star wife loves me

Chapter 202 A generous gift from the fan club!

Chapter 202 A generous gift from the fan club!

Chapter [-] A generous gift from the fan club!

"There are still 10 minutes, there are still 10 minutes, ouch, how does time pass so slowly!"

In the office, Zhang Jiaxin looked at the time and felt extremely tormented.Su Ze's album signing will be held at two o'clock in the afternoon, and she and Xiao Cai will go to contact those people in the post bar, and then send Su Ze a surprise!

"Brother Wang, Brother Wang..." Zhang Jiaxin called Brother Wang in a low voice.

Brother Wang raised his head: "My lord, what are your orders?"

Since Su Ze's post bar has become more and more popular, Zhang Jiaxin, the bar owner, has also become more and more prestigious, so now the deputy bar owner, Brother Wang, has changed his name to "Bar Lord".

"How are you guys preparing?" Zhang Jiaxin asked.

Brother Wang made an "OK" gesture, "Everything is ready, there are 56 people in the Tieba fan group, and they must all arrive at May Fourth Square before one o'clock!"

Zhang Jiaxin nodded, and then complained with her mobile phone: "I don't know why Xiao Cai went there. I asked him and he ignored me. I don't know how their second group is preparing."

"There shouldn't be any problem with Xiao Cai. He is a young man with lots of energy, and he chats enthusiastically with the people in the post bar all day long. Unlike me, when I am older, I have to manage the post bar for you. It's too hard!" Wang said. Brother laughed.

"I'm just worried about it!" Zhang Jiaxin snorted softly: "Tell me about this Su Ze, we have worked so hard here to help him manage the post bar, and we are going to give him a surprise, but he is fine, and he clearly said it this morning. It’s so embarrassing to be able to get to Blue Island at nine o’clock, but not make a single phone call until now!”

"He's a big star, so he must be very busy. Besides, he must be very tired from holding signing parties these days, and he may have rested in the hotel." Wang Ge said with a smile.

"Hmph! You must blackmail him well later!"

Da da da……

Suddenly, there was a sound of high heels, and Zhang Jiaxin and Brother Wang, who were chatting, stopped quickly and made a gesture of going to work honestly.

It's just that Zhang Jiaxin's gaze was secretly aimed at the door, and he muttered strangely: "It's almost time to get off work, Director Liu is still here to check the post? It's too perverted!"

Soon, Liu Wei appeared at the door of the office with a smile on her face.

"Clap clap-"

Liu Wei clapped her hands, making the employees who were pretending to work raise their heads, and said with a smile, "It's almost time to get off work, I'm going to give you a gift!"

"Gift?" Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, with blank faces.

Why looking at the smiling expression of the leader, it feels like a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken?The gift that Deputy Director Liu mentioned should not be a salary deduction!

Looking at the bewildered faces, Liu Wei couldn't help but chuckle: "Okay, let's not keep it secret, and now I have a present for you all—the debut!"

Liu Wei took a step aside, Su Ze came forward from behind, and waved to the colleagues in the office with a smile: "Hi everyone, I'm back!"

The office was quiet for a while, then...

"Ahhh——Su Ze!"

"Xiao Su is back!"

"I'll go! Xiao Su is back!"

The office was filled with jubilation. No one expected that Su Ze would appear here. Brother Wang looked at Su Ze in surprise and joy, and Zhang Jiaxin's mouth was wide enough to stuff a duck egg!
"Okay, okay, now I announce that I will leave work early!" Liu Wei said with a smile: "Su Ze prepared a sumptuous meal for everyone in the cafeteria, let's go eat together!"


The people who were working "honestly" left their jobs without hesitation and rushed out the door!


"Brother Su, were you nervous when you participated in "The New Song of Dreams"?"

"Brother Su, how does it feel to sing with Liu Yan?"

"Xiao Su, I heard that a girl who participated in the show with you likes you and confessed to you, how are you doing now?"

"Su Ze Su Ze, I like your skits very much. The "Emotional Express" in the episode that just aired made me cry badly. Do you have a catalog for the next episode?"

In the cafeteria, Su Ze naturally became the protagonist, surrounded by enthusiastic colleagues, and even colleagues from other departments surrounded him one after another, and some people took pictures with their mobile phones. Soon, it was spread on the Internet that " Su Ze has arrived at Blue Island, having a happy lunch with his old colleagues at Blue Island Radio Station” news, as well as a photo of Su Ze holding chopsticks and stuffing vegetables into his mouth.

The meal was lively, everyone was eating and chatting, until one o'clock, Su Ze waved goodbye to everyone, and he was going to prepare for the signing.

Xiao Cai left early to get busy with his mysterious affairs. Before leaving, Zhang Jiaxin told him mysteriously for a long time, making it look like an underground party spy meeting.

