Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 127 Unexpected News

Chapter 127 Unexpected News

Obviously it was Hua Zhu who asked Nan Yan to cook a special dish for her to taste, but she said that Nan Yan insisted on keeping her for lunch in the newly opened restaurant.In this way, the following will be clear.

"You feel sick in your stomach, what's the matter with Yan'er's cooking?" He Chenyi asked without looking at the change in Hua Zhu's face.

"The two maids and I had diarrhea after we came back from congratulating her, and...and..." Huazhu tried to pretend that she didn't dare to continue.

"And what? Don't hesitate!" He Chenyi's tone was obviously a little impatient, Hua Zhu really overestimated He Chenyi's patience.

"Lian'er told me...she saw it in the back kitchen of Yan'er's new store...saw it..." Before He Chenyi could urge him to speak, Hua Zhu continued: "That Yan'er deliberately put the persimmon and egg Mixed together, it caused my abdominal pain and diarrhea."

"Nonsense!" As soon as Hua Zhu finished speaking, He Chenyi jumped up and retorted, "Yan'er is one of the best cooks in Yangzhou, how could she not know that persimmons and eggs can't be eaten together? On purpose? What do you mean by deliberate?"

"Husband calm down, I don't believe it either, but Lian'er told me this."

Hua Zhu knew that He Chenyi was not so kind to Nan Yan, sometimes even better than his own sister.

He Chenyi's mood didn't fluctuate much, instead he became calmer, "Then tell me, this Yan'er deliberately mixed persimmons and eggs to make dishes for you to taste, so what's the point?"

"This..." Huazhu pretended to be hesitant again, rolled her eyes, and said, "At first I couldn't figure it out, but Lian'er said... said... that sister Yan'er fell in love with you, and I was you again." A veritable lady, so she treats me..."

"I hate you so much, so I poisoned the dishes and made you feel unwell?" He Chenyi continued the conversation.

Hua Zhu didn't speak anymore, but lowered her head and pretended to be innocent.

"Why did Lian'er say it? It was Lian'er who took care of you when you came into the mansion. Now it seems that Lian'er is not a cheap lamp, she is a gossip." He Chenyi said angrily.

"Husband, don't be angry. Lian'er is also kind to me, so don't blame her. I also think that sister Yan'er would not do such a thing on purpose, so I didn't take Lian'er's words to heart at all. Seeing the wind, Hua Zhu immediately changed the subject, and started to say something nice for Nan Yan.

"Then let me ask you, why don't you take medicine because you have more than one diarrhea?" He Chenyi put his hands behind his back, turned around and looked at Hua Zhu again.

"Taking medicine is not good for your health." Hua Zhu responded without thinking.

The reason why she didn't take the medicine was because she knew that He Chenyi came back very late every day.If you take the medicine prescribed by the doctor, the diarrhea can be stopped within half a day.In this way, how can He Chenyi, who came back late, see that he has continuous diarrhea and looks weak and weak.

"Diarrhea from noon to midnight, is it good for your health?" He Chenyi pretended to feel distressed.

"I...I...can't take medicine..." Huazhu began to stammer again.

He Chenyi frowned, but he didn't ask, but his eyes were very sharp.

"I... am pregnant..." Hua Zhu finally uttered the words that she wanted to express the most in her heart, which made people really anxious.

"What? You are pregnant? How could it be?" This sudden news came out of Huazhu's mouth, which really surprised people, especially He Chenyi, the person involved.

Yes, how could it be?He Chenyi never slept in the same bed with Hua Zhu at all, how could he let Hua Zhu get pregnant?

"Ma'am, isn't this joke too far?" He Chenyi sneered.

"Husband, what I said is true, I really have your flesh and blood!" Hua Zhu's voice was very sure, "You mean to say that the two of us have never had sex before, so how could you make me pregnant? "

What He Chenyi wanted to express was exactly this, but it was inconvenient for him to speak, and the other party would think that he deliberately did not have sex with him.

He Chenyi didn't express his opinion, but stared questioningly at Hua Zhu's upturned eyes.

"Do you still remember the birthday of sister Yan'er that day?" Huazhu took He Chenyi to recall the ins and outs of that day, "That **** came back drunk late at night, I heard the sound and walked out of the house, and Ma Er told me that you were drunk I went to the kitchen and made some pear juice for you to hangover. I brought it to your study, and you were already lying on the couch. I went up to try to wake you up to drink pear juice, but you hugged me into my arms, took off the already thin Qing Luo on my body, and then...then..."

Huazhu shyly didn't go any further, her cheeks flushed with blush.

He Chenyi tried hard to think back, frowning.He recalled that the next morning, when he woke up naked and sat on the couch, he was really confused.Because he usually sleeps in close-fitting clothes, why didn't he wear anything that day?

"Is it really as you said?" He Chenyi asked again without giving up.

"Well, Zhu Er, if I tell half a lie, I will be struck by lightning!" Hua Zhu raised her left hand and swore to the sky.

In this way, the intention is very clear.Huazhu borrowed the matter of diarrhea, on the one hand, to test Nanyan's position in He Chenyi's heart, and on the other hand, to indirectly reveal the fact that she was pregnant with Liujia.

He Chenyi's expression looked a bit dazed, but soon he returned to normal color, and his face was filled with joy, "Ma'am, you should stop running around when you are pregnant. Tell the maids what you want to eat." , pay attention to your body in the future, don’t move your baby’s gas. This is our child, the fruit of our love.”

He Chenyi's joy could not be restrained, he quickly helped Huazhu to lie flat on the couch again, and carefully tucked the quilt up for her.

"Husband, are you really happy?" Hua Zhu looked at He Chenyi with some hesitation, she did not expect that he was not only not surprised, but very happy.

"Of course I'm happy. I'm going to be a father soon. Why can't I be unhappy? My father and mother hoped that I would marry a wife and have children soon. Isn't this in line with their wishes? Well, don't talk too much. Say, rest more. I will stay here to take care of you tonight, so you can sleep peacefully!" He Chenyi thoughtfully held Hua Zhu's hand, cherishing it as if holding a treasure.

"Well, good! If you know that your husband is so happy, I should have told you earlier. I thought you would be unhappy." Huazhu said softly.

Under He Chenyi's gentle care, Huazhu's diarrhea gradually got better, and she fell asleep peacefully.He Chenyi was lying beside Huazhu, looking carefully at her beautiful face through the faint candlelight, but frowning.

(End of this chapter)

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