Chapter 183 Talk
"The last time I saw it was two years ago. You can find it yourself. I've said enough today. I have to keep some secrets for next time!"

Waving at Chen Yi, Chen Ya twisted her waist and walked upstairs with a little disgust. Although this place was a villa in name, it was actually a bit small. Even when she was at her worst, she had never suffered such grievances. , If I had known it, I might as well not have come out!
Chen Yi was dubious, frowned and hurried back to the villa, regardless of whether what Chen Ya said was true or not, after all, she was the one who lived with Chen Wei and Shen Yayu for more than [-] years. He knows more than his half-baked biological son, so maybe there will be some unexpected gains this time!

With such thoughts in mind, regardless of the fact that it was still late at night, he went straight to Chen Ya's room in a daze.

There was no dream all night, but Ye Shi slept very comfortably this time. Although what happened last night made her a little worried, but since Huo Chen was still seriously injured, she didn't care too much, and simply washed up , without disturbing the sleeping man, quietly went out by herself.

In Lincheng in the early morning, the air is not bad. It hasn't been long since the sun came out, and the weather still has some content. It's already autumn, and the weather is getting colder and colder. Ye Shi shook her body and rubbed her arms, wearing only a simple The coat, I thought it was okay, but I didn't expect it to be so cold when I walked outside, so I didn't stay long, bought some breakfast in a hurry and rushed back.

When she returned to the ward in a hurry, Huo Chen had already opened his eyes, looking into the distance, his eyes were lost and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Do you get up early in the morning to meditate? Do you feel better? The doctor said that you have serious internal injuries but fortunately nothing serious happened to your bones. You should recover faster than Lin Li with a simple practice. I will push you to go when you feel better. Look at him, he is still in the intensive care unit in the important town, and your driver brother has asked someone to check, and Grandpa Huo at Jintang is also checking."

"Shishi, early in the morning, I thought that when you saw me, you would want to tell me that you missed me even more. I didn't expect you to talk about so many people, and there was not a single word that cared about me. You like this I'm going to be sad!"

Interrupting Ye Shi's words, Huo Chen pretended to be sad, covered his heart and curled up on the bed with a distressed face, his clothes were wrinkled, his face was as pale as paper, and he looked a bit pitiful.

Knowing that he was pretending, Ye Shi shut her mouth and simply ignored him. Before last night, she might still be fooled, thinking that he was really sad. After last night, she would never trust this shameless man again. !

"Shishi, do you really have the heart? I woke up suddenly in the morning, only to find that you were gone. Do you know how flustered I am? Shishi, are you really so cruel, looking at me?"

"Huo Chen, enough is enough. If you want to be like this, I will go back and go abroad with my brother. I promise that I will never step into your ward until you are well. I hope we can talk properly and communicate more normally. Believe it or not ?”

She's really had enough, obviously she wouldn't be like this before, it's just a car accident, so she was stunned?

With his head buzzing, Ye Shi arranged the breakfast bit by bit, and carefully helped him up to sit on the bed, holding a bowl of white porridge, and patiently fed him to finish it bit by bit. In disgust, but the action is very honest.

Huo Chen chuckled inwardly. The things that Lin Li helped him find before were indeed of some use. Although he himself felt a little uncomfortable, but in front of the woman he likes, such things as cheeks are of no use at all!

After eating a harmonious breakfast, Ye Shi picked up the chopsticks and finished her portion slowly after helping Huo Chen clean his mouth. She ate not slowly, but her movements were graceful, which was pleasing to the eye.

The breakfast time passed quickly, Ye Chuan knocked on the door and walked in just as Ye Shi was tidying up.

"I immediately came over and said a few words, Ah Chen, Jintang is likely to be desperate. I have had people verify the news about your grandfather yesterday. His transfer order is indeed coming down soon. The time left for us is over. Running out."

It took him a lot of energy to ask people to verify overnight, not to mention that he has more important things to do now, he hasn't had a good rest for several days, and he didn't sleep all night last night. Well, Ye Chuan's physical strength is amazing due to regular exercise, and now he can't hold on mentally anymore, his face is full of tiredness, and he can't stop it.

"Indeed, but he probably won't do it himself. After all, for him, Chen Wei's chess piece hasn't been used to its full potential. If Chen Wei is alone and grandpa supports it, it's still possible when you come back. You know my situation now."

At this juncture, nothing can be helped, and it may be delayed, Huo Chen is a little annoyed.

"You can lie on the bed with peace of mind! If you let me know that you acted privately, I will ignore you again!" No need to think about Ye Shi, who knew what Huo Chen was thinking, and interrupted him Then, with his hands on his hips, he said fiercely.

"Xiaoshi is right, lie down with peace of mind, and wait until I come back to tell if I can bring back good news." Whether he can uproot Jintang in one fell swoop depends on whether his trip abroad goes well this time. Ye Chuan sighed with a childish face on Ye Shi, and then said, "Xiao Shi, let's go out first, I have something to say to Ah Chen alone."

Persuading people to leave the room, Ye Chuan controlled the wheelchair and came to Huo Chen's bedside. He lowered his head and remained silent for a long time before speaking, "I'm going, if I can't come back, Xiaoshi and Youyou will be handed over to Huo Chen. You took care of me, don't fight hard with Jintang, take them abroad to escape for a few years, don't worry about coming back for revenge when they grow stronger, and you must hide the little poems, if I don't come back, I will leave Lincheng immediately , I have arranged some things in the United States, you just let Xiaoshi take you there."

The most important thing to come here this time is to explain the funeral. Ye Chuan finished speaking little by little. To be honest, he didn't have any confidence in going there rashly this time. If it wasn't for the emergency, he wouldn't be so passive.

"What are you going to do abroad this time? Have you ever thought about what will happen if you can't come back to Shishi? Do you think that after losing Shengxingnan, she can accept that you have an accident? If you I won’t let you go unless I make it clear, Ye Chuan, even if you don’t think about yourself, you should also think about Shishi, there are not many people left around her.”

The people around him lost one after another, not only Ye Shi couldn't stand it, even Huo Chen couldn't stand such a blow, Sheng Xingnan was a little bit better, after all he didn't like him when he was young, if something happened to Ye Chuan, he would Not good, Shishi also went with him, he dare not bet on this kind of thing, and he can't bet, Shishi will blame him in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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