Chapter 625
If it weren't for these people, she wouldn't have suffered such grievances, her hands were still bleeding, her face was in severe pain, when the lens flew out before, it seemed to scratch her face, all kinds of things Adding it all together, she can't wait to go down and replace Ye Shi by herself.

"Change up" was originally just thinking about how to escape, but as soon as I thought that if Ye Shi could come up to replace me, maybe the person in charge would agree, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that this matter was feasible, but here Those who are caught are all prominent people in the city. If she speaks up in such a rash manner, and these people spread the news about what she has done, then she will not have to go out to meet people under the name of a poisonous woman in the future, so You must find a way to convey your thoughts quietly, and finally only let the leader know that it is best if no one else can stop!

In the darkness, Du Ruoran's face was gloomy. Thinking of Ye Shi, her whole body became more and more calm. While thinking about it, she quietly moved to the side. She was afraid at first, and she had already moved into the crowd, and now she was going to squeeze out , others naturally have no opinion.

Although all the people present have seen big wind and waves, there are also some female relatives who have never encountered such a thing, crying so much that it makes people have a headache. There was a man moving towards him. After the power supply was completely cut off, he didn't ask people to light up the lamp. Firstly, he was afraid of being discovered, and secondly, he didn't want these people to see him. It must be the most important part of his subsequent escape plan. Huan is hiding, but you can't let this group of people find you!
"Bring that woman over here!" Since he was coming in his direction, he must have something to say. It just so happens that he is very bored and annoyed by those women, so it's good to have some fun.

Although there is no light in here, the moonlight is good today, and through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, you can still see some things in the distance clearly, but the face is not very clear, only the face can be seen. rough outline.

Du Ruoran was originally thinking about how to move to that person's side quietly, but she didn't expect that she would be taken over by the bodyguards after not moving for a long time. When she was thrown to the ground, she just felt The hatred for Ye Shi deepened a bit.

"Move to me, should I say you are brave, or should I say you have winks?" Abel lowered his head, pinched Du Ruoran's chin, and leaned in front of her, his eyes were like snakes, He stared at her intently.

Being stared at by such eyes, Du Ruoran shrank back subconsciously, only then did he realize what he was here for, his body froze in place, his whole body seemed to be the prey of a large beast, and he almost lost the ability to move. ability.

"I, I'm here to discuss things with you, you can't do anything to me!" Squeezing out a few words with difficulty, Du Ruoran only felt that his back was wet with cold sweat, and there was faint sweat on his forehead stay.

"If you have the courage, you want to discuss something with me. Tell me and listen. If it's interesting, I don't mind letting you leave some happy memories in your last time!" Since everything is gone However, Abel's mental state was very wrong. Although he didn't show anything in front of Aaron and the others, he naturally wouldn't restrain himself in front of these people.

"Can you find a place where no one is around? I want to make a deal with you!" After the first sentence was uttered, the tension became less tense later on. It's very close, but she was too nervous before, and she didn't actually see Abel's face clearly, but she didn't want to see clearly, she wanted to live, the less she knew, the better!

"Oh! The little girl is really brave. Are you afraid that if you walk away from me, you will never come back?" Abel lifted her hair while talking, as if he found something interesting Like a toy, I played with it repeatedly.

"I know you want to bring Ye Shi and Ye Susu over. You should know that even if your people go down in person, there is no 100% possibility of bringing them up. It can even be said that with so many people Under the circumstances, your people can't bring them up at all, and I have a way to bring people up for you, but as a condition, I need you to let me go."

Knowing that the person in front of him has no intention of taking her far away at all, there is already a distance between here and there, and his voice is slightly lowered, the person in front of him can hear it, but those behind him may not be able to hear it .

What's more, in such a dark situation, no one can see clearly who she is
"He is a person who can do anything for himself." Abel suddenly let go of his hand, sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, and looked down at the woman in front of him expressionlessly. After staring for a while, he suddenly smiled come out:

"It's a temperament that I like. If you are really sure, I will be happy. It's just a little girl, you have to know."

While talking, Abel bent down, patted her cheek with his right hand and continued: "If you haven't brought the person up and you still want to escape, you probably haven't experienced my method, but it is absolutely You don't want to experience"

"Of course I won't do such a thankless thing, but I also hope that you can do what you say. If I really bring Ye Shi or Ye Susu up, you must let me go." Leave, and don't let anyone know my identity! I know you must know who I am, after all, no one would be so stupid as to kidnap a group of people who only know their identity!"

Living in the group of people who like to intrigue all year round, and there is a faint tendency to stand out, how could Du Ruoran be stupid, but the change at the beginning made her panic, now that she has regained her senses, her IQ will naturally return up.

"I'm not the kind of person who breaks promises. As long as you bring someone up, I will let you go!" Abel leaned on the sofa with his legs crossed, one hand resting on his chin, the other Holding his fingers, as if looking at some interesting animal, looking at the woman kneeling at his feet, the emotion of watching a show flashed in his eyes!

Anyway, he is not in a hurry. The person Duke Otto is looking for has already asked someone to stop him and set up obstacles. If he wants to come, it will take at least an hour. Unfortunately, he has not been able to find it until now. Huo Where are Chen's two cubs hidden? Otherwise, they would have been brought here early in the morning, so why bother to bring Ye Shi here!
"After 5 minutes, you bring someone down with me, and I will bring Ye Shi up." Ye Susu had never met that woman before, and naturally she won't in the future. Ye Shi is naturally the best candidate. !
(End of this chapter)

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