Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 182 Exchange Clues

Chapter 182 Exchange Clues
"I'm not interested in these two people. Of course I won't argue with you if you want it, but you can think about it clearly. You really don't want Huo Shi and YS?" Huo Shi alone can make countless people flock to him. What's more, with the addition of YS, he doesn't believe that there will be people who have no interest at all.

"If you insist on giving it to me, of course I won't refuse. I'm just more interested in Huo Chen, why? I'm worried that I will lie to you." Taking a sip of wine, Chen Ya looked at Chen Yi with an unhappy expression, coldly He hummed and stopped talking.

"Since we choose to cooperate, I still have this trust. It's just a final confirmation. In this case, let's exchange information!" Shaking the red wine glass, Chen Yi didn't rush to drink, watching Chen Wei's mouth curl up, Half of her face was hidden in the darkness, and she couldn't see the expression clearly, so Chen Ya felt cold all over her body.

"You should have known what kind of person Jin Tang is after such a long time. The person who came to arrest me this time should be related to him, but I don't know why he wants to arrest me for the time being. Huo Chen's car accident was serious. It should be What Jintang did, that's all I know, what do you know, tell me." Chen Ya said it very simply, half leaning on the sofa, with a lazy posture.

Chen Yi thought for a moment, then frowned and said: "Chen Wei will not let go of this opportunity. According to the news I got before I came out, he will do it in the next two days. He didn't tell me how to do it. I won't let it go for now." Clear." After all, the two of them did not grasp any useful clues at all, Chen Yi snorted coldly, they were indeed a group of old foxes, nothing useful was revealed, and what was exposed were all innocuous things, It’s really better than one to pretend!

"I can't go back to Jin Xu's side for the time being. According to Jin Tang's short-tempered temperament, he is probably already on the plane going abroad immediately, and Jin Xu mentioned to me again when he was drunk. Jin Tang gave him a very important thing. , said it could save lives at a critical moment, Jintang missed this time, Huo Chen didn't die, I guess he would jump over the wall in a hurry."

Chen Ya squinted her eyes and kept recalling the words she had said to Jin Xu in her mind. Sometimes she really didn't know what Jin Tang was thinking, to teach her son to be so simple?She didn't have any other thoughts, she didn't even have time to formulate words, she just said what should be said and what should not be said, if Jintang fell one day, most of the faults would be borne by Jin Xu.

"There is something I've been wanting to ask you for a long time." Seeing that there was no useful information to ask, Chen Yi relaxed and leaned on the sofa to look at Chen Ya.

"When I'm in a good mood, ask any questions quickly. After today, I won't be so kind next time." Leaning on the sofa with her legs crossed and one hand behind her, Chen Ya smiled, The bright red pure color reveals a bit of charm.

"You don't know that Chen Wei remodeled the Chen family's villa." The entire villa has been completely remodeled. If you want to hide it from everyone in Lincheng, you may not be able to do it in three to five years. Then At that time, Chen Yake was still living in the Chen family's villa.

"I do know something about the transformation, but I don't know much about it. In fact, even Shen Yayu may not know about this matter. I know something because I am suspicious and have been secretly investigating for a long time before I know something. .”

Speaking of this incident, Chen Ya's heart suddenly sank. Chen Wei began to renovate her family's villa seven years ago. Thinking of it can still come in handy now.

"Do you know where the secret room in his study is?" It's ridiculous to say that, even though he has spent so much time trying to find out secretly, he hasn't even figured out whether there is a secretary in the study, let alone the villa. There is also a basement that has been changed quite a lot. He couldn't even find the way, and he didn't know what Chen Wei thought at the time. No idea came out.

"I don't know about the study, but I have the exact route to the basement of the villa, and I know the password of the basement door and the method of entry. At that time, Chen Wei's influence was not as great as it is now, and it probably didn't bother me too much." As a matter of fact, I searched for half a year, and basically these relatively unimportant things were thoroughly checked by me. However, except for Shen Yayu, I have never been in a place like the study room for so many years. It’s even more impossible to know.”

If I knew it earlier, I would have checked it more, but now I am in a situation where I don’t know what to ask. It is really a miscalculation.

Chen Ya's face was condensed. According to Chen Wei's temperament, it is not impossible to set up a secret room in the study, but what kind of secret room it is, what it is used for, how to get in, and where it is, I am afraid that only he knows.

"No clue at all?" Chen Yi asked resolutely. If even Chen Ya didn't know, then he might not be able to find that place even if he searched for half a year. Chen Wei's only weakness was there. He doesn't want to give up.

"When you say that, there is one person who may know and leave clues." After thinking for a moment, Chen Ya's eyes lit up, she sat up straight suddenly, leaned over to Chen Yi, and then said, "Chen Wei, no matter how many years Shen Yayu never shies away from anything she does, she probably knows exactly where Chen Wei's secret room is and how to get in."

"How can a dead man talk, let alone a dead man whose body I have never seen, let alone tell me!" After all, it was useless, Chen Yi frowned slightly, stood up and was about to go out Go, since there are no useful clues to ask here, he needs to go back and make a plan again.

"It's true that Shen Yayu can't speak, but she has the habit of keeping a diary. This kind of thing is likely to be recorded by her. The most important thing is that only I know this habit. You don't know Chen Wei. You said we can Couldn't find anything useful"

She turned her head quickly, and finally caught the flash of light in the corner of the corner. She remembered this incident that she knew by accident when she was a child. It was probably because they deserved to die. Thinking about the things she knew, there are still many things. , is enough to pull Chen Wei down from heaven, and dragged him to hell. Maybe he is working harder, and it is not difficult to pull Huo Chen and Ye Chuan down.

"Do you still remember where the notebook is? And are you sure that Chen Wei doesn't know about it?" Even Chen Wei is very different from Shen Yayu, but people always have a bottom line. Some things can be turned a blind eye, but Some things are absolutely not okay.

"I'm pretty sure Chen Wei didn't know about it. Of course, believe it or not, the notebook is hidden in my room. There is a small partition at the bottom of the closet. I don't know if Shen Yayu has taken it away all these years."

Sighing, Chen Ya continued:

(End of this chapter)

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