Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 188 Meeting

Chapter 188 Meeting
The progress of the banquet was very fast, Ye Chuan frowned and stood in the dark of the corridor staring at the whole venue for nearly an hour.

"President, there is still no news. Normally, Duke Otto should have arrived at this time, but today there is no sign of it at all." Juli, who is not a big banquet hall, has gone back and forth for more than ten times, but found nothing.

"Wait, go upstairs and have a look." Ye Chuan raised his eyebrows and looked upstairs. When he just walked in, he felt that something was wrong. It was obviously a banquet, but the bodyguard guarded the stairs There are more bodyguards than the guards standing outside. This is really wrong. What's more, Duke Otto will appear in the villa at this time every month for three years, which is why this banquet happened. There are no exceptions. Maybe he won't come today suddenly, he must already be in the villa.

"President, I just tried it. The second floor is not allowed to go up at all. There will only be more people with handles on the stairs leading to the third floor. It seems to be protecting something. I can't find out if there are too many."

Zhu Li, who was abnormal in the villa, had also discovered it a long time ago, and asked someone around, but no one could correctly answer what it was for.

Gradually feeling bored, Zhu Li looked at Ye Chuan worriedly, "President, can your legs still support you?" Saw his trembling legs, and Zhu Li subconsciously stepped forward to support him, his legs were not healed at all. , I still stand for such a long time now, I don't know if I can hold on, don't get hurt when the Lord doesn't see it.

"Find a chance to go upstairs and have a look. I'm fine and don't worry about it." If he stays here for one more day, Xiaoshi and Huo Chen will be in more danger. Some things need to be done with a little more risk, otherwise you won't know when. Only then can it be done well.

Having made up his mind, Ye Chuan waved his hand to tell Zhu Li to find a chance, and then he walked slowly towards the swimming pool behind.

Since normal methods can't be used, he is still proficient in crooked ways, so he can barely try it!
The overall structure of the villa is old-fashioned, and there are many raised places on the surface of the building. When he walked under the wall, Ye Chuan looked up. Although this is a three-story villa, it looks much taller than ordinary houses. If his legs are not injured , To him who likes rock climbing, he always said that this height is nothing more than a trifle, and now his legs don't need much strength, although it will take a little more effort, but he can barely go up.

Tired and sweating profusely, he rolled into the room from the balcony, looked around with the faint moonlight, in the darkness, as if some kind of terrible beast was dormant, Ye Chuan suddenly got goosebumps.

He frowned tightly. According to his analysis, this room should be just an unimportant room. How could there be such exaggerated decorations around? When he got closer, he saw that there was a hanging behind the desk not far away. A ferocious deer head, a body of black and yellow fur resting on the unrecognizable sofa, the tiger head is facing his direction, I don't know if it is true or not.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket to barely illuminate the road ahead, and he groped out from the room. The third floor was quiet, not as noisy as the bottom floor, and the whole floor was not even seen by a single bodyguard, which was slightly different from what he expected .

I can't control that much anymore. Although the villa is not big, there are quite a lot of rooms. It is not easy to find them one by one without alarming others. After looking at the three rooms, Ye Chuan asked more patiently.

Obviously, the height of this villa is a bit abnormal, but the height of the rooms is about the same as that of ordinary villas. It is impossible for such a three-story building to be as high as it looks from the outside, so where did the rest of the height go?

Just when I was a little worried, the Chen family's renovated villa suddenly flashed in my mind.
But there is another thing that is very strange. He climbed up directly from the outside, but he did not find any traces of the fourth floor during the climbing process. This should already be the top floor, which is a bit strange.
Unable to figure it out, he simply quickened his pace and quickly checked the entire floor, but he found nothing. Although each room was decorated magnificently, it didn't look like it was occupied by people at all. The problem.

Going back to the first room, Huo Chendong made up a rope and tied it around his waist, and went down from the balcony. After groping a little bit, he found that there was a problem with the height of the second floor. It was based on the height of the third floor just now. Look, the second floor should have been there a long time ago, and there is indeed a mezzanine. It seems that this villa is not as simple as he believed.

Knowing this, it would be much easier to go in. Ye Chuan climbed to the third floor again, carefully descended the stairs, and counted halfway up the height, when his fingers suddenly felt a little unusual bump.

The bottom suddenly collapsed when he pressed lightly, and before he could even make a sound, Ye Chuan disappeared on the stairs in an instant.

"Bang!" Ye Chuan groaned when he fell to the bottom. After struggling for a while, he couldn't get up. The bottom was pitch black and there was no light source at all. I adjusted my posture in time so as not to hurt my leg again.

Russing, he took out the phone from his pocket, and it was still working. He turned on the flashlight and took a picture. Under his body was a cushion of unknown material, which was quite comfortable to touch. There was a dark passage on the left hand side. Where, other than that, there is only the cold wall, and the entrance above the head has been sealed again. It looks quite high, and he can't go up at all by himself.

Dragging his aching right leg, Ye Chuan recalled as he walked, which step he did wrong, the entrance is definitely not this place, he might have already been known when he came in, this is just a small punish.

"Here we come!" Just as he was in a trance, he lifted the black cloth in front of him casually, the dazzling light made him subconsciously block his eyes, and a deep and hoarse voice came to his ears. accent.

"Duke Alto?" There was probably no one else waiting for him here except the Duke, so Ye Chuan put down his hands and looked over.

What came into view was an old man with gray beard and hair, but with a ruddy complexion and a strong body. He didn't look like he was 70 years old at all. Some people believed that he was only 40 years old. Some people were surprised that he looked like this Young, this way of meeting was somewhat out of Ye Chuan's idea, he didn't react for a while and stood at the entrance in a daze.

"Now that you're here, come and chat with me! I haven't seen such a pleasing Chinese for a long time!"

He didn't look surprised at all, he stretched out his hand and said to Ye Chuan enthusiastically.

"I came here today because I have something to confirm with you." If you miss this opportunity, you won't come again. If you miss this opportunity, you don't know when you can meet again. After confirming the identity of the other party, Ye Chuan didn't intend to go around in circles, and said directly, " Do you still know this thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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