Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 137 Returning to Yangzhou City

Chapter 137 Returning to Yangzhou City

Nan Yan insisted on going back to clear her charges, but it was useless for Qi Yuhao and the two elders to try their best to dissuade her.

"You girl, you just have a stubborn temper!" Qi Yuhao said angrily.

"It's not the first day you know me!" Nan Yan curled her lips, looking otherwise.

No one can easily change the decision Nan Yan made.

"Then when do you plan to go back?" Qi Yuhao asked.

"Now, go back now! But... I have to go back without anyone noticing,'s up to you!" Nan Yan showed a cute expression of begging, staring at Qi Yuhao with blinking eyes .

Qi Yuhao didn't look at her, but didn't say much, just turned his back and kept silent, it seemed that he acquiesced.

"Xuerong, are you afraid of following me?" Nan Yan lowered her body and asked Yang Xuerong.

"I'm not afraid. My sister gave me my life. Even if I'm a bully for my sister in this life, I won't hesitate!" Yang Xuerong responded firmly without a moment's hesitation.

"This child will become a great weapon in the future!" The old man suddenly looked at Yang Xuerong and nodded in appreciation.

"I don't want you to be a cow and a horse, as long as you live well in this life, my sister will have a clear conscience!" Nan Yan stroked Yang Xuerong's head and said softly.

After saying goodbye to the two old people briefly, Qi Yuhao rode back with Nan Yan and Yang Xuerong to the direction of Yangzhou City.When it was almost time to arrive, Qi Yuhao took advantage of the martial arts he had learned since he was a child, and effortlessly avoided the eyes of the guards and soldiers, and brought Nan Yan and Yang Xuerong into Yangzhou City smoothly.

Nanyan was going to the restaurant on Shangshang, and Qi Yuhao sent her to the pier as she wanted.

Since the gate of the restaurant on the boat was sealed by the government with two big white strips crossed, they could only enter through the side entrance.

Nan Yan brought Yang Xuerong in through the side door, followed closely by Qi Yuhao.


Suddenly, a male and a female voice came from inside the room.

"Huh? There are people inside?" Nan Yan was also taken aback, thinking that there should be no one there.

It turned out that Ahu and Yanzi were inside. They were sleeping, and when they heard the side door opened vigilantly, they asked in unison.

"It's the boss, it's the boss Nan who's back!" Yanzi was the first to recognize Nan Yan's voice, and quickly crawled out of the bed bucket, put on a thick coat and came out to meet her.

Knowing that it was Nan Yan who came back, Ah Hu simply put on a coat and walked out happily.

"Boss Nan, why are you back? Everyone in the city is looking for you!" Yan Zi hurriedly stepped forward to hold Nan Yan's hand. It's been a long time since we saw each other, so I miss you.

"That's right, that's right, if someone targets you and goes to the government to say that you're back, it would be bad if the officers and soldiers came to arrest you!" Ahu said in a panic.

"Don't worry about me. Since I chose to come back, I must have my plan! By the way, the restaurant on the boat has been sealed, why are you still here?" Nan Yan asked in turn.

Ahu and Yanzi looked at each other, and then Yanzi explained: "We don't believe that Boss Nan is a person who will harm people. Those ingredients are carefully researched by you yourself. How could they be poisons that confuse the tastes of ordinary people? We The proprietress is not a witch! Besides, we are both orphans, you are our relatives, this boat restaurant is our home, we will be homeless when we leave here, so we have to stay here and wait for Nan Boss The day when the grievances are cleared!"

Although Yanzi has never read a book, she speaks with sincerity.Nan Yan was so moved that she stepped forward to hug Yan Zi and A Hu.

"I came back this time to clear my name. Are you willing to help me?" Nan Yan said.

"Of course, as long as Boss Nan has a word!" Ah Hu patted his chest and said.

"Well, can you two go to West Lake Village to help me bring all the fruits and vegetables I plant, as long as they are ripe?"

"Now?" Swallow asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, all must be in place in the first half of the night!" Nan Yan arranged.

"Okay, no problem, I am very familiar with the gatekeeper on duty today, he won't make things difficult for us!" Ah Hu patted his chest again and said.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you two!" Nan Yan thanked.

So Yanzi and Ahu simply cleaned up, and then pushed the triangular unicycle on the road.

"Sister, what can I do for you?" Yang Xuerong raised his head and looked at Nan Yan.

"Your task now is to sleep well, get up early tomorrow morning and help me with my work!" Nan Yan led Yang Xuerong to the room where Ahu lived, took out a set of neat bedding from the box next to him and spread it out. He sleeps.

"They are all settled, what can I do for you?" Qi Yuhao asked with his hands behind his back.

"You?" Nan Yan turned around and looked at Qi Yuhao, "You know how to do things?"

Qi Yuhao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he simply didn't speak!
"Okay then, help me make some seasonings that the world thinks are weird!" Nan Yan said with a smile, and led Qi Yuhao into the kitchen.

That night, Nanyan and Qi Yuhao were talking and laughing uncharacteristically in the kitchen while they were tinkering with the seasoning.Never before had they stood side by side in such intimacy, never had they spoken so much to each other, talked so much about their hearts.

"Yu Hao, who are you and why are you so mysterious?" Nan Yan asked this question again.

Qi Yuhao was busy with the work in hand, and responded calmly without raising his head: "Is my life experience that important to you? Do you definitely want to know? What if I don't want to tell you?"

Nan Yan was a little disappointed, she lowered her head and hurriedly said: "Then it's up to you, talk or not."

"There are some things, you don't need to ask them. One day, the root cause of the matter will naturally surface." Qi Yuhao said indifferently.

"Oh, don't tell me if you don't say it! By the way, have you never been curious about me?" Nan Yan asked Qi Yuhao in turn.

Qi Yuhao raised his eyebrows, but still bowed his head and remained silent.

"Aren't you wondering where the ingredients I'm cooking come from? Why haven't I seen them before? Why are they considered witchcraft by those joint restaurant owners?"

"What does all this have to do with me?"

Nan Yan was speechless for a moment, she really didn't know what Qi Yuhao was thinking about all day long, she didn't care about anything, but she still cared about herself and had a good impression of herself.

"I just need to know that you are a kind woman, and you have no intention of harming anyone!"

Nan Yan was still thinking about it, but she didn't expect Qi Yuhao to say such a word... She didn't know what to say next...

Qi Yuhao raised his head suddenly, held Nan Yan's hands with both hands, and said in a tone that was not gentle, but not forceful: "If one day I decide that you are mine, even if the whole world is looking for you, I will be there I don't hesitate to keep you private for the rest of my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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