Chapter 599 Split
Time passed minute by minute when the two of them were tenderly affectionate. When Ye Shi opened her eyes, Huo Chen was no longer beside her. She stretched out her hand and felt that the blanket was already completely cold. Tell her that she has already left.

Last night, she leaned quietly in Huo Chen's arms. She didn't even know when she fell asleep. She didn't expect him to leave early in the morning, and he left without a sound. After a long while of silence, Ye Shicai Get out of bed.

Pursing his lips and looking outside, the situation at this moment is incomparable to yesterday, there are bodyguards everywhere, walking around in a neat line, it seems that they are actually patrolling, looking at the door in the distance, there are people It's a bit more than what's in it.

The matter seemed to have gone far beyond her imagination, and the degree of danger might be raised several levels, but it was useless to worry now. After Ye Shi washed up at her fastest speed, she took Ye Youan and Xiao Xingxing down. building.

Ye Susu seemed to have already sat on the sofa in the living room, her face paler than before.

"Why did you wake up at this time, let's go and see grandpa together later!" The moment Ye Susu saw Ye Shi, as if he had seen his savior, the light in his eyes flashed, and he walked quickly. Sit down at the table.

"I'm going to look for you too, is Susu scared?" Ye Shi asked her with a reassuring smile.

"Fortunately, seeing so many people patrolling around, I am a little worried about Ah Chuan." Although he was indeed a little scared, but at this time, Ye Susu, as the master, also knew that he must not show it, lest he ruin others' ambitions Your majesty!

"Later, let's go upstairs to accompany grandpa. He is the safest side. My brother and Ah Chen are working hard outside. We must be stable as the rear." This is not the first time that Ye has encountered such a thing. Poetry can be considered a little experience.

It's more experienced to appease Ye Susu and let her calm down so that she doesn't get too flustered!

After two sentences, the whole room stabilized a lot. Ye Susu smiled at Ye Shi, but his face was still pale.

Ye Chuan and Huo Chen have already arrived at the wedding. After half a month of rushing to work, although the appearance looks the same as before, only the two of them know that the difference between the inside and the previous one can only be determined by There are four words to describe it, too many organs and arrangements have been damaged, and there is no way to reinstall them.

"Abel has already got off the plane. Have you found out where he is staying?" Ye Chuan stood at the front, looking at the workers who were still busy below, with a rather ugly expression on his face. There is still one last point to be perfected.
"I only found out the whereabouts of Aaron, and it was indeed placed in the place we guessed before, but Abel was not with him. He led the people out through the ordinary passage, and my people followed me. Find his foothold!"

Using ordinary people as a cover, he finally escaped his sight. Sure enough, even if Abel was beaten and oppressed by them, he still has his own ability to escape from their control. He is indeed a very difficult opponent!
"Don't worry for the time being. Tomorrow is the last moment. He will always come." Hearing this, Ye Chuan's face was naturally not very good. With the result that they were not the only ones staring at him, he still let Abel Running away, the ability is really not small.

"What did the officials say when they contacted us?" Recently, I have been busy with the wedding, and Huo Chen took over the preparations. Naturally, Ye Chuan was not very clear. He turned around and walked inside, asking as he walked. .

They are naturally happy to be able to use the strength of others to help them do things. Who would refuse such a good thing.

"We have reached an agreement through preliminary negotiations, but we don't know what will happen in the end. We can only do our best and obey the destiny."

Huo Chen never counted on the efficiency of that group of people. It would be good if they don't come to help. He has seen the plan, and it is indeed no problem, but the key is that in the end, this matter may not follow their plan at all. If there is a problem, it will not be so easy to solve. If something goes wrong, he may still be needed to fix it.

Just thinking about it gave Huo Chen a headache, but he couldn't help but cooperate, it really made him feel so worried that he was going bald.

"Leave them alone for now, let them decide for themselves, just don't disturb our plan." Ye Chuan naturally knew what kind of virtue those people were, sighed, sat on the chair, took it and put it on the table Take a sip of the wine on the table.

Huo Chen was also sitting on the sofa, took a sip of the wine naturally, the two of them moved in unison, and the room fell silent instantly.

"I don't think Abel will come here. It's very likely that he's still looking for a place to stay." Looking outside, Huo Chen lowered his head and pursed his lips for a while.Since they hid among the ordinary people and walked away, the possibility of killing them directly is not high. They are surrounded by an iron bucket. Abel is not so stupid, so he made a move at this time.

"Maybe I thought too much before. Leave some people here to watch. Let's go back first." Rubbing his swollen temples, Ye Chuan sighed and said, if Abel came out with Aaron , it is more likely that he will come over, but since he chose to hide himself, it is unlikely that he will send someone over in a high-profile way, but it is very likely that he will wait until late at night to make a move.

"I have already sent people to guard, and I will send three times more people tonight. The company still has some things to do, so I will take the first step!" In order to catch Abel smoothly, Huo Chen put a lot of focus on this matter. Not too much, he has put aside many things in the company, and now he has time to go back and deal with them, otherwise, when everything is over, he will probably have to work for a month before he can barely recover.
"Be careful on the road. I'm going to visit the company too. If you have the energy, keep an eye out and see if you can find Abel's trace!" Ye Chuan rubbed his forehead. He always had an ominous premonition. Since Abel Dare to come here, will tomorrow really be such a good time?Not to mention that they all died together, but there is always something to do with all our strength. Since Abel dared to come, he must have confidence.

So what is it that gives him this confidence, or is there something that has been ignored by transparency and has not been noticed.

These days, Ye Chuan has been thinking about these things, and the more he thinks about it, the more he feels a sense of crisis, and he feels something is wrong in his heart, but he just can't find what's wrong. Such a contradictory feeling makes him a little nervous tendency to split.

Ye Chuan knew very well in his heart that if things go on like this, his own mental problems are likely to appear, but at the same time, he himself can't prevent this kind of problem.

(End of this chapter)

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