star wife loves me

Chapter 199 I Love You!

Chapter 199 I Love You!

Chapter [-] I like you!

"Ah?" Su Ze was stunned, and the phone had already been hung up.

I'll go, what's the matter, Liu Yan came to pick me up?

Liu Yan came to pick me up!

Su Ze was startled, and rushed towards the gate 2 of the airport like a rabbit, and shouted at Yu Zhongrui while running: "Brother Yu, I'm leaving first, I'll contact you tomorrow!"

"Hey hey——" Yu Zhongrui was stunned, and by the time he realized it, Su Ze had already rushed out of the airport.

"This guy!" Yu Zhongrui looked helpless, looked at the stunned staff around him, and said with a wry smile: "Come on, let's find a hotel to rest early, we have another day to work tomorrow!"

Su Ze can go to the signing meeting in the afternoon, but these staff members have to rush over in the morning to arrange and prepare.

Su Ze rushed out, turned left from Exit 2, and saw a red car after 100 meters. He didn't look at the license plate number, but saw a woman wearing a mask and sunglasses sitting in the driving seat. , my heart suddenly rose to my throat, excited and a little nervous.

Liu Yan in the car pointed to the back row, and Su Ze opened the door of the back row and got in. He laughed and said, "Why did you come to pick me up in person? I thought it was Zhou An'an."

"If you don't like it, you can go down." Liu Yan's voice was indifferent, without looking back at Su Ze, she started the car and started slowly.

"I'm happy! Of course I'm happy! It's too late for me to be happy! Hehe!" Su Ze licked his face and asked, "Are you busy these days? How is the preparation for the new album going?"

"It's okay." Liu Yan said.

"Oh, have you been to any programs recently?"


"Ahem, what, my signing event this afternoon was held very well, many people attended, and the online response was also very good."


Liu Yan's non-salty tone made Su Ze choke enough, he scratched his head, "When I came out just now, Yu Zhongrui answered the phone, and it seemed that the first-day sales volume of "Lian Lian Feng Chen" was 8 copies , I don’t know if this result is good or bad.”

This time, Liu Yan's tone finally fluctuated, and she asked in surprise, "How much?"

"8, um, that should be the number." Su Ze said, and asked curiously, "How is the result? Is it too bad?"

"Too bad?" Liu Yan said angrily, "Do you know how much my album sold on the first day?"

"How much?" Su Ze asked, but he was secretly happy in his heart, my God, he was finally able to chat normally.

"[-] copies! It's much worse than you!" Liu Yan said, and then she was silent for a while: "If your record sales can maintain this momentum, you might be able to win the championship of China Entertainment's record sales this year. If If you can win, not only the Golden Dolphin Award at the end of the year, but also the Golden Melody Award next year will probably be yours!"

"Is that good?" Su Ze asked in surprise.

"En." Liu Yan nodded.

"It's okay, do a good job on your album, maybe it's even better than mine." Su Ze smiled.

"It's hard." Liu Yan said.

"It's okay, I'll write a song for you!" Su Ze patted his chest.

"Need not."

"I don't charge you money! You are not happy with such a good thing that comes to your door?"

"I don't dare to ask for money if I don't charge it. Who knows what it is?"

"The quality is guaranteed! Actually, I wrote a song a few days ago, why don't I sing it to you now?" Su Ze said, cleared his throat, and prepared to sing.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yan said coldly: "No, you'd better keep it for someone else, I can't afford the big gift from your old man."

Well, with this tone again, Su Ze smiled wryly: "Who else can I give the song I wrote for you?"

"Give love to whoever!"

"No one to send..."

"Oh? Didn't that Jiang Yu finish making a movie? Now everyone pays attention to film and television songs. You are so talented. Write a few songs for her and make her a singer?" Liu Yan said.

I knew it was so!
I knew it!

Su Ze scratched his head vigorously: "Well, Jiang Yu and I are just ordinary friends."

"Hehe, what is your relationship with Jiang Yu, and what is your relationship with me?"

"I..." Su Ze looked at Liu Yan's face from the rearview mirror, and looked at her sunglasses. He couldn't see her expression clearly, nor could she see her eyes.

Woman, woman, your mind is always so difficult to guess.

It's ridiculous that he was still instilling chicken soup for the soul to the fans in the afternoon, but when it's his turn, it's not the same?Confused and flustered, uneasy.

Su Ze really wanted to say, Liu Yan, I like you, can you be my girlfriend?

But all along, he just lacked the courage to make the final move.

