Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 575 Who is the new emperor [1]

Chapter 575 Who Is The New Emperor [[-]]

Mo Wuying pretended to be desolate and Ai Ai felt aggrieved and stretched out her hand to poke Yun Geyue's arm: "Brother Geyue..."

Yun Geyue pretended she hadn't heard about it, and turned aside her handsome face that was already discolored with anger.

Not giving up, Mo Wuying stretched out both hands to grab Yun Geyue's arm and shook it hard: "Brother Geyue, he was also suddenly attacked by the ministers..."

Yun Geyue let out a cold snort, and turned her head in the opposite direction again.

Mo Wuying was depressed, and secretly glanced at Yun Geyue twice, as if she was really angry.

Guiltyly twirling his fingers, he explained: "What kind of childish temper are you throwing again? Didn't you see it too, I've been pushing back!"

Yun Geyue gritted her teeth and said, "Well, I didn't hear your rejection, I only heard that you delayed the draft until three years later.

I also saw the unwilling expressions of those ministers. It is estimated that your harem draft will start this year.

Maybe you can look forward to it happily, maybe my brother will be selected..."

Mo Wuying was speechless, and then a little annoyed: "Yun Geyue! Why do you always bring Lan Cang into this?"

Yun Geyue realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, but she didn't want to apologize because of face.So I chose a bloody way - silence is golden.

The two were in a stalemate, when the female official Shuqin came in and sent a message: "Your Majesty, it's time to go. The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven cannot be delayed."

Mo Wuying nodded.Looking up at Yun Geyue: "Today, I am the Emperor of Great Yan Kingdom first, and then your Mo Wuying.

Guard Yun, Councilor Yun, please show your conscientious side! "

Yun Geyue reluctantly replied: "Zunzhi, Your Majesty the Empress!" Isn't it just using your status as emperor to suppress me?bad girl!
On the way to the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, the widest road from the imperial palace to Lingxiao Mountain was already paved with the red carpet of Qingshuipo Street.

The people who joined the fun and watched, with the determination to see the new emperor's honor, risked being squashed and trampled, and with inhuman perseverance, insisted on waiting on both sides of the official road.

When the officers, soldiers and honor guards who cleared the way for Luanjia passed in front of them, an unprecedented commotion broke out among the crowd...

"Everyone, squeeze slowly, you stomped off my shoe!"

"Oh! I'm really sorry. There are too many people. I was too anxious to see if the emperor's royal chariot arrived. The identity of the new emperor has been kept secret and has not been revealed to the world. Who is it?"

The one who was stepped on forgot the pain in his foot also echoed:

"Yeah, yeah, some people say it's the original Second Prince, some say it's the original Prince Chen's son Yan Yukang.

I really don't know which statement is true! "

(End of this chapter)

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