Chapter 128

Good days always seem to pass quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Nan Yan's Shangshang Restaurant and the branch of Shangshang Restaurant are running smoothly, and the business is booming.Soon, the name of the store has developed into a household name, and no one knows it.

The restaurant on the boat has become a place where dignitaries often go to taste special dishes, and the branch of the restaurant is still a cheap restaurant for ordinary people. Now it has won the hearts of the people and is the best place for ordinary people to taste delicious food.

Of course, some people will be happy and some will be sad.The two restaurants of Nan Yan and Chef Gu are booming, which naturally means that more restaurants are becoming more and more depressed.The regular diners of various restaurants have gradually evolved into regular customers of Nan Yan.

As a result, there were more and more restaurant owners who were jealous and hated Nan Yan.

As the weather gradually turns cold, the branch of Zhanfanzhuang has introduced a new way of eating hot pot.Needless to say, the most acceptable one is naturally the bottom of the mandarin duck pot.Those who like spicy food eat red soup, those who don't like spicy food eat white soup.In addition, there are tomato pots, seafood pots, and sour soup pots to choose from.

In winter, you can eat warm hot pot without worrying that the dishes will be cold from the beginning to the end, and the bottom of the pot is so delicious, which is naturally loved and appreciated by the common people.

Although this branch is still managed by Chef Gu, he and Nan Yan will have culinary discussions every day.The two often reach a consensus on the newly developed food before releasing it to the market.

Under Nan Yan's hands-on teaching, Chef Gu learned how to make hot pot bottom ingredients.Although the daily preparation work is very tiring, he also feels very happy to see that the common people love to eat.

The hot pot is both affordable and delicious, and it has been widely praised within a few days of promotion.In less than ten days, people in the entire Yangzhou city came to taste the delicacy of this hot pot.For several days in a row, there was a long queue at the door, which made the back kitchen so busy that there was no time to go to the toilet.

Qi Yuhao never thought that Nan Yan would open the restaurant so well, but he was not surprised.Seeing Nanyan busy all day, doing things seriously, it is not surprising that she will have such a brilliant day.

But the good times didn't last long, one day not long after, two headhunters from the yamen came to visit, and their targets were directed at Guide Yan and Chef Gu.The head catcher couldn't help but arrest Nan Yan and Chef Gu back to the yamen in front of everyone.

Nan Yan and Chef Gu couldn't figure out what was going on, they only knew what crime they had committed when they arrived at the Yamen.

When they arrived at the Yamen, Nan Yan and Chef Gu saw eight or nine bosses of various restaurants standing in the hall, among them was Boss Zhou of a famous restaurant that Nan Yan said he was familiar with.

From this point of view, Nan Yan knew something in her heart, but she didn't know why the owners of these restaurants sued herself and Chef Gu to the government?
At this time, Mr. Yang in the yamen was already sitting in the hall, when a gavel was knocked, the whole court fell silent instantly.The gate was surrounded by people with good deeds, and they all came to watch the good show.

Mr. Yang's complexion is dark, and his facial features are correct and majestic. If there is a crescent moon on his forehead, he will really become an out-and-out Bao Qingtian.

Master Yang didn't ask Nan Yan and Chef Gu to kneel down, but Tang Yan and Chef Gu stood separately from the eight or nine restaurant owners.

Mr. Yang is a well-known good official in the local area. Although he does not have the crescent moon on Bao Qingtian's forehead, he has his principles of fairness and impartiality in adjudicating cases.

Before he figured out the whole story, Mr. Yang would not casually judge who is right and who is wrong, and who is right.

"My lord, the two of them worked hand in hand, secretly produced shady food ingredients, and tempted the common people to taste their dishes."

"Master Yang, you don't know that there are many things in their food that are unknown to many of our restaurants, which lures the common people to eat and want to eat, which makes their business more prosperous."

"Master Yang, you also live in Yangzhou City. The business of our restaurants is becoming more and more difficult, and you know it."

"That's right, that's right. It's all because of these two people colluding together. They lured the common people to go to their restaurants, and made us lose our business."

"No, several of my old customers have become theirs. The old customers all said that their dishes are so delicious, and they want to eat them again, so that they can't extricate themselves."

Before Master Yang asked about the situation, the restaurant owners took the initiative to complain.

Nan Yan and Chef Gu listened carefully to the complaints of these bosses as if they had nothing to do with them.

Master Yang in the hall frowned slightly, and slowly said: "Shameful food ingredients? What evidence do you have?"

Just as he was talking, two of the restaurant owners brought up the ingredients of Nan Yan's food.One can tell at a glance that it is the hot pot that has become very popular recently. There are many ingredients in the hot pot. It can be said that most of the ingredients in it are not so-called familiar by these restaurant owners.

"Master Yang, look, these are the ingredients for the hot pot in their restaurant. Look, what is this? What is this? What is this again?"

The two restaurant owners picked out the ingredients from the hot pot one by one and placed them in front of everyone.

Nan Yan looked at the ingredients on the ground and snorted disdainfully.

"Miss Nanyan, these ingredients are indeed not common in Yangzhou City, how do you explain?" Master Yang patted the gavel again, but asked in a not too firm voice.

"Master Yang, I have nothing to explain. The so-called people have their own ways to get promoted and get rich. These are just the ingredients I researched for the food. This is my secret and I will not share it with others." Nan Yan responded with a smile .

"Secret? You obviously don't dare to tell it. You don't know where the witch clan is, who used your witchcraft to fool the common people."

"That's right, how can there be a restaurant owner as beautiful as you in this area of ​​hundreds of miles? You obviously used witchcraft to make yourself beautiful, and then used some charming things of your witch clan to make the common people be attracted by your food. Blinded."

These restaurant owners started complaining again and again. The more they said, the more outrageous they were. They even talked about the witch clan. Is this in the world of Xianxia?
Nan Yan really found it ridiculous, and said with a sneer, "I am a member of the witch clan? Then what am I going to do to confuse the common people with witchcraft?"

"It goes without saying that your goal is to start with this city of Yangzhou and confuse the local people. When the plan achieves initial success, it will slowly extend to other cities outside the city, and the ultimate goal is to achieve that the people all over the world are for you. Confused, I don't need to tell you about the final result...Master Yang, you should be very clear, right?"

This was said by Boss Zhou of the famous restaurant, and he is really too serious!

"This witch wants to be the second Wu Zetian!"

(End of this chapter)

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