Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 175 The meeting after a year

Chapter 175 Meeting After Ten Years

"How can I like to eat these things, the housekeeper must have made a mistake!"

Ye Shi didn't even finish her sentence, and was immediately blocked by the man, her arrogant expression was very surprising.

Then, he snatched the spoon from her hand.

Before Ye Shi could react, Ye Chuan shook his head and controlled the wheelchair to walk outside. He really couldn't stay for a quarter of an hour in such a greasy atmosphere, but he could clearly understand from the sidelines that his sister Ah, what a fool
"Take a good night's sleep after eating. When you feel better, you can go home and take care of yourself. Now let's make up for it."

Ye Shi looked at him cautiously, with a discussion in her tone, and she didn't know that she had said the wrong thing just now, and she turned her face when she said it was wrong. Emotionally she is still very sensitive.

"Then you accompany me! You can't leave until I wake up, or you can sleep with me!"

Huo Chen rolled his eyes, his voice became lighter, his movements were not slow, and the bowl of white porridge was quickly drained.

"Of course I will accompany you, don't worry, I will sleep on the bed next to you, Ah Chen, when did you tell him about Youyou's father?" It seems that the two of them got along pretty well, Otherwise, Youyou wouldn't be able to blurt out the word "father".

"I told you when I stayed in your room for the first time, Youyou probably guessed it by herself, like me, very smart!"

Huo Chen said with a smile, after Ye Shi finished packing up all the things, he took her hands, held them in his palms and played with them carefully.

"The doctor said that you need to sleep more now to recover quickly. I'll go there first. You should have a good rest!"

After taking away the rubbish on the side, Ye Shi helped Huo Chen tuck up the quilt, and then said, walking over cautiously.

As if he had completed some important task, he sat on the sofa and took a deep breath, waiting patiently for Huo Chen to close his eyes and fall asleep, then he went out to throw away the garbage in his hand, and returned to the room. I fell into a dark and sweet dream.

Going out of the ward, Zhu Li slowly walked forward from not far away, pushing him forward consciously.

"Have you investigated Chen Wei's movements in the past few days? Find someone to pay close attention to Chen Yi, check the whereabouts of their father and son these days, what they did, who they met, and let me find out everything."

From Chen Yi's appearance, he doesn't look like a person willing to be subordinate to others. Even if Chen Wei is his father, most likely there is no relationship between them at all. If there is a gap between the two, the operability of the matter is great. A lot.

"President, I have already ordered people to investigate, but Chen Yi's whereabouts are easier to find out, and Chen Wei's is probably going to take some time."

People who have to bring more than five bodyguards with them every time they go out, even if they find ten people to follow, they may not be able to find a chance to get close. It is impossible to find out who he met with and what he said, Zhu Li He pinched his forehead with a headache.

"Try to find out how much you can find"

"Mr. Ye, our master has invited us, and I hope to meet you."

He was interrupted before he finished speaking, Ye Chuan raised his head in surprise, Mr. Huo's housekeeper has been guarding him for so long to invite him in person, it seems that he has lost his face!
"No problem, lead the way." Things have developed to this point, there is no need for Mr. Huo to make additional enemies, it's okay to go and see what he has to say, maybe there will be some surprises.

The meeting place was at the coffee shop outside the hospital, so there was no need for him to bother, Ye Chuan raised his eyebrows and followed behind Butler Huo.

"Boss Ye, you can just go in by yourself. The old man likes to be quiet these years. There are too many people and some things are inconvenient to talk about." Stopping at the door of a private room, Huo Butler stretched out his hand to stop Zhu Li behind him, and bent slightly towards Ye Chuan, looking serious Said.

"No problem, it's just that my secretary hopes you can help treat him well." Giving Zhu Li a look, Huo Chen pushed the door and walked in by himself. He really wanted to see what the old man was up to this time.

"Sit down, would you like a drink?" Seeing someone coming in, Mr. Huo waved Ye Chuan to sit down.

In the huge private room, he was the only one sitting alone on the first seat, with a few empty glasses in hand, it seemed that he had been waiting here for a long time.

"Grandpa Huo, you probably didn't call me here for a few cups of coffee when you called me here!"

Not being polite to him, Ye Chuan controlled the wheelchair and came to the table, flipped through the menu and ordered a cup of his usual coffee.

"You have also seen the situation of Huo Chen. I can indeed support the Huo family for a while, but I am already old and cannot last for too long, so I hope that A Chen can get engaged to Lingmei first, and the Huo family group will first get engaged. hold on."

Mr. Huo's attitude is no longer as cold as before, and his eyes are warmed up, looking at him.

This made Ye Chuan a little surprised. He thought of many reasons for meeting, but he didn't expect that he wanted Huo Chen and Xiaoshi to get engaged.

"I need to discuss this matter with Xiaoshi before deciding. If there is nothing else, then I will leave first." There are still many things waiting for him to deal with in the company. He is inconvenient to walk now, so he should seldom go outside The stay was better.

"There is one more thing that I think you should be interested in." The two sides did not reach a consensus, and the conditions were not attractive enough after all. Mr. Huo picked up the crutches that were put aside, stood up with great effort, and walked towards Ye Chuan.

"The only thing I'm interested in right now, Mr. Huo, you should know?" Ye Chuan frowned and thought for a moment, then looked up at Mr. Huo. If he really has a clue about this matter, maybe he also knows something about what happened ten years ago what.
"Of course it's what you're most concerned about now, but I know it happened ten years ago. I wonder if you're interested in hearing it?"

Hidden for so many years, it was because he didn't offend him. Now that he has touched his inverse scale this time, those arrogant people don't have to stay in this world. Mr. Huo snorted coldly, his face gloomy.

"You want to say, I'm naturally interested to hear it, but I don't know if what you know is true?" Sure enough, Lin Cheng and the older generation knew something about what happened ten years ago, but no one Will just speak up.
The blue veins on the forehead twitched, and Ye Chuan clenched his hands tightly to hold back the anger in his heart.

But if someone stood up and said a few words back then, and stopped her a little bit, his sister would not have had such a difficult five years.
"Ye Chuan, you and Ye Shi are considered to be grown up by me. What happened back then was not because I didn't want to help, but because I couldn't help."

Sighing, he hid one thing in his heart for ten years. Not only did the client suffer, but he also felt bad. If it wasn't for that brat Huo Chen who insisted on getting mixed up with that girl from the Ye family, maybe these things are happening now It will never happen, but who can say about fate, all crimes are crimes!
(End of this chapter)

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