star wife loves me

Chapter 200 I got hit by a wall!

Chapter 200 I got hit by a wall!

Chapter [-] I got hit by a wall!

Like a drop of spring rain.

Like a handful of rain.

Excited, Su Ze rushed over and hugged Liu Yan tightly from behind. He looked at Liu Yan's face, but found two lines of tears hanging on Liu Yan's face.

"Liu Yan, I..."

Su Ze was moved and ashamed. He was about to say something, but Liu Yan suddenly turned around, pushed him with both hands, and pressed him against the wall!
Then, she stood on tiptoe, closed her eyes and kissed her fiercely!

Su Ze's eyes widened, and before he had time to react, he felt a small tongue recklessly and clumsily inserted into his own mouth from those two soft lips.

In an instant, all kinds of emotions were left behind by Su Ze, and he also closed his eyes, hugging Liu Yan tightly.

What a long kiss.

Until Su Ze felt that he was almost out of breath, he hugged Liu Yan's waist with one hand, and slid to Liu Yan's leg with the other hand, trying to carry Liu Yan into the bedroom.

But Liu Yan suddenly pushed him away, and said with a pretty face, "I'm going to sleep!"

Then he ran back to his bedroom and closed the door with a "bang", leaving only Su Ze standing outside alone in a mess.

"……"what's the situation?
Su Ze was in a daze, I'm going to fuck you, big sister, you are playing with me, I'm so emotional, you went to sleep by yourself?
You went to bed, but can I still sleep?
Su Ze wants to hit the wall!

But the tightly closed door was also reminding him that he would never want to go in tonight.

Su Ze let out a long sigh, and went back to the bedroom. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Originally, he confessed to himself, but according to the script, it shouldn't be his confession. Liu Yan agreed, and then hugged Liu Yan for a long and affectionate kiss. ?How could it be that Liu Yan pushed herself against the wall and kissed her?
and many more!

If I'm not mistaken, I am... being wall-donged?
Oh my God!
The more Su Ze thought about it, the more confused he became. After washing his face, he got into bed, and the phone rang again, and it was from Liu Yan.

Just these two steps, if you have anything to say, it would be great for you to come and say, we can also talk about our ideals and life together, haven't we slept together before, it's very good!
Why did this become a boyfriend and a girlfriend instead of being separated?
Where is the trust between people?
Su Ze connected the phone, and Liu Yan asked softly, "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to calm the fire in my heart, but it's so fierce, I feel like I'm about to be burned, and I need someone to come and rescue me right now," Su Ze said.

"Bah!" Liu Yan spat softly, "Rogue."

"Who is the hooligan?" Su Ze was unhappy, "Obviously you molested me first!"

"I just molested you, what's the matter?" Liu Yan snorted softly, her tone was so gentle and gentle at this time, and she was a little savage and cute, she was clearly a little girl in love, there was nothing wrong with her What does the 30-year-old queen look like?
"It's good to moleste, welcome to moleste again." Su Ze laughed and said, "Why don't I go to your room and ask you to moleste again?"


"You're the rogue."

"You are rogue."



"you you you……"

"you you you you you……"

The IQs of the two guys who had just fallen in love fell to zero, and after arguing "you you you" for a long time, Su Ze suddenly called out: "Daughter-in-law..."

"Ah?" Liu Yan was taken aback, "What's your name?"

"I call you daughter-in-law!" Su Ze said.

"We... we just fell in love..."

"You will definitely marry me." Su Ze took a deep breath, "Definitely!"

"I..." Liu Yan seemed to find it difficult to think about important matters such as marriage for a while, she was silent for a while, and said, "What's the name of the song you sang today?"


"I want this song."

"It was originally given to you!"



"But I still want one more song. There were two of your songs in the last album, "Red Bean" and "Human World". Let's have two songs this time!"

"Can't you add a few more songs? Maybe you can win another Golden Melody Award!" Su Ze laughed.

"Two songs are enough." Liu Yan said, "You have to write me two songs for each of my albums in the future."

"Okay, I'll write for you forever." Su Ze said.

"I heard that you wrote a lot of poems to fans at the signing event today?" Liu Yan asked.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"I also want you to write me a song." Liu Yan said.

"Then I'll write to you now!"

"it is good!"

Su Ze thought for a while and read softly.

"You are old and gray and sleepy,"

"Sit down by the fire, and take down this book,"

"Read it slowly, chasing the eyes of the dream back then,"

"Your soft look and deep shadows."

"How many people have loved your fleeting figure,"

"loved your beauty, with falsehood or truth,"

"Only one ever loved you with the heart of a pilgrim,"

"I love the traces of time on your mournful face..."


That night, Su Ze slept very restlessly. He was a little excited after he confessed successfully. He tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep, and then woke up before six o'clock in the morning.

Get up and wash, after tidying up, Liu Yan's door is still open.

