Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 566 Empress Ascension to the Throne [1]

Chapter 566 Empress Ascension to the Throne [[-]]

In the next few days, Yun Geyue no longer had any small emotions, but followed her quietly like Mo Wuying's shadow.

Walking back and forth from the bedroom to the imperial study.

However, the imperial study room is getting busier and busier.Heads and ministers of various ministries came one after another to report the preparation regulations for the enthronement ceremony.

Mo Wuying was so busy that she lost her head. Apart from listening to everyone's statements, she also had to review the mountain of memorials that suddenly piled up.

Getting more and more annoyed...

"Prime Minister, from now on, these flattery and nonsense memorials will not be allowed to be high-quality. What I want to pay attention to is the people's livelihood, public security, climate and harvest, and the severity of taxes in the various places under their jurisdiction.

At the foot of Lingxiao Mountain, apart from the preparations for the previous festivals, what progress has the newly built garment factory, er, the Textile Department, made? "

The prime minister bowed and replied: "Return to the emperor, I have issued an imperial decree to recruit workers in the local villages according to your instructions.

Almost everyone answered the call.Several other village chiefs also readily agreed to rent out some of the houses as dormitories for future employees. "

Mo Wuying nodded, but her heart was full of sorrow.

The newly built garment factory was deliberately set up in a remote mountain village at the foot of Lingxiao Mountain. On the surface, she told the questioning ministers that it was to promote the people's livelihood and economy in remote areas and solve the problem that they had no fertile land to cultivate.

Only she knew that she wanted to atone for the hundreds of villagers who died because of her.

As the king of a country, all she can do is to make those folks who have died unjustly rich, instead of living a poor life like going to the mountains to chop firewood for rice.

In her eyes, this kind of late giving, compared with those lives lost for no reason... is too pale and powerless.

Two days later, the enthronement ceremony.

Wearing a golden python robe, Mo Wuying walked into the court hall for the second time with a crown of nine dragons holding beads on her head, and stepped forward steadily to sit on the throne carved with jade and lacquered gold.

Due to the image of the majestic emperor of the celestial dynasty, she finally decided to withdraw her spoof emotions, and she was not as enchanting as a celestial girl scattered flowers.Instead, he dressed up as a stunning young man.

It's just that there is no change on his face.

Looking at the crowd inside and outside the hall, who were kneeling down and shouting long live, Mo Wuying lightly raised her hand, and at the same time she said "Everyone's body is flat", she also felt a heavy burden on her shoulders.

The ceremonial officer stood beside her, facing the courtiers, and read out the edict of succession and the imperial decree to the former prince Yan Chen Tu in complex and ancient Chinese that she did not understand.

(End of this chapter)

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