Chapter 638 Rescue
At this moment, the two people who were read by several people were huddled in the bathtub. Ye Shi was already weakly leaning against Huo Chen's arms, her face was already pale from coughing, and she looked very weak. If she couldn't get out, she was afraid. It's really going to die.

"Achen, don't go, the fire outside is so big, I seem to have heard the sound of firefighters just now, do you think someone came to rescue us?" His hair was also stuck to his forehead, and his whole body felt uncomfortable. Although the fire outside was huge, the water was still very cold. Ye Shi shivered unconsciously, and hugged him weakly with both hands. Huo Chen, with half-opened eyes, seemed to fall into a coma at any moment.

"I will definitely not let you have any trouble, hold on for a while, we have not been able to go out in such a big fire, grandpa and eldest brother will definitely find someone to come in to save us, Shishi, Youyou and little Xingxing are still waiting at home As for us, hold on."

The little girl was teased by the flames before, and when he went to kick the window later, he looked back and saw that she was choked by the smoke for a long time, and she would faint at any time. He wanted to go out to have a look when there was an explosion outside, but the door of the bathroom was closed. It was blocked by the fire, and it was about to spread in. Even if the water kept splashing, there was no way to go outside.

"Is there anyone else inside? Is there anyone else inside? Hear me, I'm the firefighter, and I'm here to save you!"

Ye Shi trembled and was about to persuade Huo Chen, but before she could speak, she vaguely heard someone calling.

"Achen, did you hear that? Is someone coming to rescue us?" The voices outside became louder and louder, as if they were coming in their direction. Ye Shi sat up excitedly, moving so fast that she almost lost her whole body. Slip into the tub.

"We are here! Come and save us. There are two of us here. We are in the bathroom. Cough, cough, we are in the bathroom!" Ye Shi carefully stood up from the bathtub, followed Huo Chen outside and shouted road.

With wet and heavy blankets on his body, it felt like he was carrying a heavy burden, and walking was very difficult.

"Slow down, since someone has come to rescue us, just stay inside and wait for them to come in. The fire at the door is too big, we can't go out." Holding Ye Shi, Huo Chen looked at the struggling man in front of him. People, my heart aches.

"We shouted as we walked out, and we can get out sooner after people come and join us. I don't know if this building is strong or not. When the chandelier fell down before, I felt that it was shaking badly. The fire has been burning, and the previous Explosion, I suspect that it won't last long here, and it's safe to get out early." Ye Shi said as she leaned towards the door.

Before she even touched the doorknob, she felt a gust of hot air spraying on her face, and she couldn't reach out her hand at all. Even if she was wrapped in a wet blanket, she still felt scalding. How long did it take for her to come out of the water? It felt like the wet blanket on her body seemed to be drying a lot, obviously she couldn't last long in the fire, and if people outside came in, she would go back again.

Just as he was struggling, Huo Chen put his foot on the door, and the door, which was still in good condition, fell to the ground with a sound, "Boom!" It hit the ground with a loud sound, splashing sparks, and the fire that was originally imprisoned outside quickly disappeared. Came in from the ceiling.

"I finally found you, hurry up and follow us, the ladder is ready on the window!" After finally walking over from the next door, the two rescuers, some parts of their bodies had been burned black, stood in the fire But like a hero who fell from the sky, Ye Shi subconsciously clenched Huo Chen's hands, nodded, looked back, covered her mouth, and followed with her head down.

"Are you sure you saw the gas tank before?" Ye Shizheng followed after a few steps before hearing one of them speak. Although the voice was very low, they were relatively close to each other, and they were wearing protective clothing. They were too young to hear, so the words they said were naturally heard by the two people who followed them, and they could hear them quite clearly.

"I'm sure and sure. It's at the corner of the corridor. It's been burned for so long and hasn't been blown up yet. It's probably empty!"

It is rather strange that there is a gas tank in this kind of hotel. If there is, it must be artificially let go. In combination this time, someone deliberately set the fire on fire, so the two quickly came to a conclusion, and there was a tacit understanding. Open your mouth and walk forward in a muffled voice.

Finally, the group of people came to the edge of the ladder. Huo Chen was supporting Ye Shi to go up. Just as he started to move his legs, there was a sudden burst of hot wind from behind. Then, before everyone could react, there was a loud noise. , "Boom!" The place where the two people said there was a gas tank exploded, and the building shook violently. It looked like it was crumbling. Not long after, just when Huo Chen thought it was all right, there were explosions one after another. The sound came from behind, like fireworks.

Huo Chen, who was still walking forward, looked back subconsciously. The tongue of flames rushed towards this side like a sea wave. The two firefighters in the back moved relatively quickly. When the explosion just happened, one of them had already He went up first, and then grabbed Huo Chen to pull him up. Just as the other hand clenched the next one, the sound of the explosion came again, and the aftermath and flames enveloped the four of them in an instant. Ye Shi was sent flying, and the ladder seemed to be out of control, and suddenly backed up, and the four of them were thrown out directly, falling to the ground in different postures.

The situation upstairs can be clearly seen by the people below. The incident happened too fast, and the rescue was too late. When Duke Otto Ye Shi and Huo Chen fell down, Duke Otto walked on crutches faster than the two bodyguards. It was a lot faster, followed by the doctor and several hospital beds. After confirming that there was no one inside, the remaining firefighters began to put out the fire with all their strength.

"Old man, there is something that will explode inside, are you there? Why don't you tell us in advance, so that we can take some precautionary measures. Now the situation inside is not clear, and it is not clear whether there will be another explosion. You Know anything else?"

The captain also rushed over from the front line in a hurry, seeing the two people under his hands lying on the ground unconsciously, their hands were shaking.

"I really don't know that there will be something that can explode in it. I'm not the kind of person who doesn't report it. I only know so much." Since he succeeded the Otto family, he has never been questioned like this. Now Huo Chen and Ye Shi are still in danger, he doesn't want to make trouble with others, so holding back his anger, he looked at the crumbling building and said.

The four of them passed out together. Fortunately, they were only overturned from the second floor. It was not very high, and the lawn was relatively soft, so there should be nothing serious. Duke Otto comforted himself while following the ambulance. The car leaves.

After cross-examination, the people at the scene also left one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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