Chapter 176
"After all, I wasn't a participant in what happened back then, so naturally you can do whatever you say!"

Can't help?Heh, what you said is grandiose, but you just want to be wise and protect yourself!People's hearts are cold, and the business world has been ups and downs for so many years. It's not the first time he has encountered this kind of thing, and he has long been used to it. Ye Chuan leaned on the chair, put his hands on his stomach reservedly and looked at him.

"Believe it or not, what happened back then was indeed not my intention. If it wasn't for Ah Chen, you probably wouldn't know the reason for this in your life." After ten years, that event still left a deep impression on him. , What kind of hot feelings is it that makes people go crazy like that, just wanting to drag the other party into hell.

"You tell me, I'm all ears." Raising his hand as a gesture, Ye Chuan picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, then looked up.

"Are you afraid that you don't know the identity of your mother until now?" Sighing, Mr. Huo didn't give Ye Chuan a chance to speak, and then said: "Everyone in Lincheng thought your father would marry Shen Yayu Wife, but no one thought that your father just went abroad for a month on business, and suddenly brought back a woman and wanted to marry her."

"You should also know that the Ye family is a relatively open-minded family. Although your mother's origin is unknown, your grandfather and grandmother still agreed to this marriage. In less than a week after your parents got married, both of Shen Yayu's parents died. The power fell overnight, the trees fell and the monkeys scattered. Shen Yayu completely disappeared from the sight of everyone. She reappeared only a few months later. The wedding ceremony with Chen Wei was held. The whole forest city was stunned. The Chen family was just The last small family, Chen Wei is even more inconspicuous."

"Shen Yayu has already said these things. What is the identity of my mother, and who directed the car accident?" Ye Chuan was not interested in wasting time listening to these things that he already knew. In his impression, he had never heard of them. My mother mentioned relatives, and even few friends, as if I was alone all the time, but I didn’t expect to still
"This is just part of it. Shen Yayu probably didn't make it clear to you. After she married Chen Wei, the Chen family was able to get up so quickly. It was your father who helped the Chen family up. Shen Yayu's ability is also your father. taught."

This was accidentally let him know by chance. Mr. Huo let out a breath of air, took a sip of his coffee, and looked up at Ye Chuan who was sitting across from him. Chance went on to say:

"In the year your sister was born, your father found out that the reason why the Shen family lost so quickly was because someone was behind the scenes. In that year, the officialdom in Lincheng was very turbulent, because a large number of people were bribed. Jintang It was at that time that he appeared in everyone's field of vision, and I didn't know people well back then, so I didn't realize that he was a wolf that ate people without spit out bones."

Letting Jintang grow step by step was the thing he regretted the most in his life. Mr. Huo narrowed his eyes, and strong regret burst out from his eyes. It was wrong from the beginning, and it was destined to have no good results!
"Speaking of now, you still haven't said what my mother's identity is. Grandpa Huo, I have suspected Jintang for a long time, but I haven't found any evidence for such a long time. According to what you said, it was more than 20 years ago , Jintang is only in his early [-]s, how could he have such deep scheming, besides, he should have been just a small official at the time, how could he have included the entire forest city, this is simply impossible."

After looking for such a long time, there is no evidence at all. All the clues point to Chen Wei and Shen Yayu. There is no doubt about Jintang's body at all. If all of this is Jintang's design, gathering all the power he can muster now is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.

"Indeed, I didn't expect it at the beginning. It's just a young man in his early twenties. When he smiles, the sun is bright. Who would have thought that now the entire Lincheng is prostrate at his feet, and even I want to go over him. , there is no hope at all."

"Didn't you ever think about curbing his development at that time? It stands to reason that no matter how fast he develops, it is impossible for him to escape from Huo's control overnight. More than [-] years ago, the entire Lincheng Are you holding it in your hand?"

Really can't understand how Jintang developed under the Huo family's nose, Ye Chuan snorted coldly, his complexion gradually became ugly, and the displeasure and doubts in his heart reached the peak.

"There is no absolute. Jintang was behind the car accident. Shen Yayu was just an accomplice. I don't know exactly how the car accident happened. Jintang used the Ye family's affairs to get rid of everyone's control and jump to the top. "

Speaking of this matter, after so many years of investigation, he still hasn't found any clues. Jintang's actions are too cryptic, and he can't even find out about money transactions. This kind of person is really terrible.

"Where is my mother? What is my mother's specific identity?" The enemy found one after another, but the real culprit is still at large. Although he wished to rush to Jintang right now, Ye Chuan knew that it was impossible.

A person who has been the mayor for more than ten years has buried countless dark threads in Lincheng, which he cannot find out at all. The Jintang tree has deep roots, and if he wants to take him down in one fell swoop, he has to think long-term.

"I'm afraid even your father doesn't know the identity of your mother. I also found out by accident when I went abroad to discuss business." Speaking of this matter, Mr. Huo had a smile in his eyes, and he relaxed on the chair, The whole face is slightly smiling.

"Your mother's father is also your grandfather, Duke Otto, Duke Otto, you should know that the most powerful Duke in existence has 8 children who he admits, and your mother is one of them, and he is also his favorite. that."

Mr. Huo looked at Ye Chuan's shocked eyes, and the smile in his eyes never went down. When he knew it, he was as shocked as Ye Chuan. Sometimes when he thought about it, he couldn't understand why Ye Li Why did Si leave the duke's daughter inappropriately, and insisted on going to Lincheng to hand over to Ye Zhi with an unknown identity.

At the beginning, whenever she released any news that she was the daughter of Duke Otto, Jintang would have to weigh carefully if he wanted to take action against the Ye family. clear.

Not everyone would dare to offend a duke's daughter rashly.

"In that case, how did you, Grandpa Huo, know about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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