Rich and powerful marriage

Chapter 654 Looking for help

Chapter 654 Looking for help
We are talking here, and it is time for acupuncture. Every time he sees the doctor stabbing the little girl with long silver needles, the corners of Huo Chen's eyes can't help twitching. Such a long needle, the little girl I was already afraid of pain, how painful it would be to stick all of them in!
He couldn't stand it even after seeing it. If his reason hadn't suppressed his emotions, he would have rushed forward to drive people out.

But before the little girl woke up, this kind of acupuncture had to be done once a day, which really challenged his nerves.

"Mr. Huo is already well. Mrs. Huo is doing very well today. I believe she should be able to regain consciousness within two times. You don't have to worry. These needles are inserted according to the acupuncture points. It won't hurt very much. It's just a slight feeling."

Seeing that Huozhen had been staring at his long needle for a long time, he explained with a little embarrassment.

"I see, you go down first, I will call you if there is anything." Not wanting to waste time on the doctor, after Huo Chen and the others left, he leaned down on the edge of the bed and stared at Ye Shi's face. With such a small face, she wished she could suffer in her place.

Since Tao He found out that nothing can be found, he has taken someone else's idea. That person must have arranged a traitor by his side, or has been monitoring and observing himself, otherwise it is impossible for him to stay out of his sight all the time. Since he There is nothing useful to be found, so use yourself as a bait, and let others check, maybe you will get unexpected gains.

So, early in the morning, just after dawn, he got up and came towards the hospital. At first, he was going to ask Ye Chuan to help. After all, with the relationship between Ye Susu and Xiaotao, he would definitely help no matter what. , but early in the morning, he was in vain, so he had no choice but to go to Huo Chen to see if he could help him.

But his room was not quiet all morning, so that Tao He had to wait for quite a long time. After the doctor had left, he signaled the people around him to go up and knock on the door, and he tidied his clothes and waited. the door.

"Is there something for Mr. Tao to come here this time?" Seeing Tao He, although Huo Chen was a little surprised, he didn't show anything special. He just regarded it as an ordinary person. sofa and motioned him to sit down.

"I did come here this time because I wanted to ask Mr. Huo for some things. Don't worry, it's not something particularly embarrassing."

Tao He only felt a little tired, and he didn't have any embarrassment at all. He had grown up in the shopping malls, so he still had some shame. It can only be someone else's.

"Mr. Tao, if you have anything to say, just say it straight away. Since you didn't intervene in the matter last time, I will naturally not refuse if you can help." Although Huo Chen did not refuse immediately, he also expressed His own attitude, if the matter is quite difficult, he can only provide limited help, there is no other way, after all, even the Tao family can't handle things, he may not be able to handle them well, of course, this also requires Let's see what kind of help Tao He wants from him!
"I've been looking for someone recently. I should have heard of someone compared to Mr. Huo." Groping for the handle of the sofa with his left hand, Tao He said while looking at Huo Chen. It's in your bones, and you can't change it.

"Mr. Tao just call me Huo Chen. During this period of time, I hardly pay attention to the outside world. As you can see, my wife is sick and is still unconscious. I have been taking care of her and have no extra energy. Pay attention to the outside world."

The most important thing for him now is to keep his poems well. Of course, his elder brother will watch the outside affairs first. If there is something too important, he will naturally come to inform him. His back is hard enough, so Huo Chen took back everything with confidence. thoughts.

"It doesn't matter if I don't know. I came here this time to help me with some things. I have already found out most of them. Only the last step is left. I suspect that there is a traitor around me, so I have to ask You help!"

For his children and his wife, Tao He has gone all out, almost lost all his face, as long as he can find Xiaotao and their mother and daughter, even if he loses everything, he is willing to lose everything!
"I still need some time to investigate this matter, and I need Mr. Tao to wait for me." Huo Chen has his own criteria for judging what is going on with this matter, and what others say can only be regarded as true at best. For reference only.

"It's natural, but the time is tight. I hope you can investigate a little faster, and then go find my daughter as soon as possible." Huo Chen's method Tao He has specially investigated, and he is obviously very satisfied. , otherwise I wouldn't have found it.

Tao He is not just a casual person, he won't let go if he catches someone who can help, if Huo Chen is an idiot, he will just ignore him, but after investigating Huo Chen's ability, he has a general understanding of it, so he licks him. I looked for it with a straight face.

Although the matter of Taohe's search for someone was well concealed from everyone, as long as he is willing to investigate, he can still find out something. After a preliminary inspection, there is indeed no problem. Since there is no problem, find someone and hold the first meeting. It's just a labor of love.

"Mr. Tao, show me the results and analysis of the previous investigation. I will send someone to check outside first. It may not be possible to find out. Mr. Tao must be mentally prepared." Tao He's all over the world Huo Chen doesn't believe that he can find things that the intelligence network can't find in a short time. Most of them are unreliable things, and he needs to check carefully to see if he can find some abnormal things from them. Come.
"Since you have taken over, I will take it as your consent. I hope you can give me an answer quickly. Xiaotao and her mother may be in danger now. I don't want to appear before I have found them. Accident!"

Tao He couldn't afford to bet on some things and was reluctant to bet on them. Although he had already got rid of Huo Chen, he was still extremely worried, as if something was hanging in his heart, he was up and down, and couldn't settle down at all.

"Mr. Tao, since I have already agreed, I will definitely not act recklessly. I will tell you as soon as I have any news. I only hope that after finding them, if you have time, you can help the Huo Group more. "

Huo Chen thought it was quite profitable to exchange such things for Tao He's promise!

"Don't worry, as long as you can find someone, whatever you want to do in the future, just call and be there anytime!"

After Tao He finished speaking, Huo Chen remained the same as before, with a blank expression, nodded and began to look at the documents in his hand.

After another toss, by the time Huo Chen finished all the arrangements and sent someone out to look for them, the sky outside had already darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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