Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 132 Officers and Soldiers Search Outside the City

Chapter 132 Officers and soldiers search outside the city ([-])

The grandfather who was rescued by Qi Yuhao kindly reminded him, and hurriedly dragged the donkey down the mountain.

At this time, only Nan Yan was left alone at the edge of the woods on the mountain. At this moment, a cold wind suddenly blew up. The "howling" sound.

According to the time when Qi Yuhao flew the pigeon to send the letter, the officers and soldiers who came out to search at this time should have arrived at the foot of the mountain, and will soon enter the woods on Daoshan.Nan Yan turned her head and carefully looked at the eerie forest behind her. Under the cover of dark clouds, it looked even more frightening and strange.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid... Isn't it just hiding at the edge of the woods, I can go down the mountain as soon as the officers and soldiers leave." Nan Yan stroked her uneasy chest, let out a sigh of relief, and walked cautiously towards the forest walk in.

There are wild beasts and swamps in the forest...

The Beast and the Swamp...



Nan Yan thought about it silently, reminding herself that she must be careful, otherwise she would die if she met a wild animal or fell into a swamp. drowned in the Slender West Lake.

Nan Yan was wrapped in a thick farm cotton jacket, which Qi Yuhao prepared for her.Although it was quite heavy to wear, it was indeed very warm, but the fear in her heart made her tremble a little.

It is impossible not to be afraid, no matter who faces such a situation, it will be very frightening.Our heroine is human too, and of course she's also afraid.

Nan Yan was very careful with her steps, visually observing the possible hiding places at the edge of the forest.There is a big rock and a big tree not far in front, hiding behind the rock or the big tree?This is a problem.

Before Nan Yan could make a final decision, the sound of three or five people's footsteps and cursing could be heard from outside the woods behind her...

"Damn, where is this little witch hiding? I didn't find her even after trying to die."

"No, a weak little girl, where can she hide? Could it be that she really knows witchcraft?"

"How can there be any witchcraft or non-witchcraft in this world? She's just a little girl. Everyone cheer up, maybe she's not far away."

"Then you mean those restaurant owners who said she knows witchcraft are all lies? Then why are we arresting her? Are you looking for trouble?"

"Stop talking nonsense! The superiors want us to arrest people, so we should do our best to arrest them. As for who is right and who is wrong, whether it is true or not, that is not up to us. Everyone search people separately in a small area!"

"Boss, how do you know that little girl will definitely be here? This place is gloomy, and there are wild beasts haunting... Let... let's go back..."

"That's right, the little girl is a weak girl, she won't come to this place, we don't want to waste our efforts, we'd better go back earlier."

"You useless bastards, you only know that you are greedy for life and afraid of death! I said this little girl is here in this woods! Don't forget, I have been doing this for more than 30 years, let alone my intuition , I can smell the unique smell of the prisoner every time." Then, he looked around with sharp eyes, "This little girl is indeed here, everyone search separately!"

The voices of chattering were getting closer and closer, and Nan Yan knew something was wrong in her heart. Facing the eerie forest, these officers and soldiers did not choose to leave, but boldly searched inside.The officer and soldier called "Boss" was so ruthless that he could smell the prisoner's body.

The edge of the woods is no longer safe, Nan Yan has no way to hide behind the big tree or the big rock, she can only choose to continue running into the depths of the woods, it can be said that there are wolves before and tigers behind, and she has to take fate as her own. The stakes are up.

As the officers and soldiers scattered and searched the woods behind her, Nan Yan had to run in quickly, turning her head from time to time to see if the officers and soldiers were getting closer to her.

After this run, he ran for a long time, but the officers and soldiers behind him still searched inside relentlessly.


Hearing a shrill scream behind her, Nan Yan stopped in despair, quickly found a place to hide and hid, paying attention to what happened.

"Youngest, what's the matter with you?" The officer and soldier called the boss asked loudly.

"Bear...bear...bear..." The youngest stared tremblingly at the big brown bear in front of him, who was eager to try and was about to pounce on him, and he was so frightened that he wet his pants!
After the boss confirmed the direction of the youngest's voice, he only heard a quick "whoosh", and a bow and arrow flew out of his hand.

"Roar..." The bear wailed loudly, and quickly fell to the ground with a "snap".

The youngest looked at the fallen bear, and she was so frightened that she fell to the ground with a "plop".

"Mom, are you alright?"

"No, it's okay..." The youngest was still in shock.

As soon as it subsided, there was a faint roar of a tiger, mixed with the rattling of a crow, and the shrill howling of a ghost...

"Boss, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, the wild beasts are all here!"

"That's right, it's up to us to lose our lives in the end if we continue to search aimlessly like this!"

"No, it's not worth it for us to catch a little girl!"

"That little girl must be a witch, she must be a witch, we can't play with her, hurry up and retreat!"

The officers and soldiers who searched separately gradually gathered together and persuaded the persistent boss one after another.

The boss looked around and found that the situation was really serious. If Nan Yan was hiding in the woods, she must have been torn to pieces by wild beasts and eaten to the bone, so he decided to give up the search.

"Let's all go back, and search again another day!"

After hearing what the boss said, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief for the time being.If he wants to search and arrest again in the future, it's better to pretend to be sick.The officers and soldiers were thinking about it one by one...

Hearing the sound of officers and soldiers retreating gradually, Nan Yan didn't let out a sigh of relief, but became even more nervous.Because those officers and soldiers were right, the beasts heard the movement and appeared one after another.

What should I do now, Nan Yan thought to herself, she doesn't want to be a human meal for the beasts in the woods...

Just when she was desperate, she suddenly found a cave behind her, and hid in it without thinking.There is a huge stone at the entrance of the cave, which can just be moved to the entrance of the cave for cover.

As the howling of the wild beast approached, Nan Yan sealed the entrance of the cave with difficulty, at least a beast of the size like a tiger couldn't get in.

(End of this chapter)

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