Chapter 626

"I never said that Ye Shi is the only one. Since you have stopped this job, Ye Susu will naturally help me bring it up. I don't care if you cheat or rob me. As long as someone can show up It's fine in front of me." It's rare to meet a person who does anything for himself, and Abel will naturally not give up so easily. If he can use it or not, he is a fool!

"One life for one life, where there are two lives for one life, don't be too greedy!" Du Ruoran's face was ashen, if she just got Ye Shi up, she was still a little bit sure, but if she wanted to get Ye Su It's almost impossible for Su to get it up together. If she tries to force her to do so, she may be beaten in the end, and the consequences are not something she can bear.

"In my place, the rules are set by me. Whatever I say is what I say. If you don't want to agree, just stay here." Abel bent down, and a hoarse voice with a hint of sinister exploded in her ears, for no reason The end makes the hairs stand on end.

"I need a little time to deploy, 5 minutes is not enough, go down in 10 minutes, you are asking me to take four people down, and you have to make sure that if you are caught, the transaction between us can not let the third person know!"

Anyone who can see the situation clearly knows that Abel's chances of winning are actually not very great. If he makes a mistake, he may be overturned directly, and he will never be able to stand up again. Therefore, even if it is a verbal agreement, Du Ruoran will Abel had to promise himself.

"I can promise you that I won't see anyone after half an hour. I don't think you want to see the consequences." Abel snorted coldly, his expression suddenly changed, he stood up and walked into the shadow not far away, Stare out the window.

There is no news about Ye Chuan and Huo Chen. He made a mistake before, but he did not expect that all the doors would be opened after the electric switch was destroyed. Although he has hostages in his hands now, it will take a long time. After that, Ye Chuan and Huo Chen are bound to start a counterattack, and then his death is really not far away, so now Ye Shi is the key!
He could think that the two of them must have also thought that the old man must have thought of these things when he was still underground, so he sent people down, even if he wanted to rob them, he probably couldn't get them away, but it was the woman's suggestion, which was actually safer.

After thinking about these things, Abel didn't take care of the things here after handing them over to a few bodyguards. He focused on looking for Ye Chuan and Huo Chen. There are many floors and rooms on the top. Really, unless the whole building is blown up, otherwise, trying to find people within an hour is tantamount to fantasy, even if he has hundreds of people in his hands, he may not be able to find them, let alone him Now there are only less than 100 people with all the cards in hand, and it will take several hours to search the first floor.

Du Ruoran watched Abel walk away, let out a long sigh of relief, and fell limp on the ground in an instant. She felt that she had no strength in her whole body. It was only now that she began to think about what excuse she was looking for to make herself feel better now. She went down and looked normal. It was impossible for others to have no doubts. Moreover, she turned her head to look at the group of hostages who were tied together. She felt cold all over her body. When Ye Shi came up, those people must have Can guess something.

After thinking wildly for a while, she suddenly came back to her senses. Now is not the time to think about these things. The most important thing now is to live a good life. She is still young, and she still has a lot of things to do, so she cannot die here now. !
After thinking it over, Du Ruoran slowly got up from the ground while supporting the sofa, and called the people that Abel gave her to go to the corner, with a gloomy expression on her face, and said in a shrill voice, "wait a while When I went down, you pretended to be my bodyguards and escorted me to safety. If someone asked me, they would unanimously answer that I was trapped. You worked hard to rescue me, and then you were lucky. I escaped the people inside and sacrificed two bodyguards before I escaped!"

To make people outside believe that she, a weak woman, can run out, these bodyguards are the best excuse. After all, two people were sacrificed, and everyone was injured. It's normal for her to walk Ye Shi!

"Miss, how do you plan to trick Liang Wai and the others into coming up here? I'm afraid they won't be so brainless. At this time, they will come up with you. If you want to use Huo Chen or Ye Chuan as an excuse, then no need. We have tried this kind of reason before, and they will not believe it, not to mention that Duke Otto is still guarding by their side, so we have no way of doing it."

One of the bodyguards who seemed to be the leader stepped forward, rubbed his chin and looked at the woman in front of him with malicious intentions and said, even if he couldn't see clearly through the darkness, Du Ruoran's sticky eyes that seemed to be as real as substance still made Du Ruoran feel nauseous.

"Of course I have my own way, and they don't have to worry about other things. After I trick people into a corner, I will make a gesture after reading it. Remember, when you rush up, you will not only kill Ye Shi and Ye Susu. Clamp it down, and you must also clamp me down, and then bring the three of us up together, as for how I will get down later, I won’t bother you.”

As a weak girl who also escaped from this building, Ye Shi and Ye Susu would be hooked no matter what when she releases specious news about Ye Chuan and Huo Chen. .

Of course, even if she opened up about this kind of love affair, this group of big and three rough people probably wouldn't understand it.

"Since this young lady is so confident, we will depend on your gestures and actions. Of course, if you still haven't moved at all after half an hour, we won't care about who is present, and we will act immediately to bring you up. "The bodyguard had a smile in his tone, but what he said made Du Ruoran feel terrified and as cold as falling into an ice cave.

"Don't worry, since I said it's okay at the beginning, there is no problem. Another thing is that after you go there, you immediately lower your head and follow me carefully. I'm not sure if the people around Duke Otto will recognize you." , if my mistake is caused by your problems, then you need to bear the responsibility for this matter, and I will never admit it!"

While she was talking, she was still wondering if there was anything that was missed in a hurry. After all, if the Otto family or the Huo family knew what she was about to do, what awaited her could only be torture that was worse than death. , she knew that she absolutely couldn't bear it.

"Don't worry about this, I can assure you here that no one outside will know us." As the last group of Abel's living forces, those people outside have never seen them, and they are used as cards!
I have already ordered everything, and it is time to leave in a few minutes. Du Ruoran touched the stinging part of his face, ruthlessly, and dug it a few times with his nails. After a few times of blurring, it is considered to be over.

(End of this chapter)

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