Brother Wang drove Su Ze and Zhang Jiaxin to Landao Xinhua Bookstore in his second-hand car. This time, the album signing event was held at Landao Xinhua Bookstore.

When Su Ze and the others arrived at Xinhua Bookstore, there were already many fans queuing up in Xinhua Bookstore, and Xiaolong was directing the staff to maintain order.

In other words, since what Su Ze said to the fans at the signing event in Changsha was posted on the Internet, the order of the fans at the signing events in Shanghai and Guangdong was maintained very well, and the staff didn't have to worry about it at all. And the quality of Su Ze's fans surprised many people.

Brother Wang and Zhang Jiaxin became Su Ze's personal bodyguards. They stood on the left and right sides of Su Ze, looking around excitedly. grimace.

As soon as two o'clock arrived, the signing session started on time. Su Ze began to bury his head in signing, and chatted with fans from time to time. While signing, suddenly he heard a series of singing outside the door.

"Will you remember tomorrow,"

"The diary you wrote yesterday,"

"Are you still thinking about tomorrow?"

"You who used to cry the most..."

"You at the same table"?Everyone looked outside one after another, even Su Ze, who was signing the autograph, looked up.

Then he saw a group of people lined up side by side in two long lines, singing "You at the Same Table" loudly, and slowly walked into the bookstore.

These people are all young men and women around 20 years old, and quite a few of them should be college students, and in their hands, without exception, they hold small flags with Su Ze's profile picture and the seven words "Su Ze Post Bar Fan Club" printed on them— —Exactly the same as the small flag Su Ze saw in Changsha.

"The teachers can't remember,"

"You who can't guess the problem,"

"I also flipped through the photos by accident,"

"I just remembered you at the same table..."

These people sang loudly, walked into the bookstore, and lined up at the end of the line one by one. While singing, these young people waved the small flags in their hands to greet Su Ze who was looking at them and was a little stunned because of surprise.

And their leader is Xiao Cai!

This guy looked at the surprised Su Ze, and raised his eyebrows at Su Ze deliberately, with a smirk on his face!
"You were always careful,"

"Ask me to borrow half an eraser,"

"You also accidentally mentioned,"

"Like being with me..."

As the first song Su Ze sang when he participated in "Dream New Songs", "You at the Same Table" has already been sung very well, especially among Su Ze's fans, it can be said that almost no one can sing this song of.At this time, people from the fan group of Tieba came in singing, and the other fans who were queuing up were stunned for a moment, and then they all sang together.

Suddenly, a chorus of hundreds of people resounded throughout the Xinhua Bookstore.

"Whoever meets you who is sentimental,"

"Who comforts you who loves to cry,"

"Who read the letter I wrote to you?"

"Who threw it in the wind..."

The fans sang very happily. Su Ze sat there and listened quietly, feeling warm in his heart and very moved.

Once, when he saw some celebrities thanking fans with tears in their eyes, he always felt that those celebrities were too fake and they were all pretending.

But now, when his own eyes start to moisten, he finally understands that when you see so many people like you and support you, you are really moved to the point of crying!

They are willing to travel long distances to attend the signing event for you, queuing up for several hours just to have a short communication with you and get one of your autographs.In fact, is an obvious signature really worth much?Is it worth a lot?Not necessarily!

For many fans, they want your autograph, more to prove their existence as a fan!

And these Tieba fans even carefully prepared such a surprise as a gift for him, how could he remain indifferent to this?
Su Ze could no longer sit there, he stood up, listened quietly, and looked at these lovely people.

After a song was sung, the high-sung fans screamed and clapped at the same time. Su Ze bent down and bowed to thank everyone. At this moment, his voice was a little choked up, "Thank you! Thank you for your love! "

"Su Ze, we will always support you!" Xiao Cai shouted!
"Su Ze, we will always support you!"

"always support you!"

Fans shouted like a tsunami. At this moment, fans from all over the world finally felt that they were not alone, but a cohesive and loving group!

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" What else could Su Ze do besides keep saying thank you?

In a certain office of Xinhua Bookstore, Yu Zhongrui was overjoyed when he heard the news reported by his subordinates, and immediately ordered: "Go! Contact several big media websites and publicize today's events! It's really great! Through this Let’s hype up this matter, and the album sales of "Lian Lian Feng Chen" may reach another level!"

After the hustle and bustle, the album signing continued, and when the fans in front had signed, the fans from the Tieba fan club would be behind.

After signing a few people, a pale girl stood in front of Su Ze. She looked thin and seemed a little listless.

"Su Ze, I..."

Before she could finish her sentence, her body trembled suddenly, and then her legs gave way and she was about to fall down!
(End of this chapter)

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