Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 125 Boss Zhou Visits

Chapter 125 Boss Zhou Visits
Facing Boss Zhou's endless compliments, Nan Yan just smiled and listened attentively.

After a long time, Boss Zhou drank a few cups of Lao Bai Gan, and his drooping cheeks were slightly tipsy.He stopped praising Nan Yan, and became melancholy, as if he was helpless, as if he had no interest in life.

"Boss Zhou, you drank too much." Seeing this, Nan Yan, who was sitting opposite Boss Zhou, tried to dissuade her.

"No, I don't have much, this little wine is nothing to worry about. It's just that I... am not in a good mood..." Boss Zhou wiped his flushed face and said melancholy.

Nan Yan thought to herself, you don't come here to drink away your worries, do you?It's all right to drink away your worries, but I still have to do business, so I can't just sit here and listen to you rambling about your so-called bad mood, right?
Just when Nan Yan was about to get up to say hello and go to do business, Boss Zhou got up again and stopped Nan Yan and invited her to sit down again.

Nan Yan was puzzled, but out of politeness, she sat down happily and waited for Boss Zhou's next words.

"I came to you today to ask for something." Boss Zhou finally spoke the truth after drinking for several days.

Well, it's rare that the owner of the most famous restaurant in Yangzhou City came to patronize, so let's hear what he wants to express!

Nan Yan made a modest expression, and said: "Boss Zhou is serious, you can tell me anything, as long as it is within my ability, I am willing to help."

Boss Zhou took another sip of his wine and said with a smile, "What I'm asking for is definitely within your scope, it just depends on whether you are willing or not."

"Please speak."

Boss Zhou raised his head, looked up at the charming cook in front of him meaningfully, and said without hesitation: "I want to invite you to be the chef of my famous restaurant, what do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, Nan Yan's face was a little shocked, and then a expression of dumbfounding.When Chef Gu came to visit earlier, she took great pains to keep the well-known Chef Gu in Beijing, but she didn't expect that the boss Zhou of this famous restaurant came to patronize, but it was to poach her to become the chef of the famous restaurant. .

Nan Yan felt that it was too impolite to reject Boss Zhou too bluntly, so she pretended to be thoughtful for a long time, and said in a sly way: "Boss Zhou, I..."

Before Nan Yan could finish her next words, Boss Zhou made a blocking gesture and said, "I know you will definitely reject me, please listen to me to finish my idea, please?"

The words that reached her lips were blocked, so Nan Yan had no choice but to stop speaking, and made a "please" gesture to let Boss Zhou continue to speak.

"This is how I conceived it. Miss Nan's restaurant on the boat has been doing well in Yangzhou City not long after it opened. You must not be willing to let you give up what you have now. I would like to spend a lot of money to keep your restaurant. I bought the restaurant on the boat, and the price definitely satisfies Miss Nan. From now on, it will be renamed Shengming Yishang Restaurant. And in the future, whether it is my Shengming Restaurant or this Shengmingshang Restaurant, I will share with you ****, I six you four, Miss Nan, what do you think?"

As expected of a person who has been in the business for a long time, he has good calculations, but it can also be seen that Boss Zhou also spent a lot of money in order to discover Nan Yan, an extraordinary talent in cooking.

Sounds like a good idea.On the one hand, Nanyan's Shangshang Restaurant can use the reputation of the famous restaurant to increase its reputation in this affluent Yangzhou city; In short, you can become rich in no time...

However, people live only to have more money, so what is more valuable?What's more, Nan Yan is a time traveler, and she has seen through the money benefits. What she wants to get is nothing more than her own dream come true.

"I'm sorry, Boss Zhou, I don't think I can accept it." Nan Yan didn't think too much, and directly broke Boss Zhou's wishful thinking.

Boss Zhou expected that Nan Yan would refuse, but most of the guesses were that she could nod and accept.

"Miss Nan, don't you think the conditions I offered are not enough?" Boss Zhou frowned, patted his thigh after a short consideration, and said, "Do you think this is good? Five or five points, we How about a [-]-[-] split? You will also be the owner of this famous restaurant in the future!"

Nan Yan looked up at Boss Zhou's slightly anxious face, and smiled faintly, "I'm sorry, Boss Zhou, my answer is still 'no'."

Boss Zhou is a businessman, and he will not open again if the asking price is higher. Who wants to do business at a loss.It's just that he couldn't figure it out. He had already offered a [-]-[-] split, so why would Nan Yan not agree?

"Why, my conditions have already reached this level, why is Miss Nan still unwilling?" Boss Zhou was puzzled.

