Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 511 Forcing the palace - Jiangshan changes hands [2]

Chapter 511 Forcing the Palace - Changing Owners of the Country [Part [-]]

Yan Yukuang glanced at Yan Yushuang apologetically: "Don't hate my mother, your father has today, you should have made mental preparations in advance. You know me. I... have no intention of killing him."

When he turned around and was about to leave, a pedantic courtier saw the emperor's sudden death and the murderer was about to leave, so he raised his voice outside the hall and shouted:

"Come quickly! The emperor is dead!"

The eunuch who ran in and out to spread the word before rushed in immediately upon hearing the sound, and after seeing the tragic situation of Yan Chentu in the main hall, he turned around and was about to go out to spread the word.

The prime minister stopped him: "Stop! The emperor is still alive, where are you going to pass the message?"

The little eunuch stammered and said: "But...but, my lord, this Yan Yukuang, he assassinated him! The emperor is injured, slave...Xuan Imperial Physician!"

Yan Chentu struggled and said with a smirk: "Preach... pass on my will! The imperial army withdraws, kill... kill Yan Yukuang! Hahaha~~
You don't need to protect the palace, you... won't kill people at all!You are just like your father Yan Chentian!Knowing that people are evil, but you still want to deceive yourself into believing that the world is harmonious and human nature is inherently good... You... stupid!Haha, uh~"

The little eunuch didn't know where he came from, so he knelt on the ground and retreated almost to the entrance of the hall. The prime minister threatened again:
"Climb one more step back, be careful of your life!"

But the prime minister underestimated the stupid loyalty of the eunuch. The little eunuch was Yan Chentu's confidant and follower every day. Absolutely loyal courage.

He pretended to kowtow to beg for mercy: "Prime Minister, please forgive me, this servant will stop climbing! Your Majesty, forgive me for the death penalty. I can't satisfy your last request. Does the Emperor have any other words for this servant?"

A word of distraction diverted the attention of all the officials to Yan Chentu. The little eunuch looked at the critical moment for half a second, turned around and rushed to the outside of the hall, uttering his high-pitched and shrill voice. shouted with all his might:
"Help me! The emperor has been assassinated! The emperor has ordered that all the forbidden troops withdraw and kill Yan Yukuang!"

He finished shouting at the fastest speed, and when he was ready to die for the Lord, he turned around and found that no one took his life. He was puzzled for a moment, and then ran wildly to find a safe place to escape for his life in the next second.

In the hall, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty stared at Yan Yukang, wondering why he didn't stop the shouting eunuch because his martial arts were so high.

Outside the hall, the shouts of the Imperial Forest Army could be heard resoundingly...

(End of this chapter)

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