Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 541 The highest state of flattering [2]

Chapter 541 The Highest Level of Flattering 【Part [-]】

Mo Wuyinglei was dripping with sweat, looking at the golden plaque of "Teacher of All Ages", admiring the powerful thinking of the ministers.

It is said that thousands of people wear flattery and don't wear flattery, but this day's big flattery surprised the audience and scared the parties away.

Mo Wuying could only feel wronged for her master.

He carried it up the mountain sincerely, but he must have been disrespectful under the public opinion.

However, in front of the officials and apprentices, if he really accepted the golden plaque of "Teacher of All Ages" in person, he would really be ashamed of it.

In the end, a generation of masters, Master Juechen, fled away amidst the contradictions of "however disrespectful and worthy of acceptance".

The last message Mo Wuying left from the back of aloof from the world is - you can figure it out.

"Your Majesty, where is Master Juechen? Would you be honored to personally present a plaque to Master Juechen?" By the way, let's see if Master Juechen is the legendary martial idiot Lord Beiming of Wanyue Kingdom who lived in seclusion in Lingxiao Mountain.

Even if it is not Lord Beiming, it is good to witness the face of this mysterious master figure...

Mo Wuying looked at the old prime minister in front of him, who had passed the age of ears, and then glanced at the other relatively young ministers.

It is guessed that he is the 'old man' that the master wants to avoid.

Then he shook his head slowly: "The prime minister is serious, master, how can the prime minister present the plaque. It's just... the master claims to be an outsider, and rarely goes down the mountain to ask the world of mortals. It has long been rare to see people in the world.

Besides, the old man has been practicing in seclusion for half a month, and the Prime Minister is afraid that he won't be able to see him.

This golden plaque is also a vulgar thing to the master.Since the prime minister carried it up to Lingxiao Mountain with sincerity, it would be too rude to refuse, so I accepted it on behalf of the master. "

The prime minister was naturally disappointed, but the emperor kept his promise, since she said she couldn't see it, then the master must not see it.

Turning to look at the senior brothers: "Brother, please accept the plaque. Don't hang it yet, and decide where to hang it after the master leaves the customs.

The prime minister and others have come from afar, in order to express our gratitude to the Lingxiao Palace for bearing the plaque, please wait for the brothers to move the seats and perform a Lingxiao sword dance for you. "

The prime minister's face suddenly changed, and he looked at the mountain gate for no reason, and his eyes clearly read——

We're all at the door, why don't you go in and have some tea and visit the mysterious Lingxiao Palace by the way?
Mo Wuying understood their doubts, and added: "Lingxiao Mountain has a palace rule: outsiders are not allowed to enter without the master's order. I have wronged all the ministers, and I will order people to fetch tables, chairs and tea..."

(End of this chapter)

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