "This time, no matter what, you don't want to get rid of me, my brother has been ten years, these things should be settled"

"It's time to settle it. I can let you stay with me, but Xiaoshi, follow Huo Chen in everything. This matter is extremely dangerous, and my brother may not be able to protect you."

Ye Chuan couldn't help but said, knowing that it was impossible for Ye Shi to give up on this matter at this time, if he objected, it might have a negative effect, so he might as well put people under his nose and watch, and feel at ease.

Even though he might not be able to take care of her, but with Huo Chen around, his heart will be relieved a lot.

"Why? Brother, I can do it myself, not to mention that I am a girl, and it is much easier for you to obtain information than you."

"What kind of information do you think we are running an underground party? Listen to your brother and stay by my side honestly. If there is any trouble, I will naturally report it to you. I have lied to you for so many years! "

Knocking Ye Shi on the head bitterly, Huo Chen was so angry that he wanted to get up and tie people to him. He was careless since he was a child, and he still looks stupid and easy to bully. How could he Let people rest assured!
"I see, so let's just say that, if you have any news, you must tell me, you know, well, you are still sick now, let's not talk about this, I haven't eaten for so long, let's eat something first !"

Ye Shi changed the subject on purpose, brought the food from the table, and put them all on the table.

"what is this?"

Huo Chen glanced at it, and asked without the slightest interest.

His eyes sized her up intentionally or unintentionally. In fact, as long as Ye Shi said a word, no matter what he was asked to do, he would be very happy. What's more, it was just an exchange of news. Such obvious distrust made him a little disappointed.

"Grandpa Huo asked the housekeeper to bring it over. He appeared at the door of the ward early in the morning. I was taken aback. The housekeeper said it was all your favorite food. Hurry up and try it out."

(End of this chapter)

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