star wife loves me

Chapter 160 aired!

Chapter 160 is broadcast!

Chapter 160 is broadcast!


Many viewers almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!
What does this mean, I endured a 15-second commercial to watch your 1-minute video, and you just show this to me?
But before they had time to scold, the man with the mosaic began to speak.

"Unexpectedly, there are actually people applauding. This is considered a big auspicious opening, this is..."

"Aren't there any toys for kids nowadays? They're all electric. Computers, video games, electric batons—oh, they're not allowed to play with them. When I was young, there was an electric switch at home, and my dad wouldn't let me touch it."

"At that time, our family raised a chicken, and it was run over by a car. The driver wanted to lose money, so he asked me, kid, does this chicken belong to your family? flat."

"It's off work, my dad is coming home one after another..."

"It's sunny today, and the teacher led us to climb Mount Everest. The students started a mountaineering competition, and sports committee member Wang Xiaoming climbed to the top of the mountain in less than 5 minutes..."

After cutting the video, every sentence is a joke, and even if there is no foreshadowing and foil, it is very funny. Unknowingly, many viewers laughed.

The trailer is very short. After watching it, everyone starts to guess, who is this person?

There are not many well-known cross talk actors in China, and most of them are old faces who often appear on CCTV or provincial TV stations. The body shape and voice of these cross talk actors are already familiar to people, and they are not them at first sight.

Although Su Ze's face was mosaiced, many people still could tell that the person who talked about cross talk was very young.

Probably somewhere between 30 and 40, definitely not [-].

However, listening to the content in cross talk, for example, toys that were not charged when I was young, seem to be the living conditions of people in their 50s and [-]s when they were young.

This is so confusing!
Not only ordinary audiences can't figure it out, even many people who talk about cross talk are also confused.

He Wei, a well-known cross talk actor in China, posted on Weibo the other two cross talk contestants of "The King of Comedy", Daniu and A Liang, and asked them who this person was.

Daniel quickly replied: "Mr. He, it's not that I don't want to tell you. The program group requires confidentiality. You will know when the program airs the day after tomorrow!"

He Wei replied, "Wait until the day after tomorrow? Then why am I asking you? Tell me!"

Daniel: "I really can't say that!"

He Wei: "So, why don't you reply me on Weibo and private message me? I promise not to say anything!"

Daniel: "This... is not good."

He Wei: "Oh, New Year's Day is still more than two months away. Several TV stations want me to recommend a few people for a cross talk show. I'm really worried. Who should I recommend?"

Daniel: "Teacher He, I have already sent you a private message with that person's name..."

A group of onlookers immediately began to tease.

"I'll go, I've seen someone who has no integrity, I've never seen someone who has no integrity like this!"

"Da Niu, did a recommendation make you give up your principles of life? I am so disappointed! I am very sad, and I will forgive you only if you send me a private message of that name!"

"Teacher He, please take a screenshot of the private message!"

"Teacher He, it's better to be alone than to be happy together. I really want to know who that person is!"

Although Daniu and He Wei are cross talk actors, they don't have many fans, but they still have hundreds of thousands. They usually post a Weibo with hundreds of comments.But now, He Wei's last Weibo post has been posted in less than 10 minutes, and there are two to three hundred comments, most of which are clamoring for screenshots of private message conversations.

After He Wei received Daniel's private message, he was silent for more than half an hour before updating Weibo again.

"Friends, I know who that person is, but please forgive me for not being able to tell you due to the principle of confidentiality!"

"But in order to prevent you from unfollowing in a fit of rage, I can give you a hint. This hint is also the title of the trailer - the most unlikely substitute player in history!"

"That's right, when Daniel told me the name of this person, my reaction was, are you kidding me? How could he talk about cross talk? And it's the extremely difficult stand-up comedy in cross talk?"

"Daniu said yes to me, but I still didn't believe it, so I called a friend I knew at Beijing TV Station, and my friend found his colleague...Anyway, it was finally confirmed that Daniel didn't lie to me!"

"This person is not very old, in his 20s. Many of you should know his name, especially friends who like to listen to music... Well, I can only remind you of this. If you talk too much, Director Shi will tell you Come and cut me with a knife!"

He Wei's words made many people start guessing again. In his 20s, those who like to listen to music will know his name?

Could it be... a singer?
Many people thought of this possibility, but shook their heads one after another. Singers cross-border crosstalk and still speak so well, which has never been seen before!

It can't be a singer, after all, these two industries have nothing to do with each other!
There must be something else in Teacher He's words!
Countless fans asked He Wei's Weibo, and some people went to Huang Xiaoxia's Weibo to leave messages, but due to the principle of program confidentiality, no one would reveal the suspense in advance.

Saturday and Sunday are full of suffering for those curious viewers.

When Sunday night came, they sat in front of the TV and computer one by one, waiting for "Comedy Star" to start broadcasting!

An ordinary family.

The husband and wife are sitting on the sofa fighting for the remote control of the TV.

"I want to watch "The Secret History of the Great Qin Court"!" The wife's attitude was firm.

The husband's face was full of impatience, "What's so interesting about "The Secret History of the Great Qin Court"? A group of old women are chattering and intriguing. It's so boring! If you want to watch it, watch war movies, guns and bombs, how exciting! "

"Come on, just the kind of war movie that kills a devil sniper with a single shot from [-] miles away? Hehe, I only watch it if I'm a fool!"

"What do you know? Guns and war are men's romance! Besides, yesterday you wanted to watch "The Secret History of the Great Qin Court", and I didn't compete with you, did I? It's time for me to choose the channel today!"

"Hey, are you still a man, and you dare to grab the remote control from me! Huh? You can say anything before you get married, and you can listen to me. I can do whatever I want. What about now? Hehe, I shouldn't have I believe your words!"

"No, then you say, I let you so many times, you let me die once?"

"Then you made me so many times, let me die again?"

"Hey, you are being unreasonable!"

"How dare you say I'm unreasonable..."

The two were arguing, and the son who had just finished his homework ran out of the study and snatched the remote control into his hand.

"Oh, stop arguing, let's watch "Comedy Star"! Many of my classmates watched this and said it was interesting!"

(End of this chapter)

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