Chapter 114
The third day of opening was much busier than the second day.In fact, many diners do not understand tea, but those who understand tea go ashore and talk to them after eating. This way, even if they do not understand tea, they say it is good tea, which naturally attracts more diners. Come to taste the dishes of the still exquisite restaurant.

Of course, people don’t come here just for the small bowl of high-quality tea. If the dishes are unpalatable, who would wait in such a long queue for this cup of tea?This small bowl of tea is just the icing on the cake.

Before I knew it, I had been busy for another day, the sky was completely dark, the crowd gradually ate and dispersed, and it was time to close.

The Jincai restaurant next door hadn't had many customers that day, so it closed early and went home when it was just dark.

Nan Yan and the others dragged their tired bodies and sat around a big round table and started eating.

Today is more tiring than yesterday, not to mention that He Chenyi, Dai Yingyue and Qi Yuhao all went into battle and used their physical strength to help?So the dishes on this table were quickly divided among the big guys.

"Yan'er, it's up to you to continue the official operation of the exquisite restaurant tomorrow!" He Chenyi didn't drink today, because he was too hungry, so he held a small bowl of white rice and said while eating.

"Well, I know! I believe that with the concerted efforts of me, Yanzi, and Ahu, I will definitely do a good job." Nan Yan looked at Yanzi and Ahu sideways, and nodded.

"Yes, leave it to us, we must do a good job!"

"The boss treats us so well, how can we be lazy?"

Yanzi and Ahu patted their chests and assured each other.

"I think it's better to put two round tables on the deck of the ship, otherwise there are only four tables in the cabin, which is still too few. With your ability, it's no problem to get the dishes on these six tables!" Dai Yingyu suddenly suggested.She was too hungry this day, and had already eaten the second small bowl of rice.

"Well, that's a good idea, otherwise the deck would be empty. It's really nice for guests to enjoy the lake view while eating."

As expected, He Chenyi and Dai Yingyu were both born in merchant families, and they have a different way of doing business with them.

"Well, I think it's not bad, so let's do it!" Nan Yan agreed.

"Well, you are in the business of an exquisite restaurant, and there are usually more customers at night. In this way, while the guests are putting on their clothes and eating, the boat will slowly wander in the West Lake, which is really unique." He Chenyi has already begun to conceive From that wonderful picture.

"Yeah, yeah, I think so too." Na Xiangmei always put in a few words from time to time to show her sense of existence.

Everyone chattered about their future business experience, and the meal was delicious and filling.

In the evening, He Chenyi called a few people to remove all the benches and benches on the deck of the ship, as well as the large number of small tea bowls, otherwise it would take up space to stay here.

He then asked someone to bring the two round tables and chairs from the ship's warehouse to the front and rear decks of the ship and set them up.It can be said that He Chenyi has helped a lot in the past few days, and Nan Yan is really grateful to him.I only hope that in the future, this hard-won, still exquisite restaurant can be managed well and live up to everyone's expectations.

After everything was settled, everyone waved goodbye and went back to where they were supposed to go.

Early the next morning, Nan Yan and Qi Yuhao went out after breakfast.Nan Yan also had a food box in her hand, which contained the breakfast prepared for her father, Zhao Yi.

Qi Yuhao had something to do today, so he didn't go to the restaurant with Nan Yan. Nan Yan came to the restaurant on the boat alone, ready to start the day's formal operation.

It's still the same, first pick up the right amount of ingredients sent by others early in the morning.That Ah Hu cleaned the boat inside and out as soon as he woke up every day, not letting Nanyan and Yanzi worry about it at all.

Every time Nanyan and Yanzi received the ingredients from others, they were busy picking vegetables in the back kitchen, washing the vegetables and preparing them for later use.

"Hurry up, hurry up, it's not for nothing to feed you, move quickly." The voices of Wang's mother and son commanding the subordinates came from the deck of the Jincai Restaurant next door. The voices were loud and noisy, which was really unbearable.

"Based on their attitude towards servants, it's no wonder that servants are willing to do things well." The swallow said, focusing on picking vegetables.

After all, she has worked for many people. She knows which boss is good and which boss is not.

"Heh, let them go, it has nothing to do with us." Nan Yan responded lightly.

"Boss Nan, if there are good guests at noon, will the boat still float in the lake?" the swallow asked.

"Of course, no matter how many guests there are, he is still a guest, and we must treat each other sincerely. Only when there are no guests on this boat, can we wait on the shore." Nan Yan said.

Today, Dai Rongjun still did not show up at Jincai Restaurant, so Wang could only rely on the little cleverness he could think of to solve the emergency.

The layout of their restaurant is not as good as Nanyan's. In order to do more business with customers, the cabin and deck are filled with tables and chairs.Not to mention messy, but it also feels quite depressing, without visual beauty.

There are too many tables and chairs, so naturally the person invited is wrong.There is one cook, two helpers, three who serve food, and Wang's mother and son, who do nothing but order people around.In today's terms, it is "the lobby manager".

Then Dai Rongjun didn't think that Wang's mother and son had any talents, but he invited the old, weak, sick and disabled Wang's mother and son because he wanted to deal with Nan Yan.

With wages and no need to do anything, as long as it is a good thing to command others, the Wang mother and son naturally agreed without even thinking about it.

This can be said to be filling a big meat pie that fell down. Wang Shi has never seen such a good thing in her life.

Of course, after she learned that Nan Yan opened a restaurant next door, she also came for Nan Yan.She can't see Nan Yan well, not even for a moment.In this way, she can keep an eye on her so-called little coquettish fox all the time, and if she gets upset, she can attack her...

It's only Chen Shi, and before it's time for lunch, guests came to this still delicate restaurant.

Ah Hu led the guests in, and then went to the back to find Nan Yan.

"Boss Nan, the guests don't order food, they roll their names and say they want to see you!" said Ah Hu.

"Oh? That's right! I'll just wash my hands and say hello to the guests." Nan Yan responded.

Nan Yan got up, washed her hands, dusted off the dust on her body, took off her dirty apron, and went to the front cabin.

Nan Yan opened the black pearl curtain, and it was none other than Hua Zhu, who had a delicate headdress and gorgeous clothes, was sitting there with a maidservant.

"Hua Zhu, it's you..." Nan Yan saw her, although she had some thoughts about her in her heart, but the other party had never hurt her after all, so she greeted her with a smile on her face.

Hua Zhu heard the sound, turned to look at Nan Yan, stood up from the chair with a smile, "Boss Nan, long time no see!"

"You're making fun of me. The boss is not the boss. Sit down!" Nan Yan stepped forward and said politely, and then sat next to Hua Zhu.

"Everything on this boat belongs to you, I don't call you boss, what should I call you?" Hua Zhu was still joking.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this. By the way, why are you free to come to my place today?" Nan Yan asked.

Huazhu took a sip of the tea that Ahu made for her, and said with a smile: "You have been looking at Zhang for a few days. Chen Yi said that he was very busy a few days ago, so I didn't come to bother you. I heard that the restaurant has started to operate officially today." , as a good sister, it's not a problem if I can't come here all the time, so I picked a time when it's not lunch time, and came to visit you."

"That said, if it's convenient or not, just come and play when you have free time. It's just that my place is small, so don't dislike it." Nan Yan said modestly.

"What do you mean? When I looked at this side from the pier, there were only two big boats on this lake. This one of yours is much more delicate than the other one. When I walked in and took a look, the layout inside was even more impressive to me. It's bright." Hua Zhu said.

"It's all thanks to Brother Chen Yi, he helped me a lot, otherwise I wouldn't be where I am today." Nan Yan said.

"Hey, why did you change your name to Brother Chen Yi? This is quite intimate." Hua Zhu glanced at Nan Yan, then smiled again, "I'm just joking with you. Take me upstairs to have a look, I Take a good look around!"

After saying that, the two got up, and Nan Yan took Hua Zhu upstairs, followed by the maid.

After Hua Zhu went upstairs, she stood in place and looked around, still admiring her.Then the two came to the window sill, looking at the lake view in the distance, talking and laughing.

"Where's Yuhao? Why isn't he here?" Na Hua Zhu asked Qi Yuhao.

"He has something to do today, so he didn't come here. Besides, he's not very busy today, so he doesn't need a lot of people here." Nan Yan responded.

"Yeah, I always feel that Yuhao is very busy, but I don't know what he's busy with all day long." Huazhu said to herself, and then said again: "When I first got on the boat, I found that the deck next door Your stepmother and younger brother are standing there. Chen Yi mentioned earlier that Dai Rongjun in the west of the city also set up a restaurant on a boat to compete with you, but he never mentioned that he brought your stepmother and younger brother to take care of the restaurant. .”

Nan Yan glanced at the Wang mother and son on the boat next door, and said calmly: "Yes, that scum invited them here."

"Then you have to be more careful in the future, this mother and son have done so many bad things to you, you can't take them lightly." Huazhu reminded her in a serious voice.

Nan Yan didn't speak, but smiled silently.

"I came here today and brought you some fine cloth and silk. You are the boss now, so you have to dress decently."

With that said, Huazhu took something from the maidservant's hand, and opened it for Nan Yan to have a look at.Like sisters, the two picked the cloth inside.

(End of this chapter)

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