Chapter 189
Pulling off the pendant from his neck and handing it to him, Ye Chuan looked indifferent, with his head lowered and his eyes filled with treachery.

"Everyone knows that I have a lot of children, but I can't have a child as young as you. I do think you are more pleasing to the eye, but people who deceive me have never had a good end." Looking at Ao Tuo from a distance, he recognized him What is it in his hand? In the early years, whenever he knew that a woman was pregnant, he would leave such a necklace, so that he could recognize his relatives in the future. The ones that were given out have basically been taken back now. Although there are still a few left outside, but There's no way someone as young as him is his child.

"This is my mother's. I'm from Lincheng." If his mother is really the daughter that Ao Tuo values ​​most, as long as he says one or two things right, he doesn't need to worry about the rest at all. Naturally someone will investigate.

"Do you know what you're talking about? This thing belongs to your mother, why didn't she come to me by herself!" Holding the necklace in his hand, Otto's expression suddenly became ferocious, his eyes seemed to be breathing fire, and he leaned out, straight Gougou stared at Ye Chuan.

"Mother and father were murdered ten years ago and died in a car accident. I also have a younger sister who is still in Lincheng. I still have a picture of my mother here. Do you want to see it?" Seeing Ao Tuo's expression, Ye Chuan I know that this person is indeed his grandfather in name.

"Died in a car accident. Who killed him? Has the murderer been found? You said you were the son of Little Lisi, so why should I believe you?" The daughter who has been looking for more than [-] years has spent countless manpower, material resources and energy. , but now someone suddenly ran over and told him that his little Li Si was no longer alive, how could he bear this kind of gap
"Whether my mother is her or not, you can go to Lincheng to investigate, and if you really want to find your daughter, won't you find any news after more than [-] years? Could it be that you I never thought about it, did someone not want you to find it?"

On the way here, Ye Chuan thought a lot. Lincheng is not a big place, but it is not small, but if Duke Otto came to look for it, it is impossible not to find out about his mother. The only possibility is that someone concealed it back then. this matter.

"Tell me first, who killed my little Liz." The most precious daughter, she was afraid of melting in her mouth since she was a child, and afraid of falling in her hands. He even ran away with other men, and finally buried his life in that place. He should have known a long time ago that his little Lisi would definitely go to Lincheng
Sadness poured out like substance, Otto's face was pale, and he looked as if he had suddenly aged ten years.

"The black hand behind the scenes is Jintang, and the accomplice is Chen Wei. I have already killed the others. I will come here this time because of this matter. Jintang will be transferred soon. I don't have the ability to suppress him, so I came here. I'll come to you for help."

When it's time to show weakness, you have to show weakness. Ye Chuan understood it very well. Although he still couldn't accept this sudden appearance of grandfather, as long as he can help him take revenge, everything else is just a trivial matter.

"Clean up, bring your people and we will go there immediately. I want to see who dares to touch my little Liz, and you mean you have a younger sister, right? okay?"

Although he still didn't fully believe Ye Chuan's words, as soon as he thought that this was his daughter's child, his heart couldn't help being soft, probably Ai Wu and Wu were like this!

"Sister is fine now, but Lin Cheng's situation is a bit severe, and I haven't received any news yet."

After two days of coming here, the problem was solved, and the speed was a bit beyond Ye Chuan's expectations. He will go back immediately, and he should be fine.

"Jane! Jane! Pack it up right away. I'm leaving for Lincheng tomorrow morning." This is the eighth assistant beside him, and the one who has stayed the longest. .

"My lord, if you want to go abroad, you need to follow me"

"I don't need to report to anyone if I want to go out, and Jane, you have been with me for almost a year, you should know what kind of temperament I am!" Ao Tuo narrowed his eyes and stared at her nakedly threatening.

"Duke, don't worry, let's do it right away!" Jane immediately lowered her head and said respectfully. The Duke has changed eight assistants in two years. It was clear, and so was Otto.

"Let's take a rest here for the time being. I've ordered someone to send you a room for your people. Get some sleep and we'll leave tomorrow." Patting Ye Chuan on the shoulder, Ao Tuo stood up, his tall body slightly hunched. , and walked out with the legs floating.

This incident probably hit him hard, he no longer had the anger he had just seen at the beginning, and he looked completely old and late, as if he had suddenly lost all hope of life.
Ye Chuan pursed his lips, followed the servant back to his room, and sure enough, he saw Zhu Li still tied up in the middle of the room.

The rope was tied tightly, and it took his boss a lot of effort to loosen it. Ye Chuan let out a breath, and sat up on the bed with difficulty.

"President, are you all right? Did they do anything to you? I walked around the hall twice and came back and didn't find you, so there was some commotion, and I was tied up and thrown here after a while. What are you doing?" Are you injured, how about the injury on your leg?"

"Don't worry, it's all right. The matter has been resolved. I'll go back to China tomorrow morning." Ye Chuan gritted his teeth and pulled up his trouser legs. Sure enough, there was a large bruise around his knees, and a trace of bright red blood appeared faintly in some places.

Zhu Li was taken aback by the hideous wound, ignoring the painful hands and feet that were bound, stood up with a frown, "President, wait a minute, I'll let them bring a medicine kit, your wound is not bad." I'm afraid it will swell up tomorrow!"

I don't know where I was hit, the previous injury hasn't healed yet, but now it's healed, and there's a new injury.

"It's okay, let's deal with it briefly. Later, you can contact the country and ask how the situation is now. By the way, tell Xiaoshi that I will go back right away, and let her not worry."

Winning Duke Alto is equivalent to two-thirds of the success. Ye Chuan let go of the big stone in his heart, and his anxious mood eased a lot, even his complexion looked better.

Zhu Li responded and went out to find the medicine box. After a few minutes, he came back and found that Ye Chuan had fallen asleep. He couldn't bear to disturb him. He simply helped him treat the wound on his leg, bandaged it, and pulled off the quilt to cover him. Turn around and go out.

It's not yet noon in China, and Huo Chen's wounds are recovering fairly well in the past few days. Now, apart from liquid food, he can easily eat some digestible things, and his wounds heal faster than ordinary people.

"Grandpa said to come to see Youyou at night. Before my brother left, he asked me if I want to get engaged to you first. I thought for a long time and decided to wait." With a bright smile on his face, Ye Shi paused for a while and continued:

(End of this chapter)

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