Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 526 The Mysterious New Emperor [1]

Chapter 526 The Mysterious New Emperor [[-]]

The current mental activities of the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty range from ecstasy to collapse, and everyone's face is extremely aggrieved, and it is clearly written: "Little baby is playing with people!"

Mo Wuying was not surprised. The reaction of the ministers was much better than she expected when she dropped her jaw in shock and was scolded in class.

Without giving the ministers time to refute, she continued to speak:
"Of course, this successor will also have the consent of the ministers.

Assuming that the second prince Yan Yushuang is competent in the future, I will also give way to him.

This time, there is no exact number of years.It may be three to five years, it may be ten or twenty years, or it may not exist at all.

If you agree to this request, I will succeed you.

If you refuse, I guarantee that you will not be able to find me tomorrow even if you dig this Yandu three feet into the ground! "

All the ministers were forced to ride a tiger by her, kneeling on the ground, and after exchanging various gazes, they understood a common message from the helpless eyes of all colleagues——

Something is better than nothing.Right now we are begging her to be emperor, even though the master offered to ride a donkey to find a horse, which is absurd.

But they really didn't dare to continue to refute.

In case the royal family's only remaining talent is offended, the girl will come and leave as promised...

Not to mention digging Yandu three feet into the ground, it is estimated that digging the entire Great Yan Kingdom three feet into the ground may not necessarily bring it back.

It's better to coax her to become the emperor first by using the tactic of slowing down the army, and then when she comes to the Zen throne, another married girl will throw water... Uh, no, no, I don't agree with another one who writes a letter together to kill her!

So they dared to be angry and dare not speak, and Qi Qi shouted: "I will obey the order!"

A certain person continued to torture the ministers relentlessly: "This emperor is too unprepared, I have to go back to Lingxiao Mountain to sort out my emotions. By the way, I will avoid Yan Chentu's funeral.

After all, Yan Chentu is the emperor, you stay to discuss his national funeral.I don't want to participate!

The concubines in the harem let them voluntarily choose to stay, and if they want to stay, tell them that I will treat them kindly in the future.

Those who want to leave the palace, according to the title and the number of years of entering the palace, they will be sent home and dismissed according to their discretion.

If any of their cronies and maids do not want to stay in the palace, they will also be given money to return home or choose their own way out.

The expenditures were recorded in detail. The concubines and palace people who left the palace and returned home, those who lived in Yandu were escorted back to the mansion by the imperial army, and those from other places were sent to the city gate.

Cao Ge, the commander of the imperial army, was responsible for the escort of the people leaving the palace and the implementation of the payment of money.

All affairs in the court are temporarily decided by the prime minister, the commander of the imperial army, General Yun, and several senior officials in the court.

There is no urgent matter, so don't come to Lingxiao Mountain to look for me in the short term! "

(End of this chapter)

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