Chapter 653 Sad
"However, I hope you can stay here for a while. If I still don't have any clues within five days, I will let you and Ye Liuliu leave here and have nothing to do with each other in the future. How about it?"

She already knows what she wants to know, and she already knows what she can't know, so it doesn't make much sense to keep people around.

"Yes, but you can't restrict my actions within these five days, and I can promise not to leave this villa."

Liu Zhesu looked at Ye Susu and sighed. The little girl who had been wronged in her family finally grew up and could handle things by herself.

After discussing some details, Ye Susu took Ye Chuan and left with a large stack of papers in his hand.

"A Chuan, I want to check these things by myself first. If there are clues, I will tell you, you can check them for me first!"

Looking at Ye Chuan's stern face, Ye Susu squeezed the paper in her hand tightly and felt that her heart was beating too fast.

"Susu, are you okay? If you feel uncomfortable, I can help you deal with these things together." Looking at her pale complexion, Ye Chuan was always a little worried and let her stay in the room alone. Well, he's not so big-hearted yet.

"I'm fine, it's just that I can't accept this matter all of a sudden. After so many years, if, if you say that mother doesn't want me, that's why you made up such a reason and handed me over to Mrs. Liu. If she really wanted me, how could there be no news about it for so many years, whether it is life or death, I can always find out, unless she hid it on purpose!"

That bit of luck quickly collapsed under the rationality, Ye Susu sat on the chair dejectedly, she said that she can't have hope, those illusory things are the most hurtful things, things that have never been owned before , why keep forcing it!

A lot of words were kept in her heart, Ye Susu raised her head, but before she could speak, tears began to fall, drop by drop, on the ground.

Ye Chuan looked distressed, but at a time like this, no amount of consolation would be of use. He could only take two steps forward, hugging her in his arms and coaxing him carefully, "Susu, we don't care about these things, okay?" Okay, I'm here, I will never abandon you in this life, believe me, it's my fault, I didn't take you over earlier, and made you suffer so much."

As long as he thinks of how much wronged she has suffered in a corner he doesn't know, Ye Chuan can only feel his heart ache so hard that he can barely breathe. Even though he knows that Ye Sheng is barely a victim, he just doesn't want to let it go He always has to pay some price for what he has done, even though he was the victim at first, that's just how partiality is, there is no reason.

Originally, he also planned to simply punish Ye Sheng and Liu Zhesu and then let them go, but seeing Susu's current state, he couldn't just let them go like this, he would always let Susu go through all these years. Return all the tears I've shed!

"A Chuan, I'm not sad. I still have you, my grandfather, and my friend Xiaoshi. I just, I just think why! Why don't they want me? Why should I be treated like this? Be good, I have never done anything bad, why did this kind of thing happen to me, after so many years, why did they treat me like this!"

Years of grievances erupted overnight, Ye Susu's eyes were not enough to cry, tears soon soaked a large area of ​​Ye Chuan's chest, leaving only the sobbing and crying grievances in the room The voice, and Ye Chuan's comforting voice from time to time.

After a long time, when it was almost time for lunch, Ye Susu fell asleep in Ye Chuan's arms sobbing.

Seeing the crying little woman with red and swollen eyes, a pale face, and a tear still hanging from the corner of her eyes when she fell asleep, Ye Chuan sighed, adjusted her posture carefully, and eased her already numb hands. Then he stabilized his body, picked her up, put her on the bed carefully, and patiently helped her take off her shoes. The pink and white cotton socks wrapped her delicate and cute little feet, so he couldn't help but pinch her gently, and then she was careful. Put it under the quilt, cover him with the quilt, sit on the edge of the bed and watch for a while before leaving.

When he left, he was still holding the investigation documents sent by Liu Zhesu. Regarding the matter of Susu's biological parents, he should investigate clearly before telling her. I'm afraid the state is unbearable.

After going downstairs and instructing the housekeeper to keep an eye on this side at all times, and telling the kitchen to prepare the meals, Ye Chuan went back to the study and flipped through Qi's document bit by bit. Really, he still needs to verify it, but it seems impossible to convince him with a single mouth, he always has to investigate it himself!

Things here are progressing smoothly. Although Ye Susu's emotions have been greatly stimulated, it looks good on the surface. On the other hand, Ye Shi's situation has also improved a lot. Huo Chen persisted Talking in front of her, plus the two children Ye Youan and Xiao Xingxing who were called, the monitored body data jumped several times in one morning.

Huo Chen was a little relieved that he was already showing signs of waking up, but he was still not fully awake, so he was still worried. After a day, he only held her for a while at night, and he hardly had any rest. Pass.

"Dad, go and rest for a while! Mom will be worried when she wakes up and sees you like this!" It's been a while since she saw her parents. When she was forgetful, she cried twice when she was first picked up, and it was just these two crying times that made Ye Shi look like she was about to wake up.

If it weren't for the fear that the child would cry for too long, Ye Shi would be worried and uncomfortable when he woke up. Huo Chen would probably make the little guy cry until he woke him up. Ye Shi was the only one in his heart, and the child might be just some No trouble accidents!

"It's okay, you take your sister down to sleep for a while, and come to see your mother in the afternoon. Remember what Mommy said? If Mom knew you were calling her, she wouldn't have the heart to go to sleep." Rubbing Ye You'an's soft hair, Huo Chen said with a serious face, and by the way drove the two of them to the lounge next door, and whispered by himself beside the bed.

"Shishi, you've been sleeping for more than three days, and it's time to wake up. Little Xingxing was crying just now. If you don't get up again, your voice will be hoarse again. Don't you feel bad? Or do you mean you don't like us anymore?"

The doctor said to talk more, Huo Chen is a person of few words most of the time, and he doesn't know what to say to make Shishi respond, in the end, he can only try to stimulate with the child and himself, and see that it is more effective , that is to say more.

(End of this chapter)

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