Nan Yan smiled and continued: "Boss Zhou, thank you for your love for my cooking skills. The conditions you offered are indeed very tempting. If you are just standing in the pure business field, such conditions will inevitably Agreed. It’s just that I opened this restaurant not for money, but for my own dreams. It’s enough for people from all walks of life to eat my delicious dishes and get their nods of satisfaction. What’s more, this restaurant I didn’t open it alone, but with the help of my friends one after another, I’m here today, so I can’t sell this restaurant.”

"Okay, okay, don't sell it if you don't sell it. Then you can go to my famous restaurant to be the chef, and you can still cook delicious food for the common people to taste. What's more, my platform is higher and wider, and I can contact more dignitaries. It will also be helpful for Miss Nan to find a good home in the future." Boss Zhou is determined to recruit Nan Yan to become a chef, and even has a plan for her to marry in the future.

Nanyan laughed out loud, "Boss Zhou, you really bothered me. But I still want to stick to my principles, this restaurant is still not for sale, and I will not leave here. Boss Zhou please respect my thoughts. "

Boss Zhou is in a hurry. You must know that in the past decades of business, there is no business that he can't negotiate. This Nan Yan is definitely an exception among the exceptions.

"Are you serious?" Boss Zhou asked again.

"Yes, I'm serious." Nan Yan responded gently.

Unexpectedly, this week, the boss not only did not intend to give up, but instead showed a thought-provoking expression, "Miss Nan, if you insist on not agreeing to my proposal, then... don't blame me, Zhou, for turning your back on me in the future. Knowing that you and I are in the food business, it is inevitable that we will meet each other in the future. Let me remind you again, the reason why this famous restaurant of mine has become the top brand in Yangzhou City is not only because of the outstanding dishes of my restaurant , Sometimes it takes some unknown means to win today's position."

There was something in Boss Zhou's words, and a scary and ferocious look gradually appeared on his face.Nan Yan is a smart person, after hearing what he said, she naturally understood the meaning.

"Boss Zhou, it's getting late. I'm going to work in the back kitchen. It's time for your famous restaurant to have customers, so I won't keep you." The other party's words have already reached their point, Nan Yan still has What's so polite about it.

"Okay, Miss Nan, you have the guts, let's wait and see!" Boss Zhou slammed the dining table, dropped a bank note, and left the restaurant on the boat with a muffled grunt.

Nan Yan sighed lightly. It wasn't that she was afraid, but that she couldn't figure it out. Everyone was competing fairly, so why did they create so many unnecessary conflicts?

It's because she is too young and inexperienced. The business field is like a battlefield, and Ma Liang, an elite soldier, cannot defeat the enemy every time.Otherwise, how can there be 36 tricks?

When Boss Zhou left Shangshang Restaurant and returned to the shore, he looked back angrily at Shangshang Restaurant and clenched his fists.Then, as if he had thought of some clever plan, a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth made the hair stand on end.

It stands to reason that his peers in Yangzhou have no rivals. The reason why he cares so much about Nanyan's restaurant must be that the restaurant poses a certain threat to his famous restaurant.Boss Zhou is a visionary, he must have foreseen something...

Nan Yan put her hands behind her back, seeing Boss Zhou's back gradually disappearing, she frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

"Boss, the boss is not an easy character to deal with this week. If you offended him today, he will definitely trouble you in the future." While serving food for the surrounding dining tables, Ahu also noticed the relationship between Boss Zhou and Nan Yan. dialogue.

"You seem to know him very well." Nan Yan didn't look back, but still looked at the shore.

"That's right, my colleague from a juggling class also sneaked out of the juggling class, and later went to do odd jobs in his shop. Unexpectedly, once he broke his beloved antique, he was beaten off by one of his people." Legs. I can no longer see the figure of that colleague wandering around in the famous restaurant, and he must have been" Ah Hu didn't dare to say any more, and the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became.

"Okay, don't scare yourself. Don't talk nonsense when you are uncertain, and do what you should do." Nan Yan turned her head and said with a stern look.

Ah Hu nodded immediately, blushing and continued to work.

Didn't Nan Yan hear that Boss Zhou was mentioned by people in Yangzhou City?On the surface, he is educated and reasonable, gentle and elegant, but in reality he is dark and ruthless...

It's just that Boss Zhou took the initiative to come to the door today, and it's normal for Nanyan not to agree to his persuasion. Shouldn't she have her own principles?As for what Boss Zhou will do to her in the future, Nan Yan has no idea now, so she can only let nature take its course.There is a saying that goes well, when soldiers come, they will be blocked by water and covered by soil.There will always be a solution, the key is not to frighten yourself first.

The sky is dark for the first time, and the night is coming, and the restaurant has started the busiest time of the day...

 Back from adopting a child, thank you to some readers and friends for their perseverance. In the future, Apple Butter will write more and better works for everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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