Su Ze came to the kitchen downstairs, opened the refrigerator, looked at the contents, then went out to find a supermarket not far away to buy some other things, and started to get busy.

Peanut Butter Seaweed Pasta, French Toast, Fruit Platter, Seaweed Egg Drop Soup...

When Su Ze finished everything, the sleepy Liu Yan went downstairs in her pajamas, and then she saw a table of breakfast, and Su Ze in an apron. She rubbed her eyes and her mouth became surprised. "O" shape: "Wow! So rich!"

"Come and eat." Su Ze smiled.

"But I haven't brushed my teeth yet." Liu Yan pouted.

"It doesn't matter." Su Ze smiled and picked up a strawberry to feed Liu Yan. Seeing Liu Yan eating the strawberry, she couldn't help lowering her head and kissing Liu Yan's small mouth.

"Cut~ it's early in the morning, don't be shy." Liu Yan smiled and said, "I'm going to wash up!"

After a while, Liu Yan came downstairs after washing and dressing up. The two had breakfast together, and then Su Ze followed Liu Yan to her recording studio.As one of the head artists of Tianyu Records, Liu Yan owns a luxurious private recording studio, and when they arrived here, Zhou An'an was already there.

"You two, how did you play yesterday?" Zhou Anan winked and smiled badly.

"No comment!" Su Ze chuckled, and Liu Yan also smiled and remained silent.

Now it was Zhou An'an's turn to be surprised, her eyes widened instantly: "I'll go! No way! You two are serious!"

"Are you serious or not? Hurry up and call an assistant for me. Su Ze has written two new songs for me. I want to compose and record them." Liu Yan pushed Zhou An'an out.

"No, no!" Zhou Anan yelled, turned to look at Su Ze, and asked softly in Liu Yan's ear, "What's wrong with you two?"

Liu Yan's face turned red all of a sudden, and she pinched Zhou An'an's arm: "What are you talking about, girl, no!"

"Oh, that's okay, that's okay... As a woman, you must be reserved, reserved!"

While Zhou Anan instructed Liu Yan earnestly, one hand was quietly put behind his back, and he gave Su Ze a middle finger behind him!
I rely on rely on!



That is to say, for the sake of not following you as a light bulb yesterday, my buddy will spare you this time!
After a while, several tuners, accompanist teachers in the recording studio, and even the producer of this album, Zhang Yunpeng, a well-known producer in Huaxia, also came. I heard that Su Ze wrote two new songs for Liu Yan , they are also looking forward to it.After all, they have seen "Red Bean" and "Human World" in Liu Yan's last album!

But this time, besides the song "Reserved" yesterday, the song Su Ze took out was "I Do".

Su Ze said that the inspiration for this song came from what Liu Yan said when she agreed to be her girlfriend last night, which made Liu Yan shy for a long time.

"Willing for you, I'm willing for you,"

"I'm willing for you, forget my name,"

"Even if it lasts a second, stay in your arms,"

"It's not a pity to lose the world..."

"I would be for you, I would be for you,"

"I am willing to be exiled to the sky for you,"

"As long as you are sincere, respond with love to me,"

"Anything, anything, for you..."

When Liu Yan sang this song affectionately, everyone in the room was stunned.

These two songs written by Su Ze are so suitable for Liu Yan to sing, they are almost tailor-made!
Especially this song "I Do", when Liu Yan finished singing, the whole recording studio was quiet for a long time, and everyone seemed to be immersed in the obsessive artistic conception presented by this song.

Only once, the recording is successful!

After a while, the tuner in the room sighed softly, and said, "I suddenly thought of a sentence, people who want to take you home should go along the way. This song by Mr. Su is so hard to love someone. The mood is absolutely perfect, the lyrics and music are perfect!"

"With these two songs, Liu Yan's album is not only complete, but also sublimated to a new level!"

Zhang Yunpeng gave Su Ze a thumbs up, and then said: "By the way, I saw the copywritten by Mr. Su when he promoted "Lian Lian Feng Chen" on Weibo some time ago, and I liked it very much, so I thought, can you please Write a copy for Liu Yan?"

"This album should be called "I Do"!" Liu Yan took a deep look at Su Ze with a smile in the corner of her eyes.

"What is your Liu Yan, it's obviously my Liu Yan..." Su Ze complained in his heart, and said with a smile: "Since the album is called "I Do", then borrow the sentence just now, 'The person who wants to send you home , east, west, north, south, all on the same road,' I thought of a passage."

Su Ze picked up the pen and paper next to him and wrote——

"A fishbone stuck in your throat, but you still like to eat fish;"

"Been bitten by a dog and scratched by a cat, but you still love animals;"

"A mouth full of decayed teeth, but you are still addicted to sweets;"

"He abandoned you thousands of miles away, but you are still willing to travel thousands of miles to see him."

"The reason is the same - if you like it, you are willing."

(End of this chapter)

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