Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 527 The Mysterious New Emperor [2]

Chapter 527 The Mysterious New Emperor [[-]]

After Mo Wuying finished speaking, the officials almost vomited blood.

I kept beating the drums in my heart and asked myself, is it true that women who are emperors are like this type of throwing their hands away?

After thinking about it again, what the emperor said was "temporarily return to Lingxiao Mountain to adjust his mentality", and also ordered to arrange a national funeral for the late emperor and clean up the harem...

Helpless, I had to shout again: "The minister waits to obey the order! I would like to send the emperor back to the mountain!"

The speaker wanted to scratch the wall because of the awkward word "return to the mountain", and the listener was almost depressed enough to vomit blood.

Mo Wuying felt that he must not stay here for one more minute, so he made a gesture and led a group of people to flee quickly.

The officials kneeling on the spot saw their new emperor running away in the air with lightness kung fu, their eyes widened and dripping with cold sweat...

The prime minister was the first to stand up, with a confused expression on his face, he thumped his old waist and said to his colleagues:

"Don't kneel down, everyone. Our new emperor hasn't learned the etiquette of emperors yet. If you don't say 'I' come, 'I' go, you don't even have the concept of making everyone stand still!
I see, we will be busy in the future..."

Cao Ge, the commander of the imperial army, got up and echoed: "However, the safety of the emperor will not be a problem in the future!

As far as her skills are concerned, there is basically no need to arrange guards, because those so-called masters in our palace are all cumbersome to her..."

After hearing the words, the officials who got up one after another were sweating again!

The next day, the people of Yandu walked the streets and alleys, whispering various versions of the latest breaking news——

Version [-]: The emperor relapsed from his old illness in the court hall and passed away in front of all civil and military officials. A national funeral will be held soon.

Ke Zhun's new monarch, the second prince Yan Yushuang, ordered the cleaning up of the harem to dismiss the concubines before the enthronement ceremony was held.

Because he has a habit of cutting off his sleeves and doesn't like women...

Version [-]: The civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were dissatisfied with the emperor's years of tyranny, and collectively wrote a letter to impeach the supporters for rebellion.

And after careful planning: the forbidden army in the palace and hundreds of officials forced the palace in the palace, and General Yun should join forces inside and outside to surround the palace to prevent the emperor from escaping.

And the fuse of the matter was that the ruthless emperor ordered to kill the jealous empress and the third prince Yan Yufeng who had abandoned his brother in Wanyue Kingdom and returned home alone...

Version [-]: The former love is the same as version [-], and the latter is - the future new emperor is not the second prince Yan Yushuang.

Because the second prince was not close to women and could not reproduce for the Yan royal family, all the ministers unanimously elected the son of King Chen who died young during the battle for the succession—Yan Yukang as the new king.

However, it was rumored that Yan Yukuang refused to succeed, took a group of friends from all over the world to hide in Lingxiao Mountain and threatened that he would never go down the mountain again.

(End of this chapter)

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