star wife loves me

Chapter 149 This script is very ordinary!

Chapter 149 This script is very ordinary!
Chapter 140 Nine This script is very ordinary!
"The two of us have almost rehearsed for the scene, and we were discussing the script just now."

Chen Bo laughed, and patted the sofa under his buttocks, "Sit down and read the script!"

Huang Xiaoxia poured a cup of tea and put it in front of Su Ze, "Are you tired from the journey? Drink a cup of tea to warm yourself up... By the way, we just finished revising the script, take a look..."

She handed the script to Su Ze, and said with a smile: "Liu Yan told me that you are good at singing, but you have no acting experience, so we cut down some of your character's lines, and the difficulty of acting has been greatly reduced. You should read it first." Look, if there is any embarrassment, just say it, we discuss it and make changes, if not, then we hurry up to rehearse, after all, we will be recording the show tomorrow afternoon!"

"Okay, then I'll take a look!"

Su Ze nodded, took the script in his hand and began to read.

The script is not long, only five pages, thousands of words, Su Ze read it quickly.

"How about the script? Isn't it interesting? The two of us just thought about this script for two days!"

Chen Bo showed a triumphant expression and looked at Su Ze expectantly.

"This..." There was a bit of hesitation on Su Ze's face.

To be honest, for the script in his hand, he didn't find it interesting at all, but found it very, very boring!
It's so boring!
This script called "The Lottery Station" is roughly about a man who goes to the lottery station to buy a lottery ticket, but his wife doesn't like him buying a lottery ticket, so she chases him to the lottery station. The two start arguing at the lottery station. The benefits of the lottery, you can become a rich man, another said that you bought so many lottery tickets and did not see you become a rich man...

blah blah blah...

Then at this time, the third person played by Su Ze appeared on the stage. Su Ze spent the last 1000 yuan in his savings to buy lottery tickets, but one of them didn't win. He went bankrupt and was about to commit suicide.

The husband and wife quickly persuaded Su Ze, and under the education of Su Ze, the negative teaching material, the man repented and realized that his idea of ​​getting rich by buying lottery tickets was unreliable. home.

In the whole story, except for a few witty words when the husband and wife were arguing, which were quite funny, Su Ze never found any other laughing points.

If this kind of skit is put in later generations of shows like "Happy Comedian" and "Crossover Comedy King", it will definitely be crushed and there will be no scum left, even if it is put on a grassroots artist like "Swordsman" On the stage of the draft, it is doomed to a dead end.

With such a script, Huang Xiaoxia and Chen Bo are still complacent!

Seeing the hesitant look on Su Ze's face, Huang Xiaoxia and Chen Bo noticed some clues, Huang Xiaoxia said with a strange expression: "Su Ze, you are not satisfied with this script, are you?"

Su Ze hesitated a little, but decided to tell the truth and nodded, "Yes, I think this script is very ordinary!"

"Ah?" Huang Xiaoxia was surprised, but Chen Bo's face was pulled down instantly, "Really? Then I want to hear your opinion!"

He and Huang Xiaoxia worked hard and stayed up late for two days to conceive and write this "Lottery Station". At first, they thought it was very good, so they showed it to a few friends, and they all said it was very good.But now, Su Ze, a young boy who has just arrived here, can't do without a few words of praise, but even says that it is very ordinary!
This kid is too ignorant of etiquette, is he too crazy?

"Sister Huang, Brother Chen, don't be unhappy, listen to me first..."

Su Ze quickly explained, "The script you wrote, if compared with other previous programs, it is naturally good, and even in my opinion, it has reached the level of the Spring Festival Gala sketch."

Hearing what Su Ze said, Huang Xiaoxia and Chen Bo's expressions turned slightly better, but Chen Bo still snorted coldly, "In that case, why do you still say it's very ordinary?"

Su Ze's complexion was a little weird, and he coughed lightly, "Brother Chen, Sister Huang, let me tell you something, don't be angry. In my opinion, our current sketch cross talk, whether it's in "Comedy Star", It’s still in the Spring Festival Gala, the level is very, very average, there’s no laughing matter at all!”

As soon as these words came out, Huang Xiaoxia and Chen Bo froze there.

He actually said that all sketch cross talk works are very ordinary?
Damn it, it doesn't take those of us who make comedies seriously!
Do you feel like you have sung a few good songs and have a group of fans?Is there no one in sight?
Originally, Huang Xiaoxia and Chen Bo had listened to Su Ze's songs and watched "Dream New Song". Before, they always thought that Su Ze was a person of good character, and because of Liu Yan's recommendation, they agreed to let Su Ze join in.

But you kid started mocking our works as soon as he entered the door, and even fired a map cannon at the entire comedy world. What kind of trouble is this?Are you going to turn the sky upside down?
Chen Bo was immediately amused, took the script from Su Ze's hand, threw it on the table, pointed at Su Ze, and said angrily: "Okay, then I would like to hear, what kind of sketches are in your eyes?" It’s not ordinary, it’s funny!”

Huang Xiaoxia was also very angry, but she didn't say it out of Liu Yan's face. She suppressed the anger in her heart and said, "Su Ze, you haven't been exposed to comedy before, so you may not know it well. You guys are watching comedy I feel very happy and relaxed at times, but the process of creating comedy is very difficult for us..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Su Ze, "Sister Huang, it is not easy to create a comedy. I know this very well. You can create the work "Lottery Station" in two or three days. The others are pretty good by comparison. But, it's not up to my standards for skits."

Before Huang Xiaoxia and Chen Bo could speak, Su Ze stepped back and stood up, "Sister Huang, can you let me use your computer for a while, I thought of a more interesting work about lottery tickets."

"Su Ze, you..." Huang Xiaoxia frowned, wanting to speak in displeasure.

Chen Bo raised his hand, interrupted Huang Xiaoxia's words, pointed at Su Ze, and said coldly: "Give him the computer, let him write, and I want to see what extraordinary sketches he can create! Boy , today you'd better prove what you just said by showing us the ability to convince us, otherwise even if you have a good relationship with Liu Yan, I won't make it easy for you!"

Looking at the angry Chen Bo, Su Ze smiled lightly, "Sit down and rest for a while, just wait and see."

Then he looked at Huang Xiaoxia, "Sister Huang, where is the computer?"

"Here..." Huang Xiaoxia sighed, and brought Su Ze to the study room, and said angrily, "The computer is there, and there is a printer next to it. Go and write. Don't disturb me and Chen Bo's rehearsal!"

The implication is that she has excluded Su Ze.

(End of this chapter)

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