Meal Sweet Home: Farm Lady

Chapter 139 Selling breakfast as usual

Chapter 139 Selling breakfast as usual ([-])
With the help of Qi Yuhao and He Chenyi, Nan Yan and the others survived the attack of fruits and vegetables flying from all directions, otherwise they would be dirty and extremely humiliating!

"Before you find out the truth, what reason do you have to treat people like this?" He Chenyi put away the paper fan, lifted his robe, and stood firmly on his legs in front of many ordinary people.

"Being insulted by villains and doing stupid things, are you such ignorant common people?" Qi Yuhao also put away the paper fan handsomely, flew down from the air to the ground, and stood side by side with He Chenyi.

In fact, the words of these two people did not have any deterrent effect. It may be because of their handsome appearance and heroic spirit that the common people were stunned, not knowing how to refute.

At this moment, a fat middle-aged man walked out from the crowd, who turned out to be the owner of the famous restaurant Zhou.It's really not a fuel-efficient lamp. It seems that he has always been very concerned about "Still Restaurant" and has been keeping an eye on it all the time.

"Hey, isn't this young master He Er? What brought you here? Your family is so busy with business, and now you have time to settle things for a little demon girl here? You are really busy."

This week the boss only knew He Chenyi, so he greeted He Chenyi familiarly and sarcastically, completely ignoring Qi Yuhao next to him.

Since Nanyan's accident, it was the first time for He Chenyi to show up. Before that, he was busy with his family's business in other places, so he had been delaying showing up.

Although he just came back, he already knew very clearly what happened to Nan Yan these days.

"Boss Zhou, long time no see! Little demon girl? Where did you start talking?" He Chenyi unhurriedly opened the paper fan again, and gently waved it in his ear.

"Master He Er must be doing business outside, so he hasn't returned to Yangzhou City for a few days, right? Who in Yangzhou City doesn't know that the female owner of this restaurant is still a witch?" Boss Zhou said clearly.

"That's right, that's right, witch!"

"The witch, the witch!"

"Bad conscience! Die badly!"

"Get out, witch!"

"Get out of Yangzhou City!"

"Kill her, kill this witch!"

"Yes, she can't be allowed to harm the world again!"

Under the fanning of Boss Zhou, the common people who surrounded him opened their mouths and cursed.

Nan Yan remained calm, because she knew that she only had one mouth, and no matter how much she tried to argue, she would end up being framed.

"What is the evidence to say that she is a witch? Is it those seasonings that you have never heard of?" He Chenyi asked back.

"It seems that Master He Er has a good understanding of the situation, so do I need to waste my time?" Boss Zhou snorted.

"Well, since the matter has been laid out and discussed here, let's call Mr. Yang out and find out the truth of the matter here." As soon as He Chenyi finished speaking, Mr. Yang appeared in casual clothes In the crowd, he brought a few subordinates and walked slowly in front of the crowd.

"Master He Er really has sharp eyes, he actually knows that I am hiding among the common people." Master Yang paced in front of He Chenyi.

The salt merchants had always had close contacts with the government, so it was not surprising that the two knew each other well.

Boss Zhou didn't expect Master Yang to be among the crowd, so he hurriedly stepped forward to bow, and said, "Master Yang, you can't be biased just because you have a close relationship with the He family!"

Mr. Yang snorted, and said in a serious voice, "What kind of person do you call me, Mr. Yang? The salt merchants have a close relationship with the government because the escorted salt goods must go through the imperial court, otherwise they will become private salt. I, Yang, have always acted impartially, when have I favored anyone?"

Seeing that Mr. Yang was unhappy, Boss Zhou shut up and dared not speak again.

Yang Xuerong next to Nan Yan saw his father whom he hadn't seen for many years, his heart was filled with emotion, and he wanted to go forward to recognize his relative immediately, but Nan Yan stopped him immediately.

It was only then that Yang Xuerong realized that it was not the right time to meet his father. After all, there are many people here. First, it will affect his father's reputation, and second, it will attract the attention of the vicious Yao family eyeliner.

Because Yang Xuerong was dressed as a daughter, he didn't get his father's attention, so it was good.If you want to hide, hide deeper!
"It's best if everyone is here, and the restaurant is still innocent!" Qi Yuhao stepped forward and said, although he didn't know what method Nan Yan would use to clear himself of the crime, he still had to show his aura.

He Chenyi and the others nodded.

"Okay, then please tell me, Miss Nan, what are your ingredients and seasonings made of?" Boss Zhou said unreasonably.

Nan Yan walked over unhurriedly from behind the steamer, and after bowing to Master Yang, He Chenyi and the others, she calmly said, "My ingredients come from all over the country, and even from the other side across the ocean."

Because there was no such thing as "the whole world" or "global" at that time, so Nan Yan explained.

The common people who don't leave Yangzhou City all day are naturally confused and don't know what to say.

"The other side across the ocean? You mean...foreigners." After all, Mr. Yang is a well-read poet and well-informed person.

"That's right, it's something from foreigners with different hair color and skin color than us!" Nan Yan said firmly.

"You're talking nonsense, how could you travel across the ocean and go to the territory of foreigners to get things from foreigners?" Boss Zhou said with ignorance.

Nan Yan glanced at him angrily, and said indifferently: "I can't go across the ocean to get it, but it doesn't mean that foreigners can't come to my land in China."

Saying that, Nan Yan turned to Master Yang again, "Master Yang, as an official, you should often go in and out of the capital, right?"

Master Yang nodded.

"Have you seen any foreigners in the capital?"

"I have seen."

In ancient times, although foreigners were not as ubiquitous as they are today, you could still see one or two occasionally.They brought things from their own country to the heavens to publicize them to the common people.

"This was brought by a foreigner, so it's called a foreign persimmon!" Nan Yan raised a tomato and threw it at Boss Zhou, who hurriedly caught it.

The ignorant and ignorant common people know how to throw tomatoes at people, but they don't know that they are not locally produced, but brought by foreigners who traveled across the ocean.

Nan Yan took out another potato from her ingredients and said, "This is called a potato, and it is also called a potato, and it was also brought over by foreigners."

Many ingredients that are common in modern times are actually very rare in ancient times.

The common people bowed their heads and started discussing, half-believing.

Boss Zhou paused, and immediately retorted: "Not to mention these ingredients, just take your seasonings, how are they made?"

"Seasoning? How do you make it? Hehe..." Nan Yan lowered her head and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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