star wife loves me

Chapter 150 "Beautiful Times"!

Chapter 150 "Beautiful Times"!
Chapter 150 "Beautiful Times"!
Su Ze didn't pay attention to Huang Xiaoxia's words, smiled lightly, sat in front of the computer, created a new word document, and typed four words on the first line - beautiful times.

Then select, Format Center.

Hmm, slightly obsessive compulsive disorder.

Next, start writing the text.

Mao Doudou came on stage with a big belly: "Hi everyone, I am Mao Doudou!"

(Pointing at the big belly) "He was born in the next year, and the child's name has been chosen. His father's name is Yu Wei, and the child's name is Yu Pidou."

"It's not easy to raise a child, no, if you open a lottery betting shop, you can earn some money!"

(The phone rings) Mao Doudou pointed to the phone, "I'll answer the call first!"

"Hey, hey, Snow White!"

"I've bought the lottery ticket for you, and it's on our coffee table. Don't worry, it's still your old number. That's right. I'll give you the money first. Don't worry about paying it back. Hang up!"

Mao Doudou hung up the phone, and the drunken aftertaste staggered in with a bag...

The skit that Su Ze is writing is "Beautiful Times", which is a skit at the 2011 Spring Festival Gala on Earth, performed by actors Huang Haibo and Hai Qing, and it also tells a story about lottery tickets.

In Su Ze's opinion, although the fame of this skit is hard to compare with those classic works of comedies, it is still a very exciting work.

Especially the interaction and dialogue between the husband and wife is very funny, and the words are full of jokes.

At the end of the program, the work also returned to the value of advocating honesty, full of positive energy.

The sketch cross talk in this world is too backward. Su Ze believes that once this work appears on the stage of "Comedy Star", it will definitely be a success!
Su Ze was clacking on the keyboard in the study, while in the living room, Huang Xiaoxia and Chen Bo were sitting with gloomy faces.

The originally good atmosphere was disturbed by Su Ze, and they had no intention of continuing to rehearse at all.

"According to me, you should call Liu Yan now and repeat to her everything this kid said, and ask her to get this kid away quickly, so that I won't see him upset!" Chen Bo sat on the sofa, his eyes closed He folded his arms in his arms, angrily.

Huang Xiaoxia sighed, "Don't worry, wait until he comes out, young man, maybe he has some good ideas."

"He has ideas? What ideas can he have?"

Chen Bo shouted: "The two of us have been engaged in comedy for ten years, and our main focus is sketch performances. I don't know how many days and nights we have worked hard in this regard, and how much effort we have spent to achieve today's results. Hey—this kid Fortunately, at best, I have only seen a few sketches of cross talk, and they dare to educate us!"

"He's quite talented..."

Chen Bo slapped the table, "I know he's good at writing songs, but that's useless! This is a comedy sketch, not singing! Well, I get it, he must think that he doesn't have much in our script. He has a sense of presence and is a supporting role, so that’s why he’s upset! He must want to rewrite the script now, give himself more roles, and it’s best to sing a song, right?”

"Okay, okay, stop talking..."

Huang Xiaoxia's complexion was also very ugly, and she was full of complaints against Su Ze. I agreed to let you participate in the show for Liu Yan's sake, but you blocked me and slapped me in the face as soon as you entered the door. Pay attention to it?
She had already made up her mind, and when Su Ze came out of the room, she would find a way to drive him away so as not to affect her mood!

In the living room, the two sat sullenly for about 10 to [-] minutes. The door of the study opened, and Su Ze came out with a few pieces of paper, and handed them over with a smile, "I wrote about half of it first, and printed two copy, you two take a look first!"

"Hehe, you are a genius, you wrote it so quickly!"

Chen Bo took a script in a strange manner, and flicked his fingers, "I want to pay homage to your extraordinary work!"

Su Ze chuckled, didn't speak, sat on the sofa next to him, picked up an apple and gnawed on it.

Huang Xiaoxia glanced at him dissatisfied, sighed inwardly, and casually picked up another sketch to read.

Edamame beans...aftertaste...what's the name?
Opened a lottery betting shop... Heh... It's really a lottery-related story.

The beginning of "Belle Epoque" didn't make Huang Xiaoxia take it seriously, she glanced down and saw the aftertaste of drunkenness appearing on stage.

Mao Doudou: "Drink again?"

Aftertaste: "Drink it!"

Mao Doudou: "No, why did you drink like this this time!"

Yu Wei: "Your brother is still under the table now!"

Mao Doudou: "Then he wants to get back the 4 yuan he owes us?"

Aftertaste: "It's not bad this time, I paid it back!"

Mao Doudou: "When will it be returned?"

Aftertaste: "That..."

Mao Doudou: "Say it!"

Yu Wei (pointing at the big belly): "Son, your uncle asked me to tell you that you will pay you back 20 yuan on your 4th birthday!"

This conversation is interesting...

Huang Xiaoxia concentrated her attention for a while, and then she saw the following lines: "Just his little thoughts, at that time, my brain had a flash of inspiration, bang, I lent him another ten impress him! I used my kindness to impress him! I want to touch him! I want to embarrass him, make him ashamed, and make him ashamed!"

"Huh?" Huang Xiaoxia straightened her body, thinking that the language of this script is quite humorous, let's have a look!
"I know it's not easy to ask my brother for money, right?"

"Too difficult!"

"But I don't think you've done this enough. If I were you, I might as well lend him the 1 yuan we left for the baby's milk powder!"

"What I gave was the [-]!"

Unknowingly, Huang Xiaoxia was attracted by the dialogue between Mao Doudou and Yuwei.

The script progressed, the angry Mao Doudou made Yu Wei kneel down, and went to the room by himself, Yu Wei turned on the TV, heard the lottery winning numbers being broadcast on the TV, picked up the lottery ticket on the table, followed the announcer Report out the winning numbers one by one, they won 500 million!
This is a skit, it doesn't matter if you win 500 million or 5000 million, the key is that Su Ze's script describes the whole process of broadcasting the winning numbers very well.

From the very beginning, the announcer on TV said "Lottery fans", Yu Wei answered "here", and then the announcer said "the winning number of this issue is", Yu Wei answered "let's talk".This kind of simple dialogue with the TV immediately displayed Yuwei's characters and personality traits very vividly and concretely!
Then to the casualness when the announcer first read out the two numbers, the surprise and solemnity when the third number was read, the joy when the fourth number was read, the surprise and excitement when the fifth number was read, and the excitement when the sixth number was read. Jumping around the room, praying "eight, eight, it must be eight", and finally when the announcer said "zero eight", he squatted on the ground!

In terms of time, the whole process took only ten seconds, but these ten seconds were portrayed very concretely by Su Ze, giving the role of Aftertaste a whole lot of drama!

"Hiss—this script is of a level!" Seeing this, Huang Xiaoxia was startled.

(End of this chapter)

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