Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 138 Selling breakfast as usual

Chapter 138 Selling breakfast as usual ([-])

Nan Yan's cheeks blushed immediately, her body temperature rose rapidly, and her whole body was so hot that she was steaming...

Although Qi Yuhao finished the sentence just now with a blank face, but should this sentence be so domineering, or should it be so sensational...

But the clever Nan Yan immediately came back to her senses, pouted angrily and said, "What is it haven't regarded me as...hmph..."

Nan Yan simply turned her back, ignored Qi Yuhao, and continued to be busy with the matter at hand.

Qi Yuhao silently watched Nan Yan's small and exquisite back, and couldn't help but secretly laughed.

"You were originally mine, did you forget? You were sold to me with your father's signature..." Qi Yuhao added.

"You..." Nan Yan didn't control her emotions well, she turned around and pointed at Qi Yuhao, but was embraced by him into his broad chest.

"How can I not understand what your father means? He just hopes that I can take you as his wife, so that he can feel at ease! The person I like, don't even try to escape from my palm in this life!" Qi Yuhao took With a rare sly smile, he lowered his head and kissed Nan Yan's forehead.

Nan Yan was at a loss, she was so nervous that she didn't know what to say, she just nudged Qi Yuhao's chest and let him "ravage"...

"However... I have a major unfulfilled wish in this life. If this is accomplished smoothly, I will marry you as my wife. If not, I will arrange a good family for you!"

After finishing speaking, Qi Yuhao pushed Nan Yan away, and restored his cold face, as if he was lost in thought!
Big deal?What does it mean to marry her as a wife if you can reach it, and arrange her to someone else if you don't?It's not goods, but reciprocity!
Nan Yan was so angry that she just broke free from the sweetness at this moment, and the sudden "cold water" splashed made her feel very unhappy, and she didn't know what to argue, so she was so angry that she simply didn't speak, bowed her head and continued to work own business.

Ahu and Yanzi successfully transported back the vegetables and fruits that Nan Yan had grown in West Lake Village. There was still a lot of flour on board, and everything was done as Nan Yan wanted.

With the help of Qi Yuhao, Ahu and Yanzi, Nan Yan rushed to prepare all the pastries and side dishes the next morning, all of which were exquisite in appearance, rich in content, and exquisite in taste...

"Ah Hu, has anyone been here these days when the restaurant was closed?" Nanyan asked, "For example, Boss Zhou from the famous restaurant, have they come here to make trouble again? Or do they want to get more Evidence to frame me?"

"No, I haven't been here at all. Since you disappeared, their restaurant owners are very proud. Business is much better than before, and they don't want to ask about you anymore." Yanzi responded.

"But there is one person who came here once or twice!" Ah Hu suddenly added.

"Who?" Nan Yan asked.

"Master Yang, Master Yang came here at night a few days ago. He was the only one who came here as soon as he got hot, and he didn't bring anyone with him!" Ah Hu replied.

"He? What is he doing here?" Nan Yan asked curiously.

"I don't know. He didn't drive us away anyway. He just said to come and see. Every time he was in the restaurant on the boat, he looked carefully at this place, touched that place, then shook his head and went back." Yanzi replied.

Nan Yan rubbed her chin, thought for a while and stopped thinking about it.

"Anyway, I'm going to sell breakfast at the wharf of Shangshang Restaurant tomorrow morning. Are you ready to 'revitalize the river' with me?" Nan Yan asked with great morale.

"There are definitely some, but... will anyone buy them?" Ah Hu murmured.

Yanzi then gave Ahu a bump with his arm, "Don't ask so many questions, the boss has his own ideas, so let's do it well."

There are still two hours before dawn, and Nan Yan knows that the food will definitely not be sold the next day, so she didn't make a lot of each kind, and what she made was just a show!
Since it's still early, take a rest to ensure your energy.

Everyone fell asleep one after another, Nan Yan and Qi Yuhao just lay down on a dining table upstairs to take a nap.Qi Yuhao watched Nan Yan fall asleep, so he took off his thick coat and put it on her body.Maybe it's because there are too many things on his mind, Qi Yuhao stood at the window in the dark night shaking his paper fan, wondering what he was thinking...

The sky brightened up quickly, Nan Yan and everyone were busy getting the breakfast stall to the pier and setting it up, and then put all kinds of hot breakfast in the steamer.

Nanyan dressed Yang Xuerong as a girl, and she looked as cute as Xiangmei.In addition, he is only seven years old, and his childish voice is immature, and he can't tell that he is a boy at all without looking at the porn.

Although Yang Xuerong was very reluctant, he knew that it was because his sister wanted to protect him and that's why he dressed him up like this, so he didn't object.One must know that this person has already entered Yangzhou City, right under Yao's nose, if he is recognized, he will bring about murder.

"Sweet and hot breakfast, come over here, guests, I guarantee you will still want to eat..." Nan Yan yelled first, followed by Ahu, Yanzi and Yang Xuerong yelling loudly.

Naturally, Qi Yuhao couldn't open his face to peddle, and on the other hand, his special status didn't allow him to do so, so he sat in the boat, and if something happened, he would come forward.

The enthusiastic cries quickly attracted the people of Yangzhou City who were coming and going. Everyone stopped in amazement and started discussing with each other in private.

"Isn't this still sealed up? Why did it sell out earlier?"

"That's right, isn't this beautiful boss a witch, and he's still wanted!"

"Oh, you can't buy things from her house, you will die..."

"It's scary to even dare to come out and sell breakfast!"

"Does this witch want to poison our common people in a fair and honest way? It's terrible, it's terrible..."

"Let's go, let's go, I don't want to be waved by her hand, make some kind of witchcraft, and kill me..."

With that said, some people dispersed in panic...

Of course, there were still some who were not afraid of death, and yelled at Nan Yan and the others with righteous indignation!

"You demon girl, how dare you harm our common people!"

"We're not easy to bully, a few people come and report to the police, and the rest beat her with me, and kill this little witch who harmed the common people!"

As they said that, everyone took out eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers and other food from the baskets in their hands, and threw them at Nan Yan and the others!

At this moment, Qi Yuhao flew out from the silver clothes fluttering on the second floor of the boat!He Chenyi, dressed in white and brocade, flew from the east again, and the two of them waved the paper fans in their hands at the same time, blocking all the food that was thrown at them...

(End of this chapter)

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