Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 525 Forcing the palace - Jiangshan changes hands [6]

Chapter 525 Forcing the palace - Changing hands of the country [Sixteen]

Yan Yushuang calmly nodded to the ministers, then turned her head to look at Yun Xiaotian with burning eyes.

Thoughts in Yun Xiaotian's heart surged up and down again, and he felt that the heavens had eyes before the emperor had them, but he was concerned that there was no history of female emperors in the Yanjiang Mountains.

Hearing Yan Yushuang's heartfelt words, and seeing the ministers' repeated requests without any objection, he turned his head and looked deeply at Mo Qingchou and said:

"Qingchou, don't blame Senior Brother, for the sake of the people of Great Yan, Senior Brother will disobey your wishes again today!"

After speaking, he took a step back and knelt down on one knee facing Mo Wuying:
"My lord, Zhenyuan General Yun Xiaotian, on behalf of the millions of soldiers and common people, beg the new king to succeed to the throne!"

Yun Geyue suddenly saw her father turn against him, and in a panic, she spoke without restraint:
"Father! Why are you also blackmailing Mo Wuying? Don't you know that once she becomes king, she will lose her freedom and can no longer live the casual and happy life before?"

Yun Xiaotian knelt down, glared at Yun Geyue and said, "You kneel down too! For my father, this is a plea for all the people in the world.

Mo Wuying, as the only descendant of the Dayan royal family who can succeed the Datong, should give up her ego for the sake of her family and country!You are not allowed to seduce Ling Xiaoshan's life here! "

Yun Geyue retorted angrily: "What world?! She is just a 14-year-old girl who wants to avenge her father and brother and likes to live a free life.

How could you coerce her to be the Lord of Yan in such a way?Aren't you afraid that this heavy burden will crush her? "

Seeing his son tearing down the stage in public, Yun Xiaotian angrily raised the Xuanming sword in his hand.

"Yungeyue! This is the Xuanming sword bestowed by the former emperor. The emperor is responsible for beheading the emperor's son, grandson, and minister. Today, if you dare to ignore the wishes of all officials and abandon the people of the world to confuse you, I... I will pull it out!" The sword cut you a traitor!"

Yun Geyue's face turned cold instantly, she looked at her father in disbelief, and was about to refute when she was almost dizzy by Mo Wuying's voice.

"I promise."



"I thank the emperor, my emperor, long live, long live, long live, long live!"

Yun Geyue: "Mo Wuying!!!..."

Mo Wuying spoke slowly, her voice still indifferent and calm: "When I said I agreed, I agreed to take over the throne for the time being.

If in the future I find someone who is more suitable to be an emperor than me, I will follow the example of Yao and Shun and take the Zen position of Yucai! "

(End of this chapter)

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