star wife loves me

Chapter 177 Broken!

Chapter 177 Broken!

Chapter 170 The seventh is broken!

"I was wondering who sent me text messages? I must educate her. I want to criticize her and let her walk on the bright road. Unlike many people, I am immersed in pornographic text messages all day long. One day He doesn't do his job at night, he doesn't even know the neighbors, and he still thinks about whether there are aliens in the world!"

"I'm an upright person, I'm a pure person, I'm a person out of vulgar tastes. You think so dirty. When there is no one in the middle of the night, you have a bottle of wine in your left hand, a chicken in your right hand, and a chicken in your mouth. Hold a cigarette in your mouth. Take a sip of wine, two sips of food, two puffs of cigarettes. Ask yourself, are you not guilty?"

"Only those who are anti-three vulgar people have thick eyebrows and big eyes. This person must be very dirty. This woman is not good-looking. Her face is like an apple, her eyes are like grapes, her nose is like a peach, and her mouth is like a cherry. I severely criticized her, Curse her. Finally she replied: Thank you for your reminder, the temperature has indeed cooled down. I wear a lot of warm clothes, don’t worry. I don’t believe you!”

"In the next month, she didn't believe her, and she changed her ways? Then what should I do? How can I educate people? That won't work, what should I do if they are all well? How can I criticize them? I must To criticize people, I have to educate people, I must educate people.”

"Every day I think, why don't you send text messages? My heart is full of claws. Standing on the street and looking up, the world is vast. Withered vines, old trees, dark crows, small bridges and flowing water, people. Ancient roads, westerly winds, thin horses, sunsets Down in the west, heartbroken people are at the end of the world. God, where should I go? What should I do? I have to educate people, I have to fight against the three customs!"

"Flyover. It's a place where ordinary people go. It's low-level, vulgar, and boring. It shows her taste. Flyover represents dirty!"

With Su Ze's vivid performance, he vividly portrays a decent person on the surface who shouts the slogan "Anti-Three Vulgarities" every day, but in fact has a wrong mind and distorted three views!Taking anti-three vulgarity as my mission, but I keep doing the real "three vulgarity" activities!
In life, there are many such people. Many people put on an infinitely serious appearance in front of others, especially on the Internet. They are very high-end, very gentlemanly, and very perfect.

But in fact, in the bottom of her heart that no one knows, her mind is extremely dirty!
And the same is true of their actual behavior. On the surface, they shouted slogans against something, but in fact they often did those things!

You criticize me and accuse me on Weibo, so you are an elegant person?Is it a person who has escaped the vulgar interests?
Come on you, you don't know what virtue it is in real life!

Many people have finished watching the cross talk "I want to fight against the three vulgarities" in one go, and they are still unsatisfied. They feel that Su Ze's scolding is really cool and right!
"Hahaha, this cross talk is good, I would say this is the best among Su Ze's three cross talks!"

"Good scolding! Let me tell you, I used to be a cross talk actor, a very unknown one. Once I was lucky enough to go to a certain TV station to talk about cross talk. I met Fan Xiaoqiang. I thought that since I was so lucky, I would say hello to him. We were so familiar, but people didn’t even look at us with their nostrils turned upside down! Well, you are a senior and you are a teacher, so just ignore me. But later, we were informed by the TV station that our performance was cancelled, and instead we became fan Xiaoqiang's two apprentices! Not only that, I also heard that Fan Xiaoqiang ruined our reputation in the cross talk circle, saying that our cross talk is not good, and that we don't respect the elders, and he doesn't know how to say hello and hand the cup when we meet him Tea... Pooh! Thinking about it now is disgusting!"

"Fuck me, Fan Xiaoqiang is this kind of person?"

"That's right. I'm also from the capital. When I was young, I lived in the same neighborhood as Fan Xiaoqiang. Let me tell you, don't look at this guy's seriousness on the surface. In fact, he did a lot of bad things when he was young. Fighting, molesting female classmates, going Picking up a girl in a bar, I’ve seen it all before, and later people said that cross talk became famous, so I haven’t seen him…”

"This kind of scum deserves to talk about anti-three vulgarities? Haha, it's really ridiculous!"

"I don't know if you have seen that besides Fan Xiaoqiang, there is another man named Feng San who is also scolding Su Ze!"

"I know him. He is Fan Xiaoqiang's junior. This person is even worse than Fan Xiaoqiang. He is a real trash and scum! It's a pity that Mr. Jiang, such a highly respected senior, has educated two such apprentices!"

There were a lot of discussions on the Internet, and it was amazing that the wind direction of public opinion was no longer on Fan Xiaoqiang's side. Su Ze's skit directly brought back many fans, and even attracted many passers-by to turn fans. The discussion was full of criticisms of that kind of prudence.

"I'm mad at me! I'm mad at me!"

After watching Su Ze's cross talk, Fan Xiaoqiang blushed with anger, and slapped the table bitterly, but accidentally knocked off the teacup.

The teacup was broken.

"Oh, this is a cup I bought for 5000 yuan!" Fan Xiaoqiang looked at the fragments on the ground, feeling extremely distressed. This cup is a powerful weapon he bought for 5000 yuan. It was showing off in front of the eyes, but it was accidentally broken!
"Su Ze, Su Ze! If you can still hang out in the cross talk world, my surname is not Fan!" Fan Xiaoqiang gritted his teeth.

Ding dong!The phone rang again, and the fan sent another message: "Teacher Fan, have you watched that video? What should I do?"

"Don't worry, everything is up to me." Fan Xiaoqiang put on a calm and calm look, everything is under control.

"Yeah, don't worry, Teacher Fan, we support you!"

"Yeah." Fan Xiaoqiang put down his phone, and yelled angrily again: "Su Ze! I, Fan Xiaoqiang, are at odds with you!"

He panted angrily for a long time, rolled his eyes and thought for a long time, then smiled coldly and dialed Feng San's phone.

"San'er, have you seen Su Ze's Weibo... Well, I'm so mad... We have to punish him again! In this way, Master opened Weibo a while ago, you find a way to get Master's Weibo Get the Weibo account password..."


Liuyun Tea House.

Six people including Su Ze, Li Songling, and Guo Yungang sat together.

A week ago, Liuyun Teahouse was on the verge of bankruptcy. Su Ze saved Liuyun Teahouse from the crisis with his own efforts. Later, as the audience surged to full capacity, Su Ze and the four of them alone were no longer enough to cope with the performance, so Guo Yungang deliberately made the previous A pair of cross talk partners who performed here invited back.

Counting now, there are only three pairs of them in Liuyun Teahouse, six of them.

During the daytime performances, the three groups took turns to perform, but after all, most of the audience went to Su Ze, so Su Ze and Li Songling performed more frequently.

"The cross talk this afternoon was simply amazing!"

Guo Yun just drank some wine, his alcohol capacity is not good, his face turned red after drinking a glass of wine, at this time he shook his head with the wine glass and said: "If you want to say that among the cross talk actors who are still on stage in the whole of China, I am The person I admire the most is Brother Su! How talented! Tell me, why can’t I write such a good cross talk?”

"Su Ze's talent is indeed rare in the world." Li Songling nodded in sympathy.

Although he had seen Su Ze's talent through several cross talks before, his feeling today is undoubtedly more profound.Because it took only two hours from Su Ze posting the text Weibo saying that he wanted to fight against the three vulgarities to the time he came up with the cross talk script of "I want to fight against the three vulgarities"!
two hours!Wrote such a long cross talk script!
And the quality of the script is so high!
When Su Ze showed them the script, don't mention how wonderful the expressions of these people are!
The cross talk script was written so quickly and so well, it was the first time they met!They can scold at such a level, which is unheard of by them!

"However, brother Su, you scolded Fan Xiaoqiang so badly on Weibo, will it have any adverse effects on your participation in the show? Is there any news from "Comedy Star"?" Su Ze was thinking about this.

"It's okay." Su Ze shook his head with a smile. In fact, he had communicated with Shi Quan, the director of "Comedy Star" before posting it on Weibo after recording "I Want to Fight the Three Customs" this afternoon.

Shi Quan didn't have a good impression of Fan Xiaoqiang. At the beginning, Fan Xiaoqiang suddenly announced his withdrawal before the recording of the show, which brought great trouble to Shi Quan and almost caused the recording of "Comedy Star" to fail. With Su Ze's appearance, I am afraid that there may be a program accident.

Although many trolls besieged the official Weibo of Beijing TV Station, the official Weibo of "Comedy Star" and even Shi Quan's personal Weibo on this day, Shi Quan remained indifferent.

Because first of all, although Su Ze's cross talk is not of any educational significance, it is not so vulgar and vulgar, and it can completely pass the official department's review.Then, everyone knows that the current ratings of "Comedy Star" can be said to be carried by Su Ze alone!If the program group kicks Su Ze out, then he can be sure that the ratings of "Comedy Star" will experience a Waterloo-like decline!

Secondly, for a variety show, being attacked is not necessarily a bad thing.As long as you don't get caught by the deadly handle, as long as you can stand firm in the attack, it is best to fight back fiercely like Su Ze, then not only can the crisis be resolved, but Su Ze and even the "comedy" can be brought to life through this matter. The entire program of "Star" became a hot topic on the Internet, which actually promoted the publicity of the program!
Little do they know that whenever a movie is about to be released, or a TV series is about to be broadcast, there will often be gossip news about the male and female leading actors being rumored to be scandalous, which is actually for the purpose of publicity.

The audience doesn't care what you did, whether the gossip is true or not, they just want to watch it for fun.What the film director team and the variety show team have to do is to let the audience remember the name of the movie and the program while watching the gossip.

Therefore, Shi Quan was not afraid of this at all, and encouraged Su Ze to create a better program for the next competition on the phone.

"It's broken!" Shi Wenguang, who was fiddling with the phone next to him, suddenly called out, "Su Ze, check Teacher Jiang Shen's Weibo!"

(End of this chapter)

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