star wife loves me

Chapter 151 This is the skit!

Chapter 151 This is the skit!
Chapter 150 This is the skit!
The quality of a work lies not only in the setting of the overall plot, but more importantly in the depiction of details.

The overall plot is like a skeleton, and the detailed description of language and action is to attach flesh and blood to this skeleton. If you want to make flesh and blood solid, full, and beautiful, it is beyond the reach of ordinary people!
This "Beautiful Times", Huang Xiaoxia has only read such a part, and she can be sure that Su Ze's screenwriting level is very high!

She glanced at Su Ze in surprise, Su Ze showed her a confident smile, then she turned her head to look at Chen Bo, and found that Chen Bo was staring at the script, and the original face of anger and dissatisfaction had also changed. Get serious.

Then look down, the more you look, the more surprised Huang Xiaoxia is in her heart!

Mao Doudou came out of the room, saw Yu Wei lying on the ground, and then learned that she had won the lottery.

Aftertaste stretched out five fingers, Mao Doudou began to guess.

From the disdain at 500 yuan, to the surprise at 50 yuan, to the excitement at 500 million yuan, and finally to [-] million yuan, I was about to run out with a big belly, saying that my son was in a hurry to receive the award.

The whole process is exactly the same as the emotional changes in the aftertaste when the winning number is broadcast. The details are similar but different. The personality characteristics of the husband and wife are completely distinguished. Su Ze's creative skills can be seen here.

The pleasantly surprised young couple began to dream about a better life after being rich, but then they learned that the lottery ticket was bought for Mao Doudou's best friend Bai Xue, and then they were disappointed. Afterwards, the young couple began to struggle with what to do with the money.

Seeing this, Huang Xiaoxia understood that the key point of the whole work came!
Next, after some hesitation, they must have decided to give the money to Bai Xue!


Something unexpected happened to Huang Xiaoxia!

After Mao Doudou discussed with Yu Wei, Mao Doudou unexpectedly chose 500 million in front of Bai Xue and 500 million!

"It's a big deal. I'll go all out. I'll never see this friend for the rest of my life. I'll hide. Why can't I hide with 500 million yuan? It's not for the two of us, it's for our son's future generations!"

ah?How can you write like this?It is obviously wrong to write this way!

It does not conform to conventional logic!
Huang Xiaoxia continued to look down, but found that there was nothing further down, and the script came to an abrupt end!
"How can I ask for the 500 million by myself?" Huang Xiaoxia looked up at Su Ze and asked in surprise.

Su Ze threw the leftover apple cores into the trash can, and said with a smile: "Of course I won't ask for the 500 million for myself. This is a sketch after all, and I still want to promote the positive energy of honesty and trustworthiness... There is still a part of the story behind, It's just that I haven't figured out how to deal with it yet. Sister Huang, what do you think of this script?"

"I think……"

As Huang Xiaoxia spoke, she rolled her eyes, then pointed to Chen Bo who was holding the script in a daze beside her, and said with a chuckle, "Let Chen Bo talk first!"

Su Ze looked at Chen Bo with a smile, "Brother Chen, tell me what you think about my script."

Chen Bo raised his head and looked at Su Ze with an extremely complicated expression.

Su Ze looked at him with a smile, Huang Xiaoxia also had a smirk on her face, and neither of them spoke.

After a long silence, Chen Bo sighed deeply: "Your very good...I...I...I'm not as good as you!"

Chen Bo's mood at this time was really shocked and embarrassed, it was extremely complicated!

When he first got the script, he dismissed it. He started to read it immediately, just to find out the flaws in the script and mock Su Ze.

In his opinion, Su Ze, a young man who has never been exposed to comedy, and only took 10 minutes to write the script, how could it be any better?

Definitely nothing more than a piece of rubbish!
But when he looked carefully, he found that the facts were quite different from what he had imagined!

Except when Mao Doudou was on the stage at the beginning, there were no laughing points. In addition to setting up the plot, after the aftertaste appeared on the stage, the plot of the story suddenly became fuller, and the jokes followed one after another, without any dull plot in the middle.

As for who the lottery belongs to, the disputes and dialogues between the two people are not in the way of preaching in "Lottery Station". There are no long speeches or life philosophies. .

The previous plots are rich in plot and vivid in language, and the characters of the two actors are also designed to be very vivid and real.In ordinary sketches, if it is about a husband and wife, then the personality positioning between the husband and wife is often very rigid. Between this sketch and that sketch, apart from the different plots, the characters seem to be drawn from the same mold from.

However, the skit "Belle Epoque" is different. Just by reading the script, Chen Bo can feel very clearly that the aftertaste is the aftertaste, Mao Doudou is Mao Doudou, and they are themselves!

It's not that they didn't want to create such a character in the past, but they still couldn't create such a vivid level!

Now Chen Bo's thoughts on Su Ze are - Shock!Convinced!

"I really didn't expect that you are so talented in music, but you are also so talented in comedy!" Huang Xiaoxia also praised, "This script is the best sketch script I have ever seen!"

Chen Bo said with emotion: "This is not just talent, Su Ze has transformed his talent into real strength!"

Su Ze scratched his head with a smile, "In that case... our program tomorrow..."

"Of course I will use yours!" Chen Bo said firmly.

Huang Xiaoxia was a little worried, "The rehearsal will be on-site tomorrow morning, and the official recording will be in the afternoon. We only have one day to prepare at most..."

"Even if you don't go to sleep, you have to discharge this program!" Chen Bo slapped the table, "Isn't it a waste to leave such a good script unused? In comparison, the "Lottery Station" written by the two of us is like a primary school student." composition!"

"Okay! Then let's use this!" Huang Xiaoxia nodded. She also liked "Belle Epoque" very much.

"Huh? No!" Chen Bo flipped through the script in his hand a few times, and looked at Su Ze in surprise, "Su Ze, no, there are three of us, but there are only aftertaste and Mao Doudou in it." Two characters!"

"That's right, you play Aftertaste, and Sister Huang plays Mao Doudou..."

Su Ze nodded with a smile, "As for me, the plot in the script is not over yet, just add me later..."


Chen Bo was momentarily at a loss for words.

Originally, he also said that Su Ze disliked his lack of acting roles, and wanted to change the script to increase his acting roles, and that he wanted to sing.

But now?
Su Ze wrote such a good script, he didn't even think about being the leading role, but playing a small supporting role!

Huang Xiaoxia saw what Chen Bo was thinking, coughed lightly, and said quietly: "This is the difference in realm..."

Chen Bo's face turned red immediately, like a big girl.

(End of this chapter)

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