Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 510 Forcing the palace - Jiangshan changes hands [1]

Chapter 510 Forcing the Palace - Changing Owners of the Country 【Part [-]】

Yan Chentu struggled a bit, stretched out his arms to hug Mo Qingchou's slender shoulders with difficulty, and was kicked to the ground by Mo Wuying, who was worried about his mother's excessive body.

She suddenly found that Mo Qingchou was holding a cold light dagger tightly in her trembling right hand, and the black and red blood dripped to the ground, horrifying everyone's eyes.

Before the ministers had time to react, Mo Qingchou flipped the dagger on her wrist and was about to stab her in the chest.

Mo Wuying tapped the acupuncture points on her right arm in shock, and the dagger fell to the ground with a clang.

Mo Wuying asked in panic, "Mother! When did you secretly hide a poisonous dagger? Could it be that you..."

Mo Qingchou smiled miserably, and shed two lines of tears: "Mother didn't intend to go back alive today.

If you are captured by Yan Chentu, mother will remind all the ministers of our family's bloody grievances with death!
If Yan Chentu is restrained by you, mother knows that you can't bear to kill him.Mother wants to avenge your father with her own hands! "

Among the ministers, some elderly ministers burst into tears instantly:

"Princess Chen, why are you bothering? Can't you see that the emperor's provocative words are only seeking death?"

Mo Qingchou smiled coldly: "Whether he wants to die or not, I will fulfill him!
I endured humiliation and lived under the influence of the eccentric Master Ling Xiao just to wait for this day!
Even if I bear infamy and go down in the annals of history for thousands of years, I will avenge my late emperor and my husband..."

The bloody ministers knelt down one after another and shouted: "The ministers wait for the pride of the princess, and Xie Wangfei is the first emperor!"

Yan Chentu, who was lying on the ground spitting out black blood, laughed coldly:

"Yan Yukang, this Great Yan Tianxia and these useless wastes are yours from today on!

Qingchou, I, Yan Chentu, will die in your hands all my life, and I will rest in peace!Uh~~"

Yan Yushuang rushed to his side, with a painful and tangled expression: "Father, you are at fault. But you don't want to die.

You can't die... Yu Kuang, mad brother!Quickly save my royal father!I don't want him to die!You can't kill him! "

Mo Qingchou shook her head indifferently: "Shuang'er, it's useless. Yu Kuang can't save him. Even gods can't save him!

This dagger is what I have kept with me day and night for 14 years.

Self-inflicted crimes cannot live, and gods will not save him.

Yu Kuang, let's go.The throne let Shuang'er do it.The maid of honor went back to Lingxiao Mountain.

For the rest of our lives, we will never go down the mountain again and take a look at this filthy world of mortals full of calculations! "

(End of this chapter)

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