Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 574 The Queen's Man [3]

Chapter 574 The Empress's Man [[-]]

Mo Wuying looked at the ministers helplessly, and the prime minister's eyes were quite aggressive.

"Prime Minister, uh... about this draft... can we discuss it later?

I heard that the previous drafts were all cumbersome procedures.People of the right age need to be counted and registered when they are young.

Then there will be preliminary interviews in a few years... and finally enter the palace to participate in the draft! "

The ones who got rejected in the primary interview were all the ones with the appearance of dinosaurs and the IQ of the second senior brother...

The prime minister refused to let go: "Your Majesty, these are not serious problems. The statistics book and the primary interview can be completed in half a month at most.

If all the ministers here cooperate actively, it will take at most ten days! "

Hearing that the courtiers immediately seconded the proposal, Mo Wuying became depressed and angry.

Turning his head to look at Yun Geyue who was standing behind him, someone's face was already black and blue, and he couldn't see the expression clearly...

Yun Geyue's anger gave Mo Wuying courage, she turned her head to look at the prime minister and said:
"Prime Minister, besides the primary election, isn't the previous draft held every three years? I have just ascended the throne, so for the sake of solemnity, then...

Let's set the draft in three years' time!
Since ancient times, enthronement must be crowned as a queen, but now you can't just grab a person who I don't like and has no feelings to enter the harem!
I'm still young, so I don't think about it for now.

Since I can create a precedent for the Great Yan Kingdom to support a female emperor, I can naturally create a precedent for ascending the throne without establishing a harem.

Don't say any more.Hurry up and get ready for a trip to heaven. "

Seeing her turning her head to look at Yun Geyue, the ministers immediately understood a little bit.In desperation, they had to shout in unison: "Zunzhi".

But he was thinking in his heart: the future lord of the harem might be the Imperial Counselor Yun Geyue.

When the ministers retreated, only a few of them suddenly realized and murmured:
"Master Xiang, you still haven't asked the emperor to choose which title to use? From now on, if we make a book in advance to ascend the throne, what title should we use?

Hey, I'm afraid it will become the emperor's reason for rejecting the draft again! "

The prime minister also beat his chest and stamped his feet: "Oh! I'm so confused. Just now I was only worried about whether the emperor would get angry because of this matter.

She didn't expect a few words to be wrapped around by her, and she forgot about this question! "

A small bump into the gun is tolerable, but if the emperor is too embarrassing in front of all the officials, will the old man have any good fruit to eat?
But pretending to be stupid to deceive you cowards, do you really think that the old man is old and confused?

Mo Wuying, who finally ended the 'war', was helped by the maid to walk down the throne, but when she looked up, she saw Yun Geyue's jade face covered with dark clouds...

(End of this chapter)

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