Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 567 Empress Ascension to the Throne [2]

Chapter 567 Empress Ascension to the Throne [[-]]

Mo Wuying sat quietly, listening to the ceremonial officer continue to announce her mother Mo Qingchou's compliments, and said, "The Empress Dowager likes to be clean, and she lives in Lingxiao Mountain..."

The courtiers kneeling below trembled slightly, but they didn't question it after all.

Everyone is as clear as a mirror, that woman named Mo Qingchou stayed in the palace for two years, but spent her whole life.The title of a queen mother is simply too pale for her.

Then came Yan Yushuang's crown prince and Yun Geyue's imperial counselor.

After the ritual officer announced Yun Geyue's appointment, everyone expressed doubts about this unheard-of fifth-rank official position.

Although the official rank is not high, among the officials stationed in the capital, they are almost on an equal footing with low-ranking officials, and they are also serving as imperial guards in the palace...

There is no objection to the official position.

However, he disagreed with the duties he was engaged in - "Assisting the emperor with some daily trivial government affairs"

This... is obviously meddling in politics!Or the emperor's cronies interfering in politics!

Yun Xiaotian was the first to speak out, fearing that his son would become the target of public criticism: "I would like to report to the emperor that since childhood, the dog has lived in Lingxiao Mountain to hide from the world and study arts. I am afraid it is not appropriate for the emperor to entrust him with such an important task!"

This will make other ministers think that I, Yun Xiaotian, want to place people beside the emperor, and will be suspected of coveting the throne!
Mo Wuying squinted and glanced at the whispering ministers: "My lords, who has any objections? Why don't you all talk about it?"

The smart people didn't move, and the slightly dull people showed their doubts directly.

"Your Majesty, since Guard Yun is responsible for protecting the safety of the Emperor, how can he participate in the country's confidential internal affairs? This is really a worry!"

Mo Wuying looked at the ritual officer, "Continue to finish reading!"

The clear and clear voice of the ceremonial official continued to read with a straight voice: "The post of imperial counselor has special regulations as follows: the content of participating in reading memorials or participating in discussions must be the content selected by the emperor himself.

In addition, the position of the Imperial Counselor will be replaced by the incumbent every three years.

The first was Yun Geyue, the imperial bodyguard.The second is Yan Yushuang, Lord Shuang.The third candidate will be selected slowly from among the courtiers over the years. "

After the ceremonial officer finished reading, the ministers discussed again.

Mo Wuying raised her voice a few decibels and said loudly, "Everyone don't have to worry about seizing power.

I know the reason why these two candidates were chosen for the first two terms.It is well known that Yun Geyue is the son of General Yun.

If General Yun wanted to seek the throne, he could have seized power on his own that day, instead of giving up his position to support me, a weak crowned girl.

As for Lord Shuang, Yan Yushuang, I plan to let him exercise more in other aspects of people's livelihood management in the past few years, and participate in major government affairs in the future.

My throne was given to me by him, so are you afraid that he won't be able to go back? "

(End of this chapter)

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