Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 124 Chef Gu’s Visit

Chapter 124 Chef Gu's Visit ([-])
"What are Chef Gu's plans for the future?" Nan Yan asked with concern.

Chef Gu took a bite of the dish and chewed it, then shook his head helplessly, "I really can't find a restaurant in Yangzhou City that can give full play to my culinary philosophy. Maybe I will bring my wife and children back to the restaurant soon. In the capital, find a small restaurant to earn some money and spend your old age peacefully!"

"Can I continue to stay in Yangzhou City?" Nan Yan asked suddenly, and then she explained, "I mean...Yangzhou City has outstanding people, a comfortable environment and a comfortable place to spend your old age. Not to mention...not to mention..."

"What's more? Miss Yan, please tell me." Chef Gu asked.

Nan Yan expressed the following words with some hesitation, "Besides, I need your help! Because my restaurant on the boat is mainly for entertaining dignitaries and dignitaries, I want to open another one in the street market that ordinary people can afford. It's an ordinary restaurant, so I need manpower and an experienced old cook. It's just...just..."

"Just what?"

Nan Yan was always hesitating, making Chef Gu confused.

"It's just that I'm afraid, Chef Gu, that you will dislike a small restaurant like me. What's more, the ordinary restaurant that ordinary people can afford is still in my plan, and it has not been realized. It's not just when it will be realized. I just want... If Chef Gu is willing... I can do it as soon as possible..."

"I am willing!" Chef Gu agreed without thinking about it.

Nan Yan thought that there was something wrong with her ears, and couldn't believe that Chef Gu promised so readily.

"It's just that I... can't offer Dai Rongjun the conditions for you for the time being." Nan Yan said truthfully.

"I've worked hard in the cooking industry for so many years, and I still have some money accumulated. My family is fairly rich, so I don't care about the conditions." Chef Gu said.

"I'm just a preliminary idea now, and it will take some time to realize it." Nan Yan said again.

"If you have an idea, you have to implement it. As long as you are willing to implement it, I am willing to spend time waiting." Chef Gu responded.

"In the process of implementation, I need Chef Gu's experience in Beijing restaurants." Nan Yan said again.

"I can share my opinions and experiences without reservation!" Chef Gu said resolutely.

Nan Yan was a little surprised, she didn't expect Chef Gu to agree so boldly, she couldn't help but couldn't believe it...

"Chef support me so much?" Nan Yan couldn't help asking.

Chef Gu laughed loudly, put down his chopsticks, and said, "Just rely on your table of unique and creative home-cooked dishes and the simple way of receiving customers shown by my observation of your restaurant management these days."

It turns out that Chef Gu has been carefully observing Nan Yan's restaurant on board these days, otherwise he would not be sitting here today, and wants to taste Nan Yan's craftsmanship carefully.

"Thank you, Chef Gu. It's a great honor for me, Nan Yan, to meet you!" Nan Yan was very excited. It was such a reassuring thing to keep such a noble person by her side.


"But what?"

Chef Gu suddenly turned serious, which made Nan Yan feel a little uncertain.

"The place to eat is the place to eat. I don't want to do some unscrupulous things because of the difficulties encountered in the business. For example, in order to attract customers, Dai Rongjun changed the restaurant on the boat in Jingba into the place of brothels. , playing and singing all day and night, full of viciousness, completely lost the tongue-tip meaning of the delicious food brought by the restaurant."

It turned out that Chef Gu was so disgusted when Dai Rongjun changed Chuan Sang Restaurant into a brothel. It seems that even if Dai Rongjun's business continues, Chef Gu will no longer work there.

"Of course not. I, Nan Yan, are not that kind of person. How could I do those meaningless things for the sake of delicious food? Please rest assured, Chef Gu, even if I, Nan Yan, fail to open a restaurant, I will not do such corrupt things." It's a matter of morality," Nan Yan assured.

Chef Gu nodded in satisfaction, and continued to happily plan with Nan Yan.

The chatting time always passed so fast, and it was already afternoon in a blink of an eye, Chef Gu got up to leave, Nan Yan happily saw him off.

It's just that another special guest came tonight, and it was Boss Zhou of the famous restaurant in Yangzhou City.

"Boss Nan, a guest called you out and said he wanted to see you!" Ah Hu came into the kitchen to report.

"Who is it? Did that person leave a name?" Nan Yan asked.

"He said that he is Boss Zhou of a famous restaurant, and he said he told you, so you will know." Ah Hu said again.

"Famous restaurant? Boss Zhou?"

Nan Yan quickly recalled it in her mind, and after a while, she remembered that it was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month before she opened a restaurant. The restaurant where Dai Yingyu and Dai Yingyu were fighting at the entrance of a bamboo restaurant was Shengming Restaurant. The owner of the restaurant was named Zhou .

"I know who he is now, tell him, and I'll go over after I finish my work!" Nan Yan ordered with a smile.

Ah Hu wiped the sweat off his head, smiled and went out.

It was half an hour after Nan Yan finished the work in the kitchen. Nan Yan took off her apron, wiped the sweat from her head, and walked out of the kitchen.

That week, the boss ordered four special dishes from the restaurant, and was drinking and enjoying them alone.

Nan Yan stepped forward and stood in front of Boss Zhou's desk, and greeted politely: "Boss Zhou, I'm sorry, I'm just done now."

When Boss Zhou saw Nan Yan coming, he immediately got up and invited Nan Yan to sit across from him, "Girl, please sit down and talk."

Nan Yan smiled and nodded, then sat down, "I don't know why Boss Zhou came to look for me today, what's your business?"

Boss Zhou put down his wine glass and said with a faint smile: "This is still an exquisite restaurant that has become well-known in the food industry in Yangzhou City for its unique food flavor and management methods in a very short period of time. As expected, the dishes of the four towns and villages really taste extraordinary and delicious."

"Thank you, Boss Zhou, for your compliment. If there are any shortcomings, please forgive me." Nan Yan said modestly.

"There is nothing wrong with it. I thought my famous restaurant was unique in Yangzhou city with its unique bamboo exterior. I never thought that the girl would think of using boats as a restaurant business, so that customers can taste unique delicacies. , and can float on the West Lake, allowing people to enjoy the beautiful scenery on the lake." Boss Zhou praised.

"Boss Zhou has won the award, that's all I thought of accidentally." Nan Yan continued modestly.

"That's more proof that you are a talented person. What's more, what the gourmet industry wants is good food, and you have fully achieved it." Boss Zhou's series of compliments made Nan Yan a little overwhelmed.

(End of this chapter)

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