Chapter 140

"If I tell you how those seasonings are made, then is this my secret recipe? In the future, all your restaurants will do as I said, so what is the advantage of my restaurant?" Nan Yan put her hands on her hips, Said in a strong tone.

Boss Zhou grinned, "You obviously did something shady, mixed your seasoning with your witchcraft to poison the people, and you're still talking about the secret formula of your ingredients here, haha , It's ridiculous!"

"It's you who is ridiculous! Boss Zhou, you think I'm a three-year-old kid. With your aggressive method, I won't be fooled!"

"But... there must be an explanation, otherwise how would you clear yourself of the crime?" At this moment, Master Yang spoke.

Nan Yan dusted off the dust on her body, walked a few steps forward at a leisurely pace, stood in front of everyone, and said, "Master Yang, it's only good for you to be here today. I, Nan Yan, dare to wear you today Standing here selling morning tea, the body of sin naturally wants to clarify my crimes to everyone. I am innocent, so I dare to speak up straight!"

Everyone remained silent, waiting patiently for Nan Yan's next words.

"As I said just now, many of the fruits and vegetables we eat come from the other side of the ocean, but we don't know that. However, the raw materials for the seasonings I make also come from the north and the south of the river."

"Nonsense! What is this thing? Can you tell me where it came from?" Boss Zhou took out a handful of dried round things, which were quite pungent.

"Nan Yan is right. The raw materials for these ingredients do come from all over the world, but no one has discovered and transported them for distribution." At this time, Chef Gu, who hadn't seen him for a long time, walked out from the crowd.

Nan Yan saw Chef Gu appear in time, as if seeing a savior, a light flashed in her eyes, and she suddenly felt much more at ease.

"Chef Gu, you're back!" Nan Yan stepped forward two steps.

"Well, how dare I neglect what Boss Nan ordered me to do?" Chef Gu responded naturally, and then turned to Boss Zhou, "The seasoning in your hand is called Zanthoxylum bungeanum pepper, and it is mainly produced in Sichuan and other places. "

When Boss Zhou saw Chef Gu's sudden arrival, he was a little surprised at first, but he still kept his composure, "You said that this product was produced in Sichuan, so it's Sichuan? Just rely on your words?"

Chef Gu didn't answer, but clapped his hands, and then a middle-aged man wearing a minority hat walked out from the crowd, and threw a large package of peppercorns on the ground, "Does it look like it, this is peppercorns , we have so many..."

This person speaks Sichuan dialect very fluently!
Boss Zhou was a little surprised. He compared the prickly ash in his hand with the prickly ash carried by this man, and they really looked the same!

"Those who have eaten the hot pot of our still restaurant should still remember the numbing taste of the spicy pot, and that taste is the taste of the pepper." Chef Gu explained.

The common people who had eaten the hot pot, recalled, "Oh" one after another...

"Yes, it does have a numb smell!"

"That numb feeling is very good."

"Well, I like to eat that taste, it's very refreshing!"

The common people discussed one after another.

Boss Zhou was speechless for a moment, and frowned, but he took out some information that the public had never seen before, "What is this?"

Boss Zhou took out some red, long and sharp things.

Seeing Nan Yan, she burst out laughing instantly.

This is obviously chili pepper, which originated in Mexico and was introduced to China at the end of the Ming Dynasty. In the dynasty where Nan Yan lived, it was widely planted in the northern region.

Seeing this, Chef Gu clapped his hands again, and then a tall and strong man came out from the crowd, took out more than three kinds of peppers, and said, "That's the peppers you took, we don't have many gone."

This buddy is from the Northeast, and looks very rough.

Peppers haven't been grown much in the southern region, so it's not surprising that people in Yangzhou haven't seen them.They usually eat cornel when they eat spicy food.

"It turns out that this thing is called chili pepper. It is red and beautiful in color. It is very pleasing to the eye when paired with dishes."

"Yeah, the taste is better than cornel."

"We should grow some of this here, too."

"No, it's really a good thing!"

The common people nodded and discussed again.

Boss Zhou was dumbfounded again, but still refused to admit defeat.

"Then...then...then what is this?" Seeing that the so-called "evidence" he took out was confirmed one by one to be big news from various places, Boss Zhou seemed less and less confident.

Boss Zhou is holding star anise, which is shaped like a flower.

"This is star anise, a common ingredient in Fujian." A person with a Fujian accent came out of the crowd and explained to everyone.

Everyone nodded and discussed again.

In this way, Boss Zhou brought out many kinds of seasonings that he had never seen before, and the results were all explained clearly by the people that Chef Gu recruited from all over the world.

In the end, Boss Zhou really couldn't come up with the so-called evidence, he was stunned and didn't know what to do, the atmosphere was very embarrassing!
"In that case, Boss Zhou, what else do you have to say?" Master Yang asked unhurriedly.

"Anyway... Anyway, she is a witch!" Boss Zhou didn't know what evidence to show, and finally made a fuss unreasonably.

Nan Yan rolled her eyes, stepped forward and said to the people in Yangzhou City: "Everyone, I, Nan Yan, swear to God that any delicacy I cook will not be harmful to my body. On the contrary, in the days to come, I will put my health Spread food to everyone. In addition, I have grown these seasonings that you have never seen before. If you are interested, you can come and discuss with me the seeds and methods of planting these seasonings, fruits and vegetables. Everyone will also You can study the combination and modulation of seasonings by yourself, maybe you can even create unexpected flavors yourself.”

When the common people heard Nan Yan's words, they applauded one after another.

"I want to learn, I want to learn how to grow peppers."

"I want to learn how to grow pepper."

"I want to learn how to grow star anise..."

The common people were very enthusiastic.

At this time, the servants beside Master Yang waved their hands, asking everyone to be quiet.

Master Yang walked slowly to the center of the crowd, and said in a calm tone: "Nanyan is not a witch, as Boss Zhou and other restaurant owners said. Not only is she innocent, but she has made a contribution to the diversity of Yangzhou City's cuisine. The huge contribution has brought good food to the people of Yangzhou. Here, I will personally remove the white strip for Shangshang Restaurant, and Shangshang Restaurant will be open normally from now on!"

"Oh great, great! We can do business again!"

"Let's just say our Boss Nan won't do such a thing!"

Yanzi and Ahu jumped up for joy, and Qi Yuhao and He Chenyi who were on the side also smiled at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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