Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 639 Collection

Chapter 639 Collection
Now here, only the firefighters are left.

The ambulance rushed all the way to the hospital, the sound was ringing all the way, the loud Duke Otto suffered severe brain pain, but he followed inside without even thinking about it, the person was sent to the emergency room for examination At that time, the curtain outside was pulled up, and Duke Otto couldn't see him, so he could only stand outside stiffly, his whole body revealing gloom.

Ye Susu, who came with the ambulance earlier, Ye Chuan has just checked everything, except for the slightly serious wound on the back, because after the skin was torn apart, it was burned by fire and soaked in water, so it was infected. It was more serious. He had already started to have a fever when he was sent, so the person was sent directly to the emergency room and was being transferred to the ward at the moment.

Just as he walked out of the curtain, he immediately saw Duke Otto standing outside with a cane.

"Grandpa! Why are you here? Is it Xiaoshi?" Ye Susu told the nurse to take her to the ward safely, and then trotted to Duke Otto, looked at the two places that were pulled up, and asked in a low voice .

"It shouldn't be a big deal, it's just that I fell from the second floor, and I'll suffer a little bit of flesh and blood!" Clenching his cane, Duke Otto looked unhappy, but after seeing Ye Susu, he forced a smile on his face. Afraid to frighten her.

After scanning back and forth twice but not seeing Ye Chuan, Duke Otto asked, "How is Xiao Chuan? What did the doctor say?"

"The doctor said that the wound on the back was infected, and there was no other major problem. The smoke inhaled by the lungs will be no major problem after a few days, but it may be uncomfortable during this period. It is also a pain of the flesh. It has been transferred to the ward. !"

Ye Chuan was fine, Ye Susu was very happy, otherwise he might not be able to see other people at all.

"Then wait here with me." Duke Otto's frown finally relaxed a little bit. Although he said that he just fell from the second floor and that it was not too high to cause any accidents, no one would I can't guarantee that nothing will happen!
What's more, the two of them have both fainted now, and I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on when they're inside!

After waiting for nearly half an hour, about five batches of doctors went back and forth, before the curtain was finally opened.

Ye Shi was pale, lying on the bed with his eyes closed, looking extremely weak, but Huo Chen was already sitting on the hospital bed, looking clear and clear, except for the pale lips, it was impossible to tell that he was still alive just now. Passed out.

"Grandpa?" Ye Shi opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a group of doctors who were circling around him, and another person was stabbing his hand with a needle. He almost didn't respond directly to the stress. Sit up and kick people out, fortunately, your sanity is barely on the line.

"How do you feel? Go to the ward first, and tell me in detail what happened in there!" Among the three, only Huo Chen is still awake, and he seems to be in good condition, and the doctor said nothing after the examination. The big problem was that he was just shot out by the impacting airflow and suffered some blows, so he fell into a coma. Duke Otto was even more anxious.

"Go up first, I'm going to tell you in detail, how is Shishi? What did the doctor say?" Huo Chen asked while sighing, when he was thrown out, he was in a daze when he fell to the ground , It's unbelievable to think about it, he wasn't injured at all, but it's true that he was in severe pain all over his body, I don't know when he will be able to recover!
"Xiaoshi is fine. It's probably because she didn't protect herself well when she landed, and her left leg was broken. You can take a look when you get upstairs later. The doctor told her not to disturb her. She will wake up when the time comes."

Several people were talking while going to the ward. Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Ye Susu went upstairs to find Ye Chuan.

It was not far from the emergency room to the ward. After Huo Chen sat by the bed and looked at Ye Shi, he frowned and began to recall.

In the short explanation, I briefly talked about the general situation, and then I didn't say anything, I just frowned.

"I didn't see Abel come out of the fire, and you didn't see it with your own eyes, so it's not sure whether the person ran away or not. When the fire started, the entrance and exit were blocked by dozens of people Otherwise, I should be able to take you out as soon as possible, but fortunately, the firefighters came relatively quickly, and luckily nothing happened, so you should have a good rest first."

There are still a lot of things to deal with later, Duke Otto sighed, stood up and walked outside, leaving the rest of the time to Huo Chen and Xiaoshi themselves, he is a bad old man who has been staying here but it is annoying bored!
Watching Duke Otto leave, after the door of the ward was closed, Huo Chen staggered off the bed, squatted on the bedside, like a homeless child, clutching Ye Shi's little hand, lowered his head, and shed a tear It came down and hit the ground silently.

"Shishi, after this incident, I'll take you outside to play, okay, you must wake up quickly."

After finishing speaking, carefully avoiding her broken leg, climbed onto the bed, hugged her in her arms, and soon fell asleep.

The spirit has been tense for a long time, and now it has suddenly relaxed. Even if the spirit is strong, it can't hold it anymore.

Nothing happened to the children. Duke Otto breathed a sigh of relief. After he came out of the ward, he went straight to Aaron's house. it is good!
The car drove very fast, and it didn't take long to arrive at the destination. The villa was brightly lit, and the servants looked lively. Duke Otto was sitting in the car, and he knew from this scene that Aaron might be Want to leave that night.

After waiting downstairs for a long time, how could Aaron not know, he stood respectfully at the door and came down to meet Duke Otto, "Is there something for father to come here at this time? I thought you would put all your attention on In the hospital, I didn’t expect to come here.”

"I don't know if I came to see my father first. What did you do to leave in such a hurry?" The car door opened, and after Duke Otto got out of the car, he went straight in and counted a few times while walking. In other words, he looks in a pretty bad mood.

Aaron sighed, shook his head and followed him in. He didn't know what his father wanted to do now. He thought Ye Shi and the others were in the hospital now, and the old man didn't have time to come, so he wanted to rescue him overnight. , I didn't expect the old man to kill him right now. Obviously, he had already expected what he wanted to do and was just waiting for him to act.

"Some things have happened in the company, and I will deal with them. If it is urgent, I will leave in a hurry. What's more, the wedding is over, and there is nothing else going on here. Naturally, I have to leave. As for the visit, I think you will leave in a few days. No time."

(End of this chapter)

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