Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 133 Seeking Safety in Danger

Chapter 133 Seeking Safety in Danger ([-])

She defended against the outside but couldn't defend against the inside. Before Nan Yan could rest for a while and adjust her frightened mood, something that seemed soft suddenly rubbed against her leg.Even though she was wearing thick and strong cotton trousers, she could feel that this soft thing was not a small species.

"It's over, it's over..." Nan Yan was undecided in shock, but at this moment she became highly nervous again, panicked sweat oozing from her entire forehead.

Presumably this soft thing is not a good kind, it can prevent foreign creatures, but forgets that this cave is not without a "home", Nan Yan's heart feels cold, and she falls down and sits on the ground.


What a cute voice, it doesn't sound like a beast!

Nan Yan's eyes lit up, and she suddenly looked carefully at the "soft" who had been rubbing against her trouser leg through the faint light...


"Ah, it turned out to be a little bear, a brat little bear!" Nan Yan could only think of using this word to describe this super cute little bear in her mind.

The little bear sticks out his tongue to lick Nan Yan's slender hands, and from time to time makes soft "baby" sounds...

If there is no mistake, this little bear should be the child of the big bear who was shot and killed by the officers and soldiers outside just now, right?
Nan Yan suddenly thought of this, and couldn't help touching this poor little bear who just lost her mother but didn't know it yet.

"Baby bear, I'm sorry, your mother is no longer in this world. I'm sorry to tell you this news..." Nan Yan hugged the poor little bear into her warm arms, wanting to use her only warm way to comfort her This little lonely bear.

Naturally, the baby bear couldn't understand what Nan Yan was talking about. It only knew that this person was harmless to it and that he seemed very intimate, so he relaxed his heart and boldly got along with Nan Yan in a friendly manner.

Maybe it was because of the intense running just now, coupled with the fear in her heart, Nan Yan looked extremely tired at the moment, and she fell into a deep sleep with the bear in her arms.

When she woke up again, it was already dawn.

The little bear is still sleeping in her arms, maybe because of the cold weather, animals like bears are hibernating...

Hiding in this bear cave is not a long-term solution, Nan Yan does not want to become a female ape Tarzan from now on.

Nan Yan carefully placed the cute and docile little bear on the warm grass next to her, lowered her head and said to the little bear, "Little bear, I can only accompany you here. Although you don't have a mother, you still have a mother." Have your own growth in the future. I hope you will grow up healthy and continue to reproduce your next generation. Also, you must run away when you meet people in the future. Talents are the most terrifying creatures in the world. They will use various methods to hunt and kill You guys, so be careful in the future."

After the little bear was settled, Nan Yan got up and bent over to walk towards the entrance of the cave.After confirming that the entrance of the cave was not in danger, she slowly moved away the big stone blocking the entrance of the cave, and bright red blood blisters appeared on both hands.

In the bright woods, because the light cannot fully shine in, the whole forest is still foggy, and it feels a little weird.

It is absolutely impossible not to leave here. At the beginning, Qi Yuhao and the grandfather at the foot of the mountain told her to just run to the edge of the woods, but due to the persistent pursuit of the officers and soldiers, she was forced to run deeper and deeper into the woods, so that she herself They didn't even know where they were headed.

"How do I go back here? I can't leave my wonderful time travel in this horrible forest!" Nan Yan said to herself in frustration.

Thinking of the old man at the foot of the mountain saying that there are ferocious beasts and swamps in the woods, her heart sank even further, and she took two steps back, for fear that she would fall into the bottomless swamp...

"Help, help... someone help me... save... save... me..."

Suddenly there was a slight cry for help in the distance, Nan Yan was startled at first, but then became happy.It turned out that she was not the only one in the woods, there were others in it too.

No matter what kind of person the other party is, at least they are human beings.

Nan Yan immediately took a step forward and searched in the direction of the cry for help.Of course, she was very careful with her steps, for fear of falling into the mud that can be seen everywhere, and thus being isolated from the world.

"Help, save me...I'm going to die..."

The cries for help were intermittent, as if they were dying...

Nan Yan heard the cries for help getting closer, and her steps quickened a lot, and she ran desperately in the direction of the cries for help.

When she arrived at the location of the cry for help, she found that the person calling for help turned out to be a child who looked only seven or eight years old.The child was deep in the swamp, the swamp had already submerged up to his neck, and soon his whole body would be buried under this deep swamp.

"It turns turns out...really...really someone...quick, save me...sister, me..." The little boy seemed to be struggling with his last breath to the south not far away. Yan called for help.

"Don't struggle, the more you struggle, the faster you will sink in!" Nan Yan shouted to the little boy.

After finally meeting someone who can save me in this place where nothing shit happens, naturally I have to be obedient.Although the little boy couldn't express, his gradually slowing down told Nan Yan that he could still understand what she said.

There is nothing in this wood, but there are as many branches as possible.Nan Yan turned her head to look for its thick branches on the ground, and soon found a long and strong thick branch.

"Come on, go on! Try to pull your hands out of the swamp. Listen to me, slowly lift your hands out of the swamp. Remember, it's slow! The faster you lift, the more you sink." Deeper." Nan Yan handed the branch to the little boy who was about to be completely silent in the swamp, and reminded loudly.

What she was talking about was just the problem of pressure in physics, but how could she talk about so much physics knowledge with a person who was close to death at this time.

Fortunately, the little boy was very obedient. Although he was deeply trapped in the swamp, he tried his best to let go of his panic and followed Nan Yan's instructions.

The little boy slowly tried to raise his arms that had been deeply buried by the swamp, slowly...slowly...

Seeing his hands, he tried his best to expose them to the black swamp surface.

"Quick, grab it quickly! Don't hesitate!" Nan Yan called out urgently.

When people are dying, their desire to survive is very strong, let alone a little boy who has only been in this world for seven or eight years?He raised his hands with a "plop", and firmly grasped the branch that Nan Yan handed over.

"Don't move, let me do it, just let me do it!" Nan Yan directed again.

If the boy struggles, all rescues will return to the original point.

(End of this chapter)

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