Chapter 131

Naturally, Nan Yan would not be afraid, because she did nothing wrong at all.As a modern person who traveled to this ancient time, what's so strange about having innovative ideas?It's just that no one knew that she was a time-traveler. Her simple and closed mind and excessive jealousy made Nan Yan from a beautiful and refined restaurant owner to a guilty prisoner in an instant.

For the time being, Nan Yan stayed at the owner of the thatched cottage that Qi Yuhao had rescued.The owners of the thatched cottage are an elderly couple with gray hair.They received Nan Yan warmly, gave her a bowl of hot rice to eat, and handed Nan Yan the soft food that Qi Yuhao left with them.

"Miss Yan, this is the soft bag that Mr. Qi asked us to hand over to you. It contains a change of clothes. Quickly take off the prison uniform on your body, and we will bury it in the field."

The old couple were afraid that someone from the government would suddenly come to search for them, so they looked very nervous and asked.

Nan Yan nodded, walked into a very small thatched room, and changed her prison uniform.

What Qi Yuhao prepared for Nan Yan were two or three very old-fashioned clothes worn by women from ordinary peasant families.After all, he was on the run, so wearing loose brocade or brand-new clothes would naturally attract people's attention.Qi Yuhao is really a careful person.

The old man picked up the hoe and went out overnight to bury the prison uniform.The old lady stayed at home to take care of Nan Yan.

The old woman spread out the bedding for Nan Yan. Although it was very old, thin and worn out, it could still protect against the cold in this cold winter night.

"Miss Yan, we both live in poverty, and we can't get any good bedding. Please don't dislike it, Miss Yan." The old woman smiled.

"No, no, why would you dislike me? You two elders are not afraid of me being a prisoner, and are willing to take the risk of taking me here. I am grateful to you before it's too late!" Nan Yan responded modestly.

"How can there be? Mr. Qi was kind to us back then, and you are her sweetheart. If the benefactor's sweetheart is in trouble, we will naturally help." The old woman said kindly.

"What? His sweetheart?" Nan Yan's eyes suddenly widened, her jaw almost fell to the ground.

"What? Miss Yan is shy? What's there to be shy about? Mr. Qi is really a rare good person." The old woman said with a gossip smile on her brows.

Nan Yan thought, this is not how Qi Yuhao described himself to the two old people, right?The sweetheart is the sweetheart, the most important thing now is to avoid the arrest of the government and think about how to clear his name.

It was almost early morning, and Nan Yan could finally fall asleep.The thatched hut had some air leakage, and the quilt was worn out, which could barely keep out the cold, but it was much better than staying in that cold prison cell wearing thin prison clothes.

In order to keep out the cold, Nan Yan put on the cotton clothes that Qi Yuhao prepared for her, which made her much warmer.

This time, Nan Yan slept very deeply, because she was too tired and hungry in the prison before.In her dream, she didn't dream of officers and soldiers in uniform, nor did she dream of those restaurant owners who were jealous, nor did she dream of the righteous Master Yang in the courtroom.What she dreamed was that she was walking by a river full of flowers, a white horse was grazing grass not far away, and a man with a tall and handsome figure, but he couldn't see his face clearly walked towards him.

Just as Nan Yan approached and wanted to see the other person's face clearly, a violent shaking woke Nan Yan up.

Nan Yan woke up from a deep sleep, rubbing her eyes vaguely, "What's the matter, what happened?" She asked weakly.

"Mr. Qi sent a letter from the city flying pigeons, saying that the officers and soldiers are already heading out of the city to search for you. Miss Yan, hurry up and leave here." The old woman hurriedly stuffed the clothes on the bedside into the sleepy Nan Yan's hand. inside.

"What? The officers and soldiers searched outside the city so quickly?" Nan Yan couldn't believe that the government in Yangzhou was so efficient.

"The news from Mr. Qi, is it true? Put on your clothes quickly, I will ask the old man to use the old donkey at home to take you to the woods on the mountain to avoid it first." The old woman said anxiously.

Knowing that the matter was imminent, Nan Yan quickly jumped up from the bed, put on her cotton clothes, washed up briefly, and was ready to go.

The old lady handed Nan Yan a piece of white cloth wrapped with things, "There are five highland barley pancakes inside, you can eat them on the road. Remember to never go deep into the woods on the mountain. The officers and soldiers waiting for the arrest Let's go, I'll let the old man go up the mountain to pick you up." The old woman instructed.

"Let's go, there are not many families outside this city, and we will not be found here soon." The white-haired old man urged the donkey.

After saying goodbye to the old lady, Nan Yan took the soft and highland barley pancakes made by the old lady, and followed the old man on the road.Nan Yan didn't want to add a burden to the donkey, and wanted to walk up the mountain, but the old man refused to say anything, and he just pulled her onto the donkey's back.

"You have been hiding in the woods for a long time, and now you have lost your energy. How can you store your energy and wait for safety when you go up the mountain? Be obedient and ride on a donkey." The old man said earnestly.

Nan Yan thought that the old man was right, so she stopped being stubborn and sat on the donkey's back.

Fortunately, it was Qi Yuhao who sent a letter in time to inform the officers and soldiers that they had already searched outside the city. There were not many families outside the city, and they would be searched down the mountain soon.If so, I'm afraid Nan Yan was brought back to the government for trial while she was still in a deep sleep.

It rained a little early in the morning and the road was rough and muddy.Fortunately, the old man is very familiar with this mountain road, and it is quite safe to take Nan Yan along the way.

At the edge of a forest, the old man stopped and said to Nan Yan who was on the donkey's back: "This is the forest, you can just hide in it. Don't go too deep, otherwise wild animals will come and go. Those officers and soldiers At most, it will stop after searching here." The old man warned cautiously.

"Understood, thank you, grandpa." Nan Yan smiled and thanked the old man.

"Girl, judging from your appearance, you are definitely a good boy, not to mention we trust Mr. Qi's vision very much. The government must have arrested the wrong person and framed you." The old man said, "Okay, it's getting late , I have to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise the officers and soldiers who searched over and saw me will definitely have doubts. Take care of yourself!"

"Okay, I will be careful. Grandpa, be careful on the way down the mountain. By the way, thank the old lady for me too. I walked too fast when I was down the mountain, so I forgot to thank you."

"If you don't thank me, I'll let you talk about it after you're safe and sound. Be careful yourself, I'm going down the mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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