Chapter 542
The general protecting the country Yun Xiaotian stood behind the prime minister with a suspicious expression on his face, thinking to himself: When did the master establish new regulations?
Although the ministers had some complaints in their hearts, but because Lingxiao Mountain is the mountain range of the country that cannot be tampered with, and because of the fact that all high-ranking people have many eccentricities that are difficult for the world to understand, they were relieved of the rule that they cannot enter the palace.

Since there are seats, tea, and sword dance performances, there should be no difference between inside and outside the palace.

They didn't expect to see grandeur or shabby Mingge in a palace on the top of the mountain.What's more...

The person who said these words was their emperor Mo Wuying.

Not only did he not dare to criticize, but he also immediately showed his respect.Then they all knelt down and said, "Thank you, the emperor, for the tea and the seat!"

Mo Wuying stretched out her hand and made a gesture of flattening her body, but she was worried that she might be scolded by her master.

It's not that she deliberately didn't let people in, but that she was worried about Luo Yuan, Dou Yu, Mo Xun inside...

Of the three of them, two are the orphans of Dayan officials, and one is the princess of Wanyue Kingdom.

If any of these people know them, I don't know what kind of criticism will be caused in the future!
The disciples of Ling Xiaoshan were obviously not used to their junior sisters being bowed down like this. After a moment of silence, they went into the palace to fetch bamboo chairs and tea...

Mo Wuying leaned close to Lan Cang and said quietly, "If you don't want to reveal your identity, you should quickly pretend to go in to get things and then don't come out again. You don't know Lingxiao Sword Dance.

When they dance their swords later, the only people standing here are you and me!
If you let them know that you are the backer of the national businessman who is my king of Yan, your father will definitely be questioned. "

Lan Cang suddenly realized, no wonder his father has been pretending not to look at him from the beginning to the end!

The monster stared at Mo Wuying fiercely, then turned and entered Lingxiao Palace.

There was a little haze in my heart: Hmph, drive me away.It is estimated that the opportunity to drive me away has been brewing since the time when I proposed to perform the Lingxiao Sword Dance.

When retreating, he always flirts with Yunge Yuemei! !

It was in vain for my generation of geniuses and business geniuses to fall into the pit of ambiguity between the two of you, and my IQ has deteriorated so severely!
Lan Cang, who was extremely depressed, stepped on "I am the fiancé" with his left foot and "I am Ge Yue's big brother" with his right foot, and staggered back to the inner room of Lingxiao Palace.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he sat cross-legged and meditated in front of Master Juechen with his eyes closed and meditating, and said anxiously:
"Master, this junior is emotionally troubled, please ask the master for guidance..."

(End of this chapter)

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