Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 600 Arrival

Chapter 600 Arrival
This made him not only contradictory, but also very painful, as if he had fallen into an endless hell.

After going all the way to the company, Ye Chuan barely calmed down after sitting in the office, and he looked a little normal.

When Abel first arrived at the place, his face was full of excitement, and his whole body trembled slightly. It was obvious that he was already too excited.

After planning for such a long time, success or failure depends on this sentence. Rao is Abel, and he has too much concentration to calm down.

Fortunately, in order to avoid eyeliners, he took two bodyguards to pretend to be ordinary tourists and walked out through the ordinary passage. The journey was relatively smooth and he arrived at the original destination. After leaving a bodyguard to change into his clothes, he took He led another bodyguard to the second destination, went to three places in total, and finally settled down in a villa near the old house of the Otto family, let alone Ye Chuan's people , Even the people he brought with him didn't know where he was.

Covering people's eyes and ears is the most important part of his plan. Aaron will also have a substitute, but this substitute will wait until the dead of night to quietly pass by, in order to convince Ye Chuan that he will definitely follow Aaron there tomorrow.

Once Ye Chuan and the others had a solid impression, it would be much safer for him to hide here. Similarly, in order to go back safely, he also resorted to a lot of tricks, and it will depend on who has the best move at that time!
After tossing around in many places, after I settled down completely, it was already afternoon. Abel sat at the dining table expressionlessly. The things were packed from the hotel outside. For the sake of safety, there were no extra servants in the villa, except for a few Apart from the bodyguards, there are no extra people outside. If you don't observe carefully, even if you pass by here, you may not be able to find that there are still people living inside.

"Sir, I have already checked everything. There are a lot of people guarding the wedding venue. There is a team of people on the surface, and there should be another team in the dark. There is no way to confirm all the people in the dark, so there is no way to investigate deeply for the time being. .”

This time, the person who followed to protect Abel was the best-performing person among the first batch of bodyguards brought out by Wang Dou, a tall man named Qingfeng, with a cold face, his majesty looked not much smaller than Abel, and his momentum was a little bit It's scary!

This is also the reason why he brought this person here this time, to somewhat deter Xiao Xiao's generation and save him some trouble.

"Don't worry for the time being. I'll check after one o'clock in the evening. You don't need to do anything more. Just put the things I handed over to you in order. It doesn't matter if you are discovered. Don't get caught. Enough."

It's almost time to eat, Abel put down his chopsticks, took the wet towel beside him and said while wiping his hands.

"Don't worry, sir, we've already prepared all the things you sent, and we'll be lucky tonight!" Qing Feng was a little more proud than Wang Dou, and he was not as stiff as you, so he lowered his head and gave a guarantee.

"Go down and rest first, I need you to take someone with me tomorrow." The wedding starts at ten o'clock in the morning, but the climax must wait until around three o'clock in the afternoon, he doesn't need to go too early, wait until the critical moment, Don't be in a hurry to make another move.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll go down and prepare for nothing." After all, I didn't stay with Abel for a long time. It was the first time I was assigned a task face to face. Qingfeng was more or less uncomfortable, and went down after saying a few words up.

Abel didn't pay attention to this either. He waved his hand at him, took the crutch leaning on the chair, and walked upstairs with it.

The pain last time was so severe that he came first. Although there was nothing wrong with his legs and feet on the bright side, he always felt unbearable pain in rainy days, and he had to stand or walk for too long. It will also hurt, and if you want to walk normally, it is impossible in this life. You can only rely on crutches, and you can walk a little longer and smoother.

Everything has been arranged early in the morning, and he has been planning this round for nearly a month, and the follow-up adjustments are useless. This is the time to see who wins and who loses. Instead of entangled in these things, it's better to have a good rest. Waiting for tomorrow to come.

According to his calculations, Ye Chuan and Huo Chen might have brought someone to hide at the wedding venue, waiting for him to go there, but how could he not have imagined the things they could think of? What's the point of being early!

The last day passed very quickly, Ye Shi only felt that she had an accident sitting in Duke Otto's room, the sky outside gradually darkened, and there were more and more bodyguards outside the villa, and the interval between inspections The time is getting shorter and shorter.

"Will Grandpa go to the wedding with us tomorrow?" Ye Shi was panting in her heart, trying not to pay attention to the outside world, forced a smile on her face, and asked while sitting on a chair with her hands clasped tightly.

"Of course I'm going. After all, it's Xiao Chuan's wedding. If I don't go, people outside will gossip!"

Not to mention that he is in much better health now, even if he is not in good health, he must go to the wedding, otherwise people outside will say that the current head of the Otto family is at odds with the previous head, and this kind of news will spread Not good for the Otto family.

"Then grandpa will set off with me tomorrow, okay? My brother and Susu will go to prepare makeup and clothes early. We will go to Susu around 10:30. The time is about the same. We are just waiting for my brother to come to pick up the bride and go there together. have lunch."

Ye Shi knows the process of the wedding very well. After all, she participated in the whole process at the beginning, and the initial process was determined by her. The part of the climax of throwing the bouquet should be around two o'clock. I just hope that when the time comes Accidents are fine.

After the wedding is over, there will be a party in the evening. After that, it will be Susu and her brother's honeymoon. The exact location has not been decided yet. After all, there is still a giant sword hanging on his head. No one has that Mind to think about this.

"Since everything has been arranged, it's fine to have someone call me when I leave tomorrow." Duke Otto naturally has no objection. He can move as little as possible now. After all, he is old, and he is no less energetic than a young man. vitality.

Ye Shi nodded and swayed while sitting on the chair, looking not in good spirits.

Ye Susu was also sitting on the sofa, biting her lower lip, staring out of the window, her face was slightly pale.

How could Duke Otto not know what the two of them were worried about, but there are some things he can’t say right now. He also investigated Abel secretly, but he has not received accurate information until now. There is another group secretly People blocked his investigation, so that he didn't find out anything now, and he lost three backbones.

Although the opponent's loss is not small, compared to this result.

(End of this chapter)

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