Chapter 637 Rescue
The whole person looks like an evil spirit twisting and struggling in the sea of ​​flames, which is daunting and frightening.

Most of the bodyguards who came with Abel were hiding in the sea of ​​flames. The quality of the glass was really good. Although everyone was smashing it together, after a minute, there was still no sign of it being smashed open.

The center gritted its teeth, and finally had no choice but to slam the window, hugged Ye Chuan and put him in the bathtub half full of water, and then led a dozen or so people to find containers and collect water to put out the fire, hoping that they could Hold on until help arrives.

After all, no one knows when the water will run out, when it will suddenly cut off, and a dozen people will feed each other. Although the fire is still not small, it can barely be controlled so that it does not burn too much.

Abel couldn't be found at all right now. In the whole room, there was only orange-red flame burning everyone's eyes.

Downstairs, when Ye Susu saw the flames rushing out, her heart almost couldn't beat. She wanted to rush in, but was blocked by dozens of people rushing out from inside. She could only watch helplessly as the fire became smaller and bigger.

From the second floor of knowledge to the first floor, all three floors were burned, and the latter burned all the way to the fifth floor. Ye Susu didn't want to know how low the probability of people surviving under such a raging fire. She just wanted to rush in and see if Ye Chuan was still alive. If she had already been buried in the sea of ​​flames, then she would consider her to be buried with him!

But before she could start to move, Duke Otto saw her intention and stopped her. Before she could struggle for a few minutes, the fire department drove over. Five cars were parked at the door, and the water was like a dragon. The same rushed up.

The moment it touched the outer glass, the entire layer of glass exploded, and the fire rushed out, bursting out of the window, like a fire dragon, roaring and trying to burn all life and objects.

"There are no less than [-] people inside. It is known that they are in the room on the second floor. There is a bathroom above. If they are still alive, they should be hiding in it, or they are using the water in the bathroom to control the fire. Please rescue them!"

At the critical moment, Duke Otto was more reliable. He stopped the fire chief, and after explaining what he knew in a few words, he retreated to the back so as not to hinder the rescue. Those who could bring people out of the fire except There was no one else in this group of people, not to mention that this group of people was called by Duke Otto, so they were naturally the elite of the elite.

"Mr. Duke, I want to know more. Do you know how the fire started? Is there any accelerant in it? Are you sure that everyone is in the same room? This is a hotel after all, and no one lives upstairs? "

The captain asked people to quickly check and save people, and at the same time asked Duke Otto for details, so that he could dispatch later.

"It should be gasoline. I'm not sure how much was used. The reason why they are all in one room is because the residents upstairs have been evicted before. Now there is no one. Is there anyone in the other room? The captain went to check with the people inside, I have been standing below, and there are many things that I am not sure about!"

Seeing that the fire seemed to be under control, Duke Otto stepped back. After standing for such a long time, he could no longer stand up. He had been worried about the safety of Ye Chuan and the others before, so he didn't feel it. Now he moved After a while, I only felt that my whole body was sore and numb, especially my legs and feet, and I couldn't even move right now.

Ye Susu helped Duke Otto slowly walk out of the area where the broken glass slag was, and found a chair for him to lie a little far away to watch, and called two bodyguards to guard him, and the strike was hurried He ran nearby to inquire about the news.

The rescue team had already set off at this moment, and they entered through the broken window on a ladder, and they saw the people who were still splashing water to protect themselves at a glance, and escorted these twenty or so people to trot towards the window.

The flame behind him seemed to have noticed something, and rushed forward for a short distance, but was quickly pushed back by the water column behind him. The center was carrying Ye Chuan on his back, probably because he had inhaled too much smoke and dust. Now he is in a daze, Ye Chuan has fallen into a semi-comatose state at this moment, if the center hadn't been watching, he almost slipped into the bathtub and drowned!

"Are you sure everyone is here? Are there any survivors?" One of the team members, while running to the escorts, looked around to make sure that there were no living people in this room, and was about to go down with them. But suddenly he was grabbed.

"Our president and his wife are still inside and haven't come out. They should be in the next room. I originally wanted to go with them at the time, but the fire was too big and I couldn't pass it. The fire came later, and I haven't been able to contact you. Please help Mr. !"

Already standing on the ladder, the center suddenly noticed something was wrong. After turning around, he didn't see Huo Chen and Ye Shi. Although they were in the sea of ​​fire, they felt chills all over. He sent Mr. and Mrs. forgot!

"You go down first, right in the next room, I'm going to save people now, you go down quickly!"

Knowing that there were still people who hadn't been rescued, the small team member simply told the team member standing on the ladder about the situation, took another person, and rushed into the flames with a fire extinguisher.

Although the two water guns followed drove back most of the fire in front, but in this situation, it was already courageous to rush in. At least, ordinary people absolutely did not have such awareness.

Slowly going down the ladder, the center watched eagerly, wishing he could slap himself to death, if the husband and wife really did something because of him, then even if he died, he would not be able to repay the crime!
"A Chuan! How are you?" When the center came down with Ye Chuan on his back, Ye Susu greeted him as soon as his eyes lit up.

Seeing the man fainted, tears fell down all of a sudden, touching his scorching cheek, it was even more distressing.

"What's wrong with Ah Chuan? How could he be injured so badly?" He half hugged Ye Chuan, asked the center to carefully put him on the hospital bed, and asked the center while following the doctor to the ambulance. .

"The whip wound on the back was beaten by Abel. The reason why he fainted should be caused by inhaling too much smoke and dust, coupled with his own weakness. Madam take good care of Mr. Ye, and I will not go with you."

After finishing speaking, the center respectfully stood where it was and did not follow.

Ye Susu didn't have so much energy to think about why he didn't go with her now. It wasn't until she got into the ambulance and drove away that she suddenly remembered that Huo Chen and Xiaoshi didn't seem to be among the people who were rescued just now. Could it be that the two of them were——didn’t come out
The more Ye Susu thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. I'm afraid it was impossible to get off the car now.

(End of this chapter)

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