Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 113 Opening Day 3

Chapter 113 The third day of opening ([-])

Then He Chenyi seemed to be able to juggle, I don't know where he got a batch of small tea bowls today and asked someone to bring them over.The faint blue-and-white porcelain texture further highlights the smallness and delicacy of the tea bowl.

"Mr. He, did you buy these small tea bowls and those long tables and chairs for two dollars? If so, I feel very sorry." Nan Yan walked to He Chenyi and asked.

He Chenyi smiled kindly, with faint lines on the corners of his eyes, "No way, I'm a businessman, and these need to be carefully calculated. I have many friends from all walks of life. I borrowed these from them and gave them to some small Money is just a thank you."

"Oh, so that's the case, then I don't have to worry so much." Nan Yan said playfully.

"Yan'er, don't call me 'Master' or 'Master' from now on, we are so familiar. You should call me the same as Yingyu." He Chenyi said.

"This..." Nan Yan thought to herself, she was already used to calling you son, and she didn't like it when she suddenly changed her words, but it was indeed too far-fetched, "Brother Chen Yi..." After all, she was still blushing and shy cried out so loudly.

"Hey, this sounds good to me!" He Chenyi smiled at Nan Yan while making tea.

"What are you talking about, so happy! It's already starting to serve customers outside, don't hurry up!" Then Dai Yingyu came in from the outside, helping to carry a plate of clean small tea bowls, and walked to He Chenyi, ready to fill the tea.

"Okay, the tea is ready!" He Chenyi picked up the large kettle borrowed from a friend from the stove, and carefully poured the fragrant and high-quality tea into the empty tea bowl.

Dai Yingyu was so busy today that she left behind her eldest lady's temperament and sat down to serve tea.

"Yingyu, be careful, don't overturn and burn yourself!" He Chenyi reminded behind her.

"Brother Chenyi, don't worry. I'm Dai Yingyu, I've learned kung fu, how can such a small matter be difficult for me?" Dai Yingyu looked back and raised an eyebrow at He Chenyi, and walked out playfully.

As long as the diners were seated and food was served in front of them, Dai Yingyu would go over and serve tea one by one.

"Be objective, please use it slowly!" She actually imitated Ah Hu's serving posture and yelled, which seemed to be the same thing.

At the beginning of this day, there was not much difference in the number of people queuing on both sides, but gradually, everyone found that not only the three free dishes at Jingjing Restaurant had changed, but there was also a small bowl in front of each diner, so they were all curious. They all lined up here.

Listening to those who went ashore when they finished eating and told them that it was served with a good bowl of thirst-quenching tea, those people who lined up were determined to eat at Nan Yan's restaurant.

"What the hell is going on over there? Isn't it just three different dishes? Are these people like this?" Seeing that there were very few guests on her side, Mrs. Wang stood on the deck of the ship and looked at the other side with her fat waist stuck out, with her mouth twisted. Unconvinced.

Then Zhao Mingda went to the shore to ask the diners who had eaten the dishes of the exquisite restaurant, asked them about the situation, and then returned to Mrs. Wang's side.

"Mother, they not only changed the dishes, but also served a small bowl of tea in front of each guest, and the tea was made from high-quality tea." Then Zhao Mingda came to report.

"What, there is such a thing? This little coquettish fox really has a lot of brains!" Wang said "praise" through gritted teeth.

"Mom, what are we going to do? A lot of ingredients have arrived today, even more than yesterday." Then Zhao Mingda never paid attention to it, and would only rely on his "smart and capable" mother when something happened.

"Boss Dai is the same. Why hasn't he come yet? It's only been open for a few days, so he doesn't care about the restaurant." Wang complained secretly.

Naturally, they didn't know what happened to Dai Rongjun a few days ago. After all, it was too embarrassing to tell.Dai Rongjun just called a servant to come over and tell them that he is very busy these few days and has no time to take care of the restaurant business, and let Wang's mother and son take care of it.

At this time, Chef Gu, who had nothing to do, came out, and looked at the busy scene on the opposite side just like Wang's mother and son.Can't help frowning, not knowing what to do.

"Chef Gu, can you also change the three dishes from yesterday and the day before yesterday?" Wang asked with a smile.

Chef Gu didn't even think about it, so he just shook his head, "How is this possible, the ingredients delivered today are the same as yesterday, even if I change the tricks, it's just a matter of changing the color of the ingredients. It’s all about staying within it. It’s okay to want to make a big change, but you have to change to the process of making big dishes, which is labor-intensive and takes a lot of time, and there’s no time to serve the dishes.”

"That's it! Hey, why didn't we think of this one yesterday?" Zhao Mingda complained, "Then... let's learn from the other side, and serve a small bowl of tea in front of each guest."

Wang slapped Zhao Mingda on the back of the head, "You idiot, there is no time to prepare now! We need to boil a lot of water, prepare tea leaves, and make a lot of small tea bowls. Where can we get them? ? Even if you can get it, it’s too late at this time! You have a pig’s brain, you never think about doing things, how did I give birth to such a brainless thing like you. "

Zhao Mingda rubbed the back of his head from the beating pain, and said with a bitter face, "I'm not stupid at first, but I'm always beaten so stupid by you!"

"You still dare to talk back? Let's see if I don't beat you to death!" After speaking, Wang took off her new cloth shoes and chased Zhao Mingda on the deck of the ship and started fighting.

Xiangmei, who was welcoming guests, and the third son of the Zhang family, happened to be watching a good show.

"Third brother, look, there is a fight on the other side!" Na Xiangmei said gossipingly.

"Yeah, I don't even look at the occasion, I can't tell which is more important!" The three cast a blank glance on the opposite boat.

How to do it?The Wangs' mother and son had nothing to do, they could only watch helplessly as the business of Jingjing Restaurant was booming under their noses.

But having said that, they are all free dishes. Thinking of this, Wang's mother and son felt a lot more balanced.It's just that the ingredients that their restaurant brought in today will be wasted in large quantities. Even if some things can be stored in a way, after all, vegetables and the like should be kept fresh, so this is a big loss for them.

"What's the big deal, don't these poor buns come here because they don't want money for your food, and they can drink good tea. Tomorrow's official business will depend on the real strength of our two families. Now is the time to show off!"

The Wang family was panting after chasing Zhao Mingda, now he stopped and looked at the opposite side and said to himself angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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