And now, in this situation, he didn't know if Liu Yan was really angry. If he really felt disgusted with him because of this, wouldn't he hit the gunpoint by confessing his love at this time?But if Liu Yan came to pick her up again, maybe it meant that she wasn't that angry, but just put on a show?In that case, if you don't confess your love, wouldn't it be a waste of another opportunity?
Oh, it's so difficult!
Su Ze scratched his head hard, struggling all the way.

"Here we are, get out of the car." Liu Yan's voice brought Su Ze back to his senses. He looked up and found that the car had already driven into a community.

This is an ordinary community with high-rise buildings and more than a dozen small double-storey single-family houses. Liu Yan's house is one of them.

The car stopped, Liu Yan took Su Ze into the room, took off the mask and sunglasses, and pointed left and right expressionlessly: "The first floor is the living room, the kitchen, there is something in the refrigerator in the kitchen, if you haven't had dinner yet, You can cook something for yourself. The bedroom is on the second floor..."

She took Su Ze upstairs, "This is the room for you, over there is my bedroom."

She looked at Su Ze, "It's very late, if there's nothing else, I'll go to rest, you should go to bed earlier."

"It's something!" Su Ze said.

"Say." Liu Yan looked at him quietly, without any emotion in her eyes.

"I..." Su Ze felt that he really couldn't help it anymore, those words stuck in his throat just like his thumping heart.

Liu Yan waited for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled mockingly, turned around and walked towards her bedroom.

"Liu Yan!" Su Ze shouted.

Liu Yan stopped, but didn't turn her head to look at Su Ze.

"I...I...let me sing you a song, the one I wrote for you!" Su Ze looked at Liu Yan's back nervously and expectantly.

Liu Yan was silent for a while, "Okay, you can sing."

"Huh—huh—" Su Ze panted heavily, calming down his emotions. After a while, he felt that his breath had stabilized, so he opened his mouth softly.

"I never resisted your charms,"

"Though you were never fascinated by me,"

"I always look at you with a smile,"

"My affection is always easily overflowing in my eyes,"

"I used to think in lonely nights,"

"You finally care in my room,"

"You closed your eyes and kissed me,"

"Hold me tightly in your arms without saying a word..."

Su Ze looked at Liu Yan's back, and his originally excited mood became calmer at this moment.

At this moment, while singing the song "Reserved", many scenes of him and Liu Yan being together came to mind in his mind.

When shopping together, when eating together, when participating in shows together, when singing together...

Her sad look, her happy look, her cheerful look, her sleeping look, her mature look, her cute look...

To be honest, the two of them haven’t known each other for a long time, and they haven’t spent much time together, but fate is such a magical thing, some people stay with you for several years, and you don’t feel anything, but some When you see someone for the first time, you will think that she is the only one.

"I love you, I love you to the end,"

"For the first time in my life, I let go of my reserve,"

"Let yourself fantasize about me and you..."

Su Ze used to have a lot of worries. He was afraid that the two of them would not be able to get together because of the difference in status and age, and he was also afraid that Liu Yan would just regard him as a good friend.

He was even more worried that he would have a bad influence on Liu Yan and affect her career development and life.

So even when he felt Liu Yan's friendship for him, he never said that.

He wanted to wait, wait for a suitable time and opportunity, wait until he became famous, and wait until he could love her on an equal footing without being gossiped.

But this misunderstanding made Su Ze understand a truth.

Some things can wait, but feelings cannot.

Feelings will slowly ferment over time, but they will also gradually pass away because of time.

You never know what will happen tomorrow, and it will create a gap between two people who like each other.

Moreover, although he is still young, he still has a lot of time to wait, but what about Liu Yan?

She is 30 years old, she is also a woman, her emotions are delicate and sensitive, can she stand the waiting day after day and year after year?
Ambiguity is beautiful, but ambiguity is also full of pain and torture.

"You love me, you love me to the end,"

"For the first time in my life, I let go of my reserve,"

"Believe that I can really love you deeply..."

Su Ze doesn't want to hide his true feelings in his heart anymore. Maybe today's confession will fail, but he will never regret it.

Some things are not said when they should be said, but there is no chance when they want to say them. This is the greatest tragedy.

and so--

"Liu Yan, I like you, will you be my girlfriend?"

Su Ze finally said this sentence, as if he had exerted all his strength.

When Su Ze sang, Liu Yan stood there without moving, but when Su Ze said this sentence, Liu Yan's body trembled obviously.

But, she still didn't turn her head around.

Su Ze didn't speak, just stood there quietly, waiting for Liu Yan's reply.


Liu Yan finally spoke, her voice trembling slightly: "